Past Post Meeting Minutes

Sept 8th, 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (1), Guests (1) Quorum Met

Officers Present:Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, Don Ekberg and Peter Payne

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. A quorum was present. The adjutant read the minutes from 25Aug. A motion was made by Don Ekberg to accept minutes as read, motion carries. Adjutant Robinson updated those present with the latest developments with post member Robert Adjutant. Robert was informed by a letter from motor vehicles that his license was suspended and was to appear at a hearing scheduled for the end of August. The hearing was postponed until more information can be brought forth via his guardian and Human Services. Mr. Adjutant has committed no crime, but still must prove he is worthy of a license. No information on when hearing is to be rescheduled. To free up monies Mr. Adjutant thought it would be best to relinquish the lease on his car and return it to the dealer. Mr. Adjutant has read/and or listened to books on coaching and has speaking experience. He is studying to be a life coach and eventually would like to have a business in that field.

Old Business: The commander is still waiting for a reply from Chief Preece on the written request made by the commander on an annual test as opposed to a quarterly test on the upstairs apartment sprinkler system. Eastern Fire will not install outside bell and associated wiring until the post receives the letter from Chief Preece. The commander will inform Eastern Fire that the post does not have the needed letter but will confront Chief Preece at the next budget committee meeting. John Pandora has left a message with Mr. McClaskey for an estimate to repair rotted window frame and is awaiting a return call. Commander Lefebvre will wait until after the primaries before approaching General Bolduc or any other candidate running for office about speaking at this years Veterans Day ceremony in Schouler Park. The commander will also contact Post 46 on the plans for Veterans Day and ask if Post 46 will want to take part in ceremonies.

Commander Lefebvre and Karl Pfeil have committed to be in attendance for the 9/11 ceremony in Schouler Park. The adjutant gave the commander flags to distribute at the ceremony.

Next meeting 22Sept. at 1900

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant


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Post Officer Report:

Commander: James Lefebvre PO Box 749 Intervale, NH 03845 H 603 356 7296 C 703 447 5313

1st Vice: Karl Pfeil PO Box 417 North Conway NH 03860
H 603 730 5265 C 978 835 1839

2nd Vice: John Edgerton 320 Potter Rd Center Conway NH 03813 H 603 447 8520 C603 340 1002

Judge Advocate: Don Ekberg PO Box 225 Kearsarge NH 03847
H 603 733 5303 W 603 356 5421

Adjutant/FO: Steve Robinson 108 Shepherds River Rd Brownfield ME 04010 C 207 615 2317

Chaplain: Peter Payne 107 Hiram Hill Hiram ME 04041
H 207 625 7486 C 207 739 0571

Service Officer: Warren(Roger) Blake PO Box 67 North Conway NH 03860 C 978 994 7935

August 25th, 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present:Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, Peter Payne, Don Ekberg  and Roger Blake 

Post Business:Acting Commander Karl Pfeil called the meeting to order at 1900. A quorum was present.

The adjutant read the minutes from 11Aug. A motion was made by Don Ekberg to accept minutes as read, motion carries. Karl and John Edgerton followed up with Fire Department chief Preece on a reply needed to the letter sent by commander Lefebvre. John and Karl were assured that an answer will be forth coming shortly. Commander Jim got the approval from the selectmen on holding a Veterans Day ceremony in Schouler Park. There will be no parade. The post is hoping to line up a guest speaker for the ceremony. Any members you have suggestions for a guest speaker please let commander Jim or the adjutant know. General Don Bolduc was a mention. Bolduc is currently running for the US Senate against Jeanne Shaheen. The rotted window frame facing the handicap ramp is in need of replacing, John Pandora will ask Mr. McClaskey. McClaskey was the one that performed work on the post roof and siding a few years ago.
Subject came up regarding the Berlin Vet Center and use of post. Berlin vet center has not been using the post for counseling due to covid. No one has been in contact with the Vet Center on whether use of post will continue. They are currently locked out and will need to contact a post member to gain access but only if they are willing to pay the usage fee the post has imposed. No resolution has been made on the usage fee, and if the vet Center is NOT willing to pay then. likely they will need to find another place to hold counseling services.
Post member Steve Woodcock has been in contact with the police and fire departments and the 9/11 ceremony in Schouler Park will happen again this year to carry on the tradition. 
Motion made by Don Ekberg to approve up to $100.00 for purchase of flowers for ceremony. Motion passed. The post will donate $100.00 towards flowers for the ceremony and will also allot flags to hand out. Any members available to help out or participate please meet at the park by 830am on the 11th.

Next meeting 8th of Sept. at 1900 Will be a formal meeting Face masks are encouraged. Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant

Post Officer Report:

Commander: James Lefebvre PO Box 749 Intervale, NH 03845 H 603 356 7296 C 703 447 5313

1st Vice: Karl Pfeil PO Box 417 North Conway NH 03860
H 603 730 5265 C 978 835 1839

2nd Vice: John Edgerton 320 Potter Rd Center Conway NH 03813 H 603 447 8520 C603 340 1002

Judge Advocate: Don Ekberg PO Box 225 Kearsarge NH 03847
H 603 733 5303 W 603 356 5421

Adjutant/FO: Steve Robinson 108 Shepherds River Rd Brownfield ME 04010 C 207 615 2317

Chaplain: Peter Payne 107 Hiram Hill Hiram ME 04041
H 207 625 7486 C 207 739 0571

Service Officer: Warren(Roger) Blake PO Box 67 North Conway NH 03860 C 978 994 7935 flatironcrs@juno.comRespectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant
– Adjutant
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 

August 11th, 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (1), Guests (1) Quorum Met

Officers Present:Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, Don Ekberg  and Roger Blake 

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. A quorum was present. The adjutant read the minutes from 28Jul. A motion was made by Don Ekberg to accept minutes as read, motion carries. Our guest introduced himself as Army Vet Jason Skinner. Jason is currently member of Pelham post 100 and has moved recently to North Conway and wishes to transfer to post 95. Terry McCarthy approached Commander Jim and expressed her displeasure on a lack of an invite for her and Frank to Dave Haskell’s surprise birthday party. Jim apologized and ensured her it would not happen again. The commander also called Dave Haskell and apologized to him for not inviting Frank and Terry to his birthday party. On that note it is now the protocol to include all former post commanders to social functions.

