Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Post 95 Summer Cookout - Sunday September 10th - I:PM

COOKOUT @ The Post Home
116 Kearsarge Rd · North Conway
Sunday · Sept 10th 2017 · 1:PM COOKOUT TICKET

# OF PEOPLE/LOBSTER _______ TOTAL-$ ________
# OF PEOPLE/STEAK _______ TOTAL-$ ________ 
CASH/CHECK TOTAL-$ ________________

Hamburgs, Hot Dogs and Corn on the Cob will also be available.
Please make checks payable to: AL POST 95

Mail to:
James Lefebvre
PO Box 749 Intervale,NH or 03845-0749 


Steve Robinson
108 Shepherds River Rd
Brownfield ME 04010-4761
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Checks must be received no later than September 3th, in order for us to order the Steaks & Lobsters, etc.Please return COOKOUT TICKET with your Payment and or Donation. “Thank You 

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