On the 18th of Aug at 1600 in the Marshall Gym located at the Conway Middle School, the commander is meeting with the board of selectman to discuss the possibility of having a Veterans Day ceremony in Schouler Park. A parade is not likely but a small ceremony in the park with a guest speaker could be a possibility.
Commander Jim has sent the letter to Conway fire chief requesting an annual test of the post apartment sprinkler system as opposed to a quarterly test, along with a 2-year waiver on a monitoring service. He also asked Eastern Fire to install the audible alarm and associated wiring sometime in September. Since the post meeting room has not been deep cleaned in sometime, the commander asked John Pandora to approach his granddaughter Jordan, on employing her services to clean meeting room. John said he would Friday this week. The commander again noted that the window facing the handicap ramp is in dire need of being removed and re-framed. The current frame is rotting away and needs to be removed and replaced before this winter, If any members out there have carpentry experience, it is suggested you contact the commander or adjutant if interested in doing this much needed work,
John Pandora will be turning 90 this week with a birthday celebration starting at 1300 this coming Saturday in his backyard.
Commander Jim will be making another trip to Texas and will be out of the area from the 20
th of August to the 5th of September.

Next meeting 25th of August at 1900 Will be a formal meeting Face masks are encouraged. Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant

Post Officer Report:

Commander: James Lefebvre PO Box 749 Intervale, NH 03845 H 603 356 7296 C 703 447 5313

1st Vice: Karl Pfeil PO Box 417 North Conway NH 03860
H 603 730 5265 C 978 835 1839

2nd Vice: John Edgerton 320 Potter Rd Center Conway NH 03813 H 603 447 8520 C603 340 1002

Judge Advocate: Don Ekberg PO Box 225 Kearsarge NH 03847
H 603 733 5303 W 603 356 5421

Adjutant/FO: Steve Robinson 108 Shepherds River Rd Brownfield ME 04010 C 207 615 2317

Chaplain: Peter Payne 107 Hiram Hill Hiram ME 04041
H 207 625 7486 C 207 739 0571

Service Officer: Warren(Roger) Blake PO Box 67 North Conway NH 03860 C 978 994 7935 flatironcrs@juno.comRespectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant
– Adjutant
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 

July 28th, 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present:Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton, and Roger Blake 

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. A quorum was present. The adjutant read the minutes from 14Jul and noted that John Pandora

Unfinished Business:As a result of Commander Jim’s dialogue with TACOM, they decided NOT to pursue the missing rifles, mainly because they have no official record from the post signing off the rifles. The post will be responsible for the current rifles in inventory, TACOM has a list of the current rifles sent to them by the adjutant. The original request for blank ammo will be expediated and delivered to the adjutant’s place of work. The post will not ask for any additional rifles at this time. The post wants to add 3 more rifles, and will make that request at a later time. A copy of the dialogue will be filed at post.

The worn flags collected at the post will need to be burned. However, the gravel pit used in the past to burn flags is under new ownership and has work being done. A new spot will need to be sought along with permission to use is something Larry and Chet from the honor guard is working to obtain. Jim showed a potential renter the apartment along with her parents early today and the young lady really liked the apartment and wants to move in as quickly as possible. A discussion was made on what to charge for rent. A motion was made by John Pandora to charge $950/month with a lease for the 1st year. Motion was seconded by Steve Robinson, motion carries. An old copy of the lease was given to Don Ekberg for updating. The applicant is the daughter of Don Ekberg’s paralegal. The applicant will be given permission to move in on the 1st of August.
Roger Blake has been in contact with Eastern Fire about the unfinished work that needs to be done to the sprinkler system and brought up to NFPA standards. A representative from Eastern Fire inspected the system along with the sprinklers in the apartment. The representative stated that the system was intact less the water control switch NOT being wired in to an audible alarm.
The representative from Eastern Fire suspected that the system never had an acceptance test performed.
A quote “Not to Exceed” was submitted to Jim Lefebvre by Eastern Fire. The price to install a 6” bell and wire to the sprinkler flow switch is not to exceed $880.00. The adder to install proper wiring to a dedicated breaker in the panel box would not exceed $280.00

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After the inspection was complete, Roger went to discuss the results with Conway Fire Chief Pat Preece. The fire department is typically present when an acceptance test is done. And according to NFPA standards, sprinklers systems in residential areas are to be tested quarterly. Pat agreed to test the system only once a year after the system is installed and also waive the required monitoring system for two years. The monitoring system would require a phone line and have the tamper switches activated on the system. These requests must be presented formally and mailed to Chief Preece and he would approve and sign off the requests. Commander Jim will personally make the requests.

Motion made by Don Ekberg to accept proposal from Eastern Fire, second by Karl Pfeil. Motion carries.

Commander Jim will be making another trip to Texas and will be out of the area from the 20th of August to the 5th of September.

Next meeting 11th of August at 1900 Will be a formal meeting Face masks are encouraged. Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant

July 14th, 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present:Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton, Roger Blake and Peter Payne

Post Business: A post priority is to prepare the upstairs apartment for rental. At the start of the meeting Peter Payne and John Pandora went to inspect the apartment. Adjutant Robinson shared the latest information on Robert Adjutant. Robert has a been a client at the mental hospital in Concord for the last few months. Robert will be leaving the hospital in late July with help from the VA he will move to Tamworth NH and reside in an apartment there. Robert will also plan to have his stomach hernia removed prior to looking for any full-time work.

John Pandora’s granddaughter will be asked to deep clean the apartment and John will find out how much she will charge for her service. John was given a set of keys to the apartment to allow access for his granddaughter. The goal is to have the apartment ready to rent by the 1st of Aug.
Roger Blake has been in contact with Eastern Fire who drew up the plans for the apartment sprinkler system. Roger was told that the sprinkler system should have an audible alarm as part of the installation package. 
The apartment sprinkler system was installed by John Pandora’s son and currently has no audible alarm. John Pandora will have his son contact Roger Blake and see what can be done about having an alarm installed. Also, according to the NFPA standards the sprinkler should also have some type of monitoring system/service. The monitoring system would need a phone line, the post has a phone line but is disconnected. In the event of a fire the fire department can be properly notified with a monitoring service. This may involve hiring a monitoring service that can contact the fire department and key post individuals in case of a fire.
Latest financial report read by the adjutant disclosed $3091.00 in checking account and 88G in investments. Upcoming expenses would include the monthly budget plan with B&L Oil, quarterly payment for insurance and dues for our Adopt A Vets and Honorary Life Members.
Post member Doug Swett fell and fractured his hip, after a few weeks of physical therapy he is back home recovering but struggles with mobility.
Adjutant Robinson and Karl Pfeil will work together and reach out to members who have NOT paid their 2020 dues and have been regular in dues payments in the past.
The commander has attempted to reach US Army TACOM with a phone call and resolve the open request made for blank ammo. TACOM informed the post that 5 ceremonial rifles originally issued to the post in 1984 were not on the current inventory list the adjutant sent to TACOM. The missing

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rifles need to be accounted for before TACOM can fulfill our request for more blank ammo. The commander hopes to have this resolved in the next few days.
The post Honor Guard has been asked to be present for funeral services Friday the 17
th of July for Bartlett resident and Air Force veteran Burt George. Karl Chandler asked if the honor guard could borrow the 16ft tents the post has for the ceremony to be held the Veterans Park. Karl will pick up tents Thursday and set up in the park.

The Berlin Vet Center has not been using the post for counseling due to COVID and since the locks have all been changed, it is likely they will have no access to the post when the time does come when they decide to start counseling services. The Vet Center has not contacted any members of the post regarding counseling services.

The Boy Scouts meet at the post 4 times a year and can gain access via John Edgerton. John informed us that the scouts now have 6 boys and 6 girls.
John Edgerton will contact Joe Riddensdale and seek more information about the School to Career summer camps. In the past Post 95 and the VFW have contributed monies for scholarships. Due to COVID the summer camps have been restricted.

Next meeting 28th July 1900 Will be a formal meeting Face masks are encouraged. Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – AdjutantAdjutant Robinson went over the financial report. Expenses are depleting the checking account due to the post having no income from the upstairs apartment. It was voted that $2000.00 would be transferred into the checking account from the investment account. Peter Payne has agreed to look at the apartment and make any repairs needed for the next occupant. The sprinkler system for apartment has no audible alarm in the event of a fire, post member Roger Blake will make inquiries and possibly obtain quotes on having an audible alarm installed. Commander Lefebvre shared the results of the post appraisal performed in March by Ed Jones of Remax. High end price for post home was 175,000 and low-end price was 155,000. Reason for the low price is the amount of investment needed to upgrade post home for any type of revenue or residential use. These figures may be lower than what most expected but is reality especially if no monies are put into home prior to selling. No other appraisals were sought.
Conway Rec Department needed to replace the POW/MIA flag in Schouler Park prior to Memorial Day. The Commander told the Rec Department to send Post 95 the invoice. Invoice was for $88.00 and Mary sent the Rec Department a check for reimbursement.
Roger Blake has been finishing up painting the wheelchair ramp and noticed that at least one window sill facing Kearsarge Street is rotten and in need of repair. And front of post could use a coat of paint.
Steve Woodcock has once again offered his time on Flag Day (June 14
th) to open post home and collect worn flags from the community. Steve will be at post to collect flags from 1PM to 4PM.

Adjutant Robinson will order another gross of flags along with 24 grave markers since we are in low supply.
Next meeting 14th July 1900 Meetings are to follow WHO guidelines and distancing. Face masks are encouraged.

Post Officer Report:

Commander: James Lefebvre PO Box 749 Intervale, NH 03845 H 603 356 7296 C 703 447 5313

1st Vice: Karl Pfeil PO Box 417 North Conway NH 03860
H 603 730 5265 C 978 835 1839

2nd Vice: John Edgerton 320 Potter Rd Center Conway NH 03813 H 603 447 8520 C603 340 1002

Judge Advocate: Don Ekberg PO Box 225 Kearsarge NH 03847
H 603 733 5303 W 603 356 5421

Adjutant/FO: Steve Robinson 108 Shepherds River Rd Brownfield ME 04010 C 207 615 2317

Chaplain: Peter Payne 107 Hiram Hill Hiram ME 04041
H 207 625 7486 C 207 739 0571

Service Officer: Warren(Roger) Blake PO Box 67 North Conway NH 03860 C 978 994 7935 flatironcrs@juno.comRespectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant
– Adjutant
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 

June 9th, 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (4), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present:Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Don Ekberg, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton, Roger Blake and Peter Payne

Post Business: Adjutant Robinson went over the financial report. Expenses are depleting the checking account due to the post having no income from the upstairs apartment. It was voted that $2000.00 would be transferred into the checking account from the investment account. Peter Payne has agreed to look at the apartment and make any repairs needed for the next occupant. The sprinkler system for apartment has no audible alarm in the event of a fire, post member Roger Blake will make inquiries and possibly obtain quotes on having an audible alarm installed. Commander Lefebvre shared the results of the post appraisal performed in March by Ed Jones of Remax. High end price for post home was 175,000 and low-end price was 155,000. Reason for the low price is the amount of investment needed to upgrade post home for any type of revenue or residential use. These figures may be lower than what most expected but is reality especially if no monies are put into home prior to selling. No other appraisals were sought.
Conway Rec Department needed to replace the POW/MIA flag in Schouler Park prior to Memorial Day. The Commander told the Rec Department to send Post 95 the invoice. Invoice was for $88.00 and Mary sent the Rec Department a check for reimbursement.
Roger Blake has been finishing up painting the wheelchair ramp and noticed that at least one window sill facing Kearsarge Street is rotten and in need of repair. And front of post could use a coat of paint.
Steve Woodcock has once again offered his time on Flag Day (June 14
th) to open post home and collect worn flags from the community. Steve will be at post to collect flags from 1PM to 4PM.

Adjutant Robinson will order another gross of flags along with 24 grave markers since we are in low supply.
Next meeting 14th July 1900 Meetings are to follow WHO guidelines and distancing. Face masks are encouraged.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant– Adjutant
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 

May 13, 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (08), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present:Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Don Ekberg, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton, John Pandora and Peter Payne

Post Business: This meeting was for principle officers to discuss current events. Due to Covid-19 no official meetings has taken place since March.
Commander Lefebvre issued new keys to post principle officers who did not have them.
Officers that have keys are Don Ekberg who also has an apartment key, Steve Robinson, John Pandora, Karl Pfeil, Jim Lefebvre, John Edgerton and Larry Smith
The adjutant had pre-ordered cemetery flags and were brought to the post at this meeting. Karl, John Pandora, Steve Robinson Jim Lefebvre and Don Ekberg agreed to meet at the Post on Sunday the 17th of May to place flags and markers if needed in each 
of the following cemeteries’.. North Conway, Catholic and West Side Road. Steve Woodcock and wife Denise offered to put flags out in the Kearsarge Cemetery. The post will plan to hold a short Memorial Day ceremony at 1300hrs on the 25th of May in the North Conway Cemetery with the honor guard present.
Adjutant Robinson shared latest email from US Army TACOM on our request for 2 boxes of blank ammo. Before TACOM could process our request they needed the serial numbers of all M1s currently in use. This was sent in as requested and the email received at the end of April from Tacom was that 5 rifles were missing from that list we sent. These missing rifles listed with their serial numbers were part of the original rifles issued to the post in 1984 and must be accounted for so the records can be updated. This paperwork needs to be filled out and notarized. The paperwork was given to Jim Lefebvre and Don Ekberg for further attention.
The commander shared the results of the recent ReMax appraisal of the post home. The result did not favor the post if we ever wanted to sell property. Many modifications would be needed if the intent were to sell the post as a livable dwelling.
Adjutant Robinson informed those present on what he knew of member Robert Adjutant who is now homeless and without means of transportation and communication.
Finance officer Robinson shared latest financials noting $1900 in checking and 72G in investments. Commander Lefebvre asked Peter Payne to inspect the now vacant apartment and provide an estimate on what needs to be done to make apartment ready for a new tenant. John Pandora will ask his son Peter on a referral on who could finish off the sprinkler system with what is needed to have an audible alarm and monitoring system.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson 
– Adjutant
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 

Jan 28th 2020 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Peter Payne, Don Ekberg, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton and Robert AdjutantPost Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900 hrs.Minutes from 14Jan were read with a motion to accept by John Edgerton, seconded and approved. 
 Jim Lefebvre has tried to reach out to the Post 46 Commander to coordinate a time that key members from both posts could sit and talk about consolidation. Jim was unsuccessful; however, the Post 46 commander did reach out to John Pandora. John will relay the information to Jim and the two commanders will attempt a meeting time that would favor a weekend rather than mid-week. Jim will suggest to the Post 46 commander that the 1st of February is a date that would be available. The lead Don Ekberg had on a possible tenant for the upstairs apartment fell through. Motion was made by Jim Lefebvre to run an advertisement for the apartment rental. Seconded by Robert Adjutant – motion carries. An advertisement for the apartment will be written by Don Ekberg and submitted for possible occupancy. The original rental contract for the apartment needs to be found and reviewed before any advertisements are released. As well as a walk through on relative code requirements. General maintenance will also need to be addressed, and possibly charging $1000.00/month rent. Don will bring in a mock advertisement for review. The Conway Post Office was given both an American Flag and POW flag by the Intervale Post Office, however those flags did not fit the lanyards on the flagpole used by the Conway Post Office. New flags were ordered by Intervale and as of this date still no flags are to be seen. Jim will follow up with the Post Mistress in Intervale. If no action is taken by the Conway Post Office, the post mistress will contact the proper government officials in Manchester and address the concerns with them. And if the Conway Post Office needs a ladder truck to raise flags, Jim will see that one will be dispatched from the town.New Business: Officer nominations for 2020 were discussed. Elections and installation will need to be no later than May prior to the Department Convention in June. The following agreed to be nominated: Jim Lefebvre Commander – Karl Pfeil 1st Vice – John Edgerton 2nd Vice – Peter Payne

Chaplain – Don Ekberg Judge Advocate – Roger Blake Service Officer – Steve Robinson Adjutant and Finance Officer – Robert Adjutant Sergeant at Arms – Jim Lefebvre Historian
John Pandora and Steve Robinson attended the Department Fall Conference in Rochester on Jan 25. Steve Robinson picked up a pamphlet on National’s “Buddy Check” initiative and shared information on the program. The Buddy Check is a program that encourages the post to reach out to members that may not be active within the post to see how they are doing and if they would need anything.
Liberty House is being taken over by the Catholic Charities and will relocate to new location with 34 beds. Open house from 10AM-2PM on the 8th of February for any interested veterans.
Dave Haskell has taken advantage of the facilities available at the new Adult Day Care at Memorial Hospital for Nancy Russell. Dave asked the caregivers there on what they would like to do for veterans that may be clients at the facility. Dave suggested possible BOS stickers or perhaps a set of Service Flags. 
Motion was made by Jim Lefebvre that Dave purchase a small desk top set of Service Flags for display at the facility and be reimbursed, not to exceed $100.00

Seconded by Don Ekberg- motion carries.
Commander Jim stressed the importance of getting younger members to be more active with post functions, Current officers are all getting older and the thought of losing any of these key officers could be the demise of Post 95.
Commander Jim is leaving for Texas on the 13th of February and returning on the 1st of March. The Vice Commanders are asked to step up for the February 25th meeting in his absence.
Post 46 on the 6th of February at noontime is helping American Legion in Bridgton, Maine revitalize. Jim Lefebvre will attend.
The adjutant needs a notarized list of the serial numbers of the rifles used by the Honor Guard before the post can receive blank ammunition. Don Ekberg office can notarize list the adjutant will need to submit.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant Next Meeting Feb 11th 1900 

Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals

Oct 15 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (8), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Don Ekberg, Lou Lavender, John Edgerton and Karl Pfeil
Post Business: Acting Commander John Edgerton called the meeting to order at 1900. Lou Lavender served as acting chaplain. Meeting dates of Sept 24th and Oct 8th were without quorum. Discussion on Veterans Day plans confirmed that General Lori Robinson will be available as the guest speaker. John Pandora will be the Emcee and will be introduced by commander Lefebvre. Lou Lavender agreed to serve as chaplain and will conduct opening prayer. James Lefebvre is still planning to talk on the Legions 100th anniversary. Wreaths will be appropriated by Lou Lavender. John Pandora will contact Shelia Gormley and confirm Post 46 participation. Don Ekberg will spearhead promoting articles in Conway Daily Sun using dates of Nov 5th and the 9th for publishing. Don will also contact George Howard and ask if he would like to introduce his daughter General Lori Robinson. Karl Chandler and John Edgerton agreed to conduct the flag folding.
John Edgerton will ask Rev. John Hughes if he would be available to conduct the benediction. John E. has confirmed that the Boy Scouts will be in attendance. An email sent by commander Lefebvre to Joe Riddensdale informed Joe on the date and time of the parade so he can have his Task Force Eagles participate. Karl Chandler will follow up with Joe on the Task Force Eagles participation.
Larry Smith suggested a meeting time of 0800 at the post to load up and transport items needed for ceremony and setup in the park.
Old Business: Post member Dennis Hill caught and released 4 racoons using traps around post home. Post member Chet Graves rid the post of all the retired flags that were collected and stowed in back storage room.
New Business: John Pandora submitted the request for the $3000.00 to the town for Veterans Observances. John also shared recent events regarding his wife Karens hospitalization and the need to install a stairlift in his home as a result of the hospital stay. Cost to install lift is in excess of $3000.000. John leaves the room at this point.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant
Next Meeting: Oct 22nd 1900

2020 Membership cards are now available
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 2019 Renewals must be mailed to Adjutant

Aug 27th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (4), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Don Ekberg, John Pandora, John Edgerton and Karl PfeilPost Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. Steve Woodcock served as acting chaplain.
Minutes from 13Aug were read and approved with a motion by Don Ekberg. Motion carries.
John Pandora suggested placing an ad in Conway Daily explaining the new American Legion eligibility dates brought forth by the newly passed Legion Act. Eligibility now includes Cold War Veterans. Any veteran who served at least one day of active duty since December 7
th 1941 to present and was honorably discharged, is now eligible to join the American Legion. Motion was made by the commander and seconded by John Edgerton to place a 1⁄4 page ad in the Conway Daily Sun for a few days with cost not to exceed $300.00. Another option mentioned by Larry Smith was run with a radio advertisement. The commander will look into that possibility as well. The adjutant will look into posting something in the Suns Schedule of Events.
Old Business: The commander thanked all who helped set up the service flags for Operation Hat Trick golf tournament and stuck around to man the recruitment table. One new member was recruited. The commander recognized Roger Blake for all his time and labor scraping/ painting the wheel chair ramp.
The retired flags may be burned the weekend of Aug 31
st according to Chet Graves.
Chet mentioned that Dennis Hill caught two racoons with his traps set around post home. No skunk captured yet but there is definitely one present. Traps are reset with the hope of catching the skunk.

New Business: B&L Oil admitted their mistake in over charging the post for propane last season and will issue a check to the post for $1041.06.
September 12
th is the date scheduled for the next meeting and will be at the Lobster Trap Restaurant with social starting at 1730.
The commander has talked to local veteran George Howard on the possibility of having his daughter, a retired 4 star general, be the guest speaker for Veterans Day. She has tentatively agreed even though her residence is in Florida but may be in the Conway area over Veterans Day. Discussion was held regarding what it would take to either sponsor or possibly create an American Legion baseball team for this area. Further investigation is needed.
Steve Woodcock is organizing/coordinating the annual 9/11 ceremony for Schouler Park and asked for post contribution by providing stick flags and the cost of the flowers for the ceremony.
The post has contributed in this capacity the last few years. 
Motion was made by Steve Woodcock to have the post purchase the flowers not to exceed $100.00. Second by Don Ekberg, motion carries. Steve Woodcock also seeks post 95 presence for the ceremony and be present no later than 0830.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant
Next Meeting: September 12
th at the Lobster Trap. 1730 Social

2020 Membership cards are now available

Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 2019 Renewals must be mailed to Adjutant

Aug 13th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (4), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Don Ekberg, John Pandora, Robert Adjutant and Peter PaynePost Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. John Pandora served as acting chaplain.
Minutes from 23Jul were read and approved with a motion by Don Ekberg. Motion carries. The commander and Dave Haskell attended the burial service for George Beckwith at the NH State Veterans Cemetery. The commander and Dave also attended the funeral service for Donald Hill. Charlie Sutton donated the burial flag for the service.
Old Business: The commander will bring the service flags to the Operation Hat Trick golf tournament and the post will donate cemetery flags for tournament use on the tees and golf carts. The commander will be leaving for Texas on the 17Sept and returning on the 1st of November and asked that someone fill in as an acting commander while he is gone. Protocol would be the 1st Vice then Second Vice if first vice is not available. However 1st Vice Lou Lavender is still recovering from his surgery and 2nd Vice John Edgertons wife is not well. Any past department commander could also conduct meetings according to department by-laws.
Member Roger Blake is nearly complete with his painting of the wheelchair ramp and pointed out that the wood on some parts of the porch will eventually need replacing. Paint does not adhere to well because the wood is very dry.
The scheduled post cleanup on the 20
of July was cancelled due to the heat, however Jim Lefebvre and Don Ekberg along with their spouses spent a good part of the day cleaning and organizing the meeting area. Task at hand still is the back-storage room where the kitchen supplies from the Christmas day dinner need to be inventoried and taken back into the basement for stowage.
Chet Graves is in contact with the owners of the gravel pit where the retired flags are normally burned, no date has been set yet when we might obtain the use of the pit to burn the flags.
New Business: It was decided that the post cookout scheduled for the 17th of August will be canceled due to little time and number of volunteers available to help set up. The adjutant will inform members on his email list. The commander will look into the possibility of having the first meeting in September held at the Lobster Trap restaurant. Dave Haskell suggested that the post have a more permanent structure built on post property instead of setting up the tents whenever we have an outdoor function. Commander Lefebvre presented honor guard members Larry Smith
and Chet Graves with challenge coin he acquired from MOAA to recognize the Honor Guardsparticipation with the Wall that Heals.
Larry Smith mentioned that the 
skunk smell” in storage area is bad enough that it permeates the storage locker for the M1 Rifles. Chet Graves will contact member Dennis Hill and see if Dennis can trap the skunk that may be living under the foundation and permanently remove the cause of the odor.

The Honor Guard has in their possession two older Springfield bolt action rifles that will need to be taken out of service. Since they are government issued the adjutant will contact those responsible of issuing the M1 rifles on how they should be returned.Sick Call: Lou Lavender and Bruce Garry. Bruce is laid up with a sprained ankle in a splint.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant Next Meeting Aug 27th 1900
2020 Membership cards are now available
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 2019 Renewals must be mailed to Adjutant

Jun 23rd 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (4), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Don Ekberg, John Pandora, Karl Pfeil, and Robert AdjutantPost Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900.
Minutes from 9Jul were read and approved with a motion by John Pandora. Motion carries. The commander went over the itinerary for the Wall that Heals, the post involvement and the escort of the wall to Conway from Ossipee. Aug 16
th is the Operation hat Trick golf tournament at the North Conway Country Club, the commander has asked that the post occupy a recruitment table. Dave Haskell once again along with Steve Woodcock will set up the post service flags for the event. It was decided that selling military flags during the tournament would not be profitable for the post due to the cost of procuring more flags and the shipping thereof.
The commander will be leaving for Texas on the 17Sept and returning on the 1
st of November and asked that someone fill in as an acting commander while he is gone.
Karl Chandler has been contacted as well as the adjutant by Joe Riddensdale seeking help with 6 student scholarships for the current summer camps. The six scholarships are for students whose parents or grandparents are veterans. The cost of the 6 scholarships is $1000.00. 
Motion made by John Pandora to split the cost of the scholarships with the VFW. Seconded with motion passing.John Pandora suggested that a committee be formed to discuss a possible merger with Post 46.
The topic has been brought up in the past, but John feels the time is right to investigate the matter once again. The commander assigned himself, John Pandora, Karl Pfeil, Don Ekberg and the adjutant as committee members.
John Pandora stated that the Department Adjutant has been removed from his position.
The adjutant shared the latest financial report. The commander will ask John Edgerton to move monies into the checking account from the investment account.
Five new members have been transferred to the post from post 200 by the Department earlier this year. Three of the five are current with dues payments, and two of the five are WWII vets.
John Pandora suggested the post acquire 3 or 4 M1 rifles for the Post Honor Guard instead of the 2 rifles discussed at the last meeting.

Dave Haskell mentioned a meeting with lawyers on Aug 1st who will represent the VA Center with a suit to be filed against the group who oppose the bible placed on the Missing Man Table located at the Vet Center. Dave will attend the meeting and provide feedback.
Tri-County Transit sent a letter to the post seeking drivers. Drivers would use personal vehicles and are reimbursed at the rate of $.53/ mile. If you are available contact commander Lefebvre and he will supply a point of contact.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson – Adjutant Next Meeting Aug 13th 1900
2020 Membership cards are now available

Lou Lavender suggested that a carpenter come to post and look at portions of the roof where there is dry rot which could be a contributing factor of why we had a leak last winter. Colin McClaskley was a suggestion. Colin performed the repairs to post home a few years ago. John Pandora will contact Colin.

Dave Haskell spoke about his ride to DC for Rolling Thunder with a group of 12 motorcycles and 19 people.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson - Adjutant Next Meeting June 25th 1900
Please Log-In: 2020 Renewals 2019 Renewals must be mailed to Adjutant

Jun 11th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (9),  Members (0), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, Don Ekberg, John Pandora, Peter Payne, Robert Adjutant, Lou Lavender and John Edgerton

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. Minutes were read and approved with a motion by Karl Chandler. The adjutant shared the latest financial report.
Checks were written out to John Pandora and Jen Hall in the amount of 150.00 each. John is a delegate to the department convention and the check is for transportations costs and the convention banquet. Jen is the mom of Joey Hall who is a Troop 150 member and the check was to help in the cost of sending Joey to a summer Stem Camp.
Rev. Hughes of the Brown Church has reached out to Post 95 asking the Post to perform military honors for Korean War veteran Bertrand Tancrel. Dave Haskell and John Edgerton volunteered to perform the honors to be held at the Conway Cemetery on June 22
nd .
The commander accepted the invitation from Joe Riddensdale and the Task Force Eagles
’ for the Eagles year end celebration on June 6th held at the Kennett Hill cafeteria. There were 27 students in the program and those that were graduating, some were going directly into the military and the ROTC.
The commander is seeking possible dates for post cleanup 
– possibly in late June or July on a weekend rather than a weekday when people may still be working. Three goals to accomplish include inventory of items used for the Christmas Day dinner and re-order items needed, clean and organize back storage room which would include burning recovered cemetery flags and cleaning meeting area.
Don Ekberg provided the latest update regarding the usage of the post for counselling by the Berlin Vet Center. He has sent an email to John Pappas requesting assistance in recovering costs from the vet center for general utilities when the vet center uses post, the vet center has ignored the post request in having those costs shared by imposing a usage fee of $150.00/month. Don has had no feedback from Pappas
s office after sending the email and Don will follow up.

Lou Lavender suggested that a carpenter come to post and look at portions of the roof where there is dry rot which could be a contributing factor of why we had a leak last winter. Colin McClaskley was a suggestion. Colin performed the repairs to post home a few years ago. John Pandora will contact Colin.

Dave Haskell spoke about his ride to DC for Rolling Thunder with a group of 12 motorcycles and 19 people.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson - Adjutant Next Meeting June 25th 1900

May 28th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, Don Ekberg, John Pandora, Peter Payne and Robert AdjutantPost Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. Minutes were read and approved with a motion by Don Ekberg. The reading of the financial report was waived with motion made by Don Ekberg. The report had no current balances to report. The post Anniversary dinner held at Abenaki’s on May 16th went well with 18 attending. A mention to consider is possibly meet once a quarter for additional dinner outings. A post cookout could possibly be a consideration. Further discussion on this topic will be on the agenda for the first June meeting.
The May 17
th Veterans Corner was in two parts. First part being broadcast on channel 1301 where the commander interviewed the State Deputy Adjutant General and the director of Veterans Services and the second part was the open form held at Post 46. 18 Veterans were present and many good questions were answered. The state officials are willing to visit the area again and the commander will coordinate another session next year on about the same time.John Pandora made a motion to donate $50.00 to the Bartlett VFW Auxiliary to offset the cost of the Memorial Day luncheon they put together for parade participants. Seconded by Karl Pfeil, motion carries.A request was made by the Post Honor Guard to order two cases of blank ammunition.
Ammunition can be ordered at no cost by formal request sent to the Joint Munitions Command. Also, a request was made to order more Army and Navy 12 x 18 flags for memorial services. Member Steve Woodcock assisted Post 46 with their Memorial Day events in the Center Conway cemetery and the Kennett Middle School. As a thought Woodcock mentioned that Post 95 could join Post 46 with their Memorial Day activities and vice versa. Not to exclude the Bartlett VFW events on the same day but have members join forces with Post 46 in the immediate Conway area.
On June 14
th Flag Day , Woodcock again volunteered to host a flag collection at Post home between 9:30 and 12:30.
Kudos to post member Roger Blake for taking his time to start scraping and painting hand rails of the post wheelchair ramp. Slow progress due the in-climate weather.
Motion made by John Pandora to contribute $150 towards the cost of a STEM Camp in July for Boy Scout Troop 150 member Joey Hall. Seconded by Don Ekberg and approved.Steve Woodcock mentioned that the family should contact the local Kiwanis Club for possible financial assistance.
Commander Lefebvre attended the funeral service for post member John Kropac on the 25th of May. Due to such short notice the Post Honor Guard was not available.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson - Adjutant Next Meeting 11June 1900

May 14th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (6), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, Don Ekberg, Lou Lavender, Peter Payne and Robert AdjutantPost Business: 1st Vice Lou Lavender called the meeting to order at 1900. Minutes were approved with a motion by Don Ekberg. The Post Anniversary dinner will be held at Abenakis on May 16thstarting at 6PM. May 26th is the annual Memorial Day Concert being held at the Performing Arts Center at Fryeburg Academy. The show starts at 7PM and those who are carrying service flags are asked to be there by 6:15 pm.
The May 6
th meeting of the parade committee has decided NOT to move forward with plans on organizing a parade on Aug. 10th. Instead the Post with place emphasis on the Legion 100th
birthday during the annual Veterans Day parade.
Memorial Day events start in Jackson at 9AM Monday. Post honor guard will lead the procession with stops in Intervale, Glenn, Bartlett and ending in North Conway cemetery.
Discussion on post maintenance tasks include getting estimates on painting hand rails for handicap ramp, removing limbs or possibly the trees behind post home. Limbs are currently hanging over back of post and if they were to break off they could damage post building. Back storage room of post needs once again to be organized and move items back into basement. Inventory of items should be done as well and resupply items needed for the next Christmas Day dinner.
The post sign that hung off deck needs new hardware and re-hung. Also the light that illuminates the outside flagpole has either a bad bulb or sensor and also needs to be addressed. Carpeting in post needs a good vacuuming.
New Business: The commander has scheduled the next Veterans Corner with state officials for 17May and will be held at Post 46.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 28May 1900

April 23rd 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Jim Lefebvre, Don Ekberg, Lou Lavender and Robert Adjutant
Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. Minutes were read from 9Apr were accepted as read and approved by John Pandora. Jim Lefebvre will contact the Abenaki Grill on hosting the dinner for Post 95 anniversary of its charter date. The Abenaki is closed until May 1st. May 26th is the annual Memorial Day Concert being held at the Performing Arts Center at Fryeburg Academy. Jim Umberger has reached out to Post 95 once again seeking the use of the service flags and persons to bear the flags.
Discussion on placing cemetery flags out before Memorial Day. The Adjutant will place an order 4 gross of flags. The commander will place flags in the Catholic and Westside cemeteries. Lou offered to place flags in the Kearsarge Cemetery. The North Conway Cemetery will be covered by Roger Blake, John Pandora and Lou Lavender and Karl Pfeil. John Pandora also offered to place flags in the cemetery located off 302 in Center Conway. Also the monuments in the area will need flags.
Old Business: Don Ekberg dropped off the paperwork needed for the Aug 10 parade to the Town of Conway, a copy of the paperwork shown to the Police Department and ended up taking the signed copies to the Rec Department. The Police Department mentioned a need for insurance but was eventually waived by the rec center. Tom Eastman of the Rec Department did mention to Don that he has seen no paperwork submitted by Post 46. Final approval on the paperwork with be voted upon when the town meets on Apr 30th. Jim followed up with a phone call to the Post 46 Auxiliary president asking whether any paperwork has been submitted or planned to be submitted for the Moving Wall. Jim was informed that the Post 46 committee behind bringing the Moving Wall to Conway meets on the 24th and more information will be obtained then. There is a concern by Post 46 that a parade in the vicinity of the Moving Wall may be frowned upon by the organization bringing the Moving wall to Conway. The Post 95 parade committee will meet at DonEkberg’s office on May 6th at 10AM.New Business: The commander has been in contact with the state director of Veterans Services, state Deputy Adjutant General and Christine Leturno regarding his next“Veterans Corner” tentatively scheduled for the 17th of May on what the state can provide to veterans. At the same time, he would like to set up an interview with said individuals with the Conway Daily Sun. And possibly set up a session with the officials to meet local veterans using Post 46 facilities since they have more room. Dave Haskell mentioned that the post has used the Brown
Church in Conway for similar events. Jim made a motion that the post authorize running a couple of 1⁄4 page ads in the Conway Daily Sun (up to $200.00) prior to the state officialsvisit. Seconded by Don Ekberg and approved.
Memorial Day Events will commence in Jackson, with stops in Intervale, Glenn, Bartlett and North Conway. Actual date whether the 27th or 31st to be confirmed. Typically, it has been on the Monday of Memorial Day.
Next visit to Tilton Veterans Home is tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday in July. Actual date and times will need to be confirmed. If date is confirmed the visit will replace the normally scheduled post meeting date. If the logistics can be worked out with the Veterans Social Group who meets at the Gibson Center, the post would invite those people and possibly use the Gibson Center bus to transport everyone to the Veterans Home.
Potential delegates for the Dept. Convention in June include John Pandora, Steve Robinson and Dave Haskell. Dave mention that he will be attending the 32nd and final Rolling Thunder Ride over Memorial Day Weekend and will not be available.
Per Dave Haskell, Post One in Laconia will be hosting the individual who has been painting flags on Legion Halls across the country this coming weekend in conjunction with a fund raiser also being held at Post One.
Past PDC John Pandora swore in Lou Lavender as 1st Vice Commander. Financials were reported by the Adjutant.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 14May 1900

February 26th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre, John Edgerton and Robert Adjutant

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. John Edgerton filled in as Chaplain. Minutes were read from 12Feb, they were accepted as read and approved by John Pandora. Jim Lefebvre reminded everyone of the March 4th thank you dinner for volunteers who helped during the Christmas day dinner. Jim will inform the Lobster Trap that 25 people are expected to attend so they can plan accordingly. For the month of March the Gibson Center is holding their Veterans social on March 6th and March 20th , start time is 10AM and if over 65 attendees can stay for lunch with a small donation.

New Business: On March 7th the commander will hold his first Veterans Corner with Valley Vision at 1400hrs. The commander reached out to the Berlin Vet Center to see if they would be interested in participating in the Veterans Corner, however they would only consider attending if they had questions in advance. The commander has reached out to the Post 46 Auxiliary president for a possible joint installation of Legion and Auxiliary officers on Sunday April 14th at 1PM. The adjutant has sent emails to District 7 officers on their thoughts and feedback of that date and whether the district can be available to perform the installation. No feedback from the district as of this date. John Pandora suggested we wait until next month’s meeting and by that time he should be able tocontact the district adjutant and have an answer on whether April 14th is a good date for the district to perform the installation. If the district is not available, John can install post officers as he did last year.
Aug 6
th through the 11th the Moving Wall will be set up at Post 46 in Conway. In conjunction with that event John Pandora suggested that there be a parade on Aug 10th celebrating the event. The parade route would best serve the purpose if held in Conway and ending at Tasker Hill Rd where the wall will be on display. Jim will pursue the necessary permits via the Rec Center. John Edgertonnoted that the town at a minimum would need 60 days’ notice prior the event. Help is needed to publicize the event when the date can be confirmed. John Pandora will make inquiries locally and see what feedback can be obtained. The Kennett Task Force Eagles may be willing to participate. The Task Force Eagles have procured 9 parade flags and poles but are still needing carriers. The post has flag carriers we can donate, and John Edgerton can personally deliver.

Old Business: Dave Haskell delivered a load of clothes to the Liberty House including the last of the clothes gathered from the Legion Rider’s clothing drive last Fall. Dave also volunteered his timeto transport post member Les Castellana from his home in Tamworth to a medical appointment. And while doing so Dave used the wheelchair from the Post to help move Les from point A to B. Kudos to Dave for taking care of one of our own.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 12Mar 1900

February 12th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (1), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre, Lou Lavender and Peter Payne and Robert Adjutant
Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. March 4th is the date set for the buffet at the Lobster Trap recognizing those who volunteered their time at the Christmas Day dinner. The commander has discussed a possible joint installation with the Post 46 Auxiliary president on a Sunday date prior to the 24th May if possible.

New Business: The Adjutant General of the New Hampshire National Guard is holding an information session for VSOs’ on March 13th 1730 -1900 in Concord at the Concord Readiness Center Bldg M 1 Minuteman Way. The session brings leaders together to discuss resources available for veterans and how to better access those resources. Commander Jim is planning to attend and if others are interested contact the adjutant or the commander.
Aug 6
th through the 11th the Moving Wall will be set up at Post 46 in Conway. In conjunction with that event John Pandora suggested that there be a parade on Aug 10th celebrating the event. More discussion on this will take place at the next meeting. The commander has gained approval by Valley Vision to have a Veterans Corner once monthly on cable channel 1301.
The finance officer shared latest financials which showed 92G in investments and approximately $2000 in checking.

Old Business: John Pandora and Steve Robinson attended the Mid Winter Conference in Rochester on January 26th. Information was shared about promoting the Centennial celebration locally. Post 95 was awarded a certificate and blue ribbon on achieving 100 percent membership prior to May 15th . The February 1st meeting with Mark Roberts of the Berlin Vet Center was cancelled by Roberts and a rescheduled date has yet been established.
Karl Pfeil attended the Veterans Social held at the Gibson Center and shared what he learned from the social gathering.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 26Feb 1900

January 22nd 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (8),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre, Lou Lavender and Peter Payne, John Edgerton and Robert Adjutant
Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 18Dec and Jan 8th were read with motions made by John Edgerton to accept minutes as read. Seconded and approved.
New Business: Due to the success of the Christmas day dinner, post supplies will need to be inventoried and replenished. The commander suggested a tentative date in late April to conduct the inventory.
The post will want to recognize the volunteers who helped make the Christmas day dinner a success with a recognition dinner at the Lobster Trap in March. The adjutant will contact individuals and inform them of the event.
The Gibson Center is starting up a Veterans Social every 1
st and 3rd Wednesday with a 10AM start time. They will have refreshments and will bring in guest speakers to talk about veterans issues and benefits.
The commander has scheduled a meeting with Mark Roberts of the Berlin Vet Center at the Post on February 1
st at 1400hrs to discuss the monthly usage fee.
s Task Force Eagles are seeking donations in helping appropriate 6 flags, holders and poles for use in parades. John Edgerton mentioned that the flags have already been donated; holders and poles are still needed.
The finance officer shared year financials which broke down the expenses and income for the year.

New post officers must be installed 30 days prior to the Department convention which is in June this year. Post officers must be nominated and voted on and installed prior to the 1st meeting in May. 
Officer nominations are as follows: Jim Lefebvre: Commander. Lou Lavender: 1st Vice, John Edgerton 2nd Vice, Don Ekberg: Judge Advocate, Service Officer: Karl Pfeil, Sergeant at Arms: Robert Adjutant, Chaplain: Peter Payne, Historian: Jim Lefebvre, Finance Officer and Adjutant: Steve Robinson.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 12Feb 1900 

January 22nd 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (8),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre, Lou Lavender and Peter Payne, John Edgerton and Robert Adjutant
Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 18Dec and Jan 8th were read with motions made by John Edgerton to accept minutes as read. Seconded and approved.
New Business: Due to the success of the Christmas day dinner, post supplies will need to be inventoried and replenished. The commander suggested a tentative date in late April to conduct the inventory.
The post will want to recognize the volunteers who helped make the Christmas day dinner a success with a recognition dinner at the Lobster Trap in March. The adjutant will contact individuals and inform them of the event.
The Gibson Center is starting up a Veterans Social every 1
st and 3rd Wednesday with a 10AM start time. They will have refreshments and will bring in guest speakers to talk about veterans issues and benefits.
The commander has scheduled a meeting with Mark Roberts of the Berlin Vet Center at the Post on February 1
st at 1400hrs to discuss the monthly usage fee.
s Task Force Eagles are seeking donations in helping appropriate 6 flags, holders and poles for use in parades. John Edgerton mentioned that the flags have already been donated; holders and poles are still needed.
The finance officer shared year financials which broke down the expenses and income for the year.

New post officers must be installed 30 days prior to the Department convention which is in June this year. Post officers must be nominated and voted on and installed prior to the 1st meeting in May. 
Officer nominations are as follows: Jim Lefebvre: Commander. Lou Lavender: 1st Vice, John Edgerton 2nd Vice, Don Ekberg: Judge Advocate, Service Officer: Karl Pfeil, Sergeant at Arms: Robert Adjutant, Chaplain: Peter Payne, Historian: Jim Lefebvre, Finance Officer and Adjutant: Steve Robinson.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 12Feb 1900 

January 8th 2019 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (0), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present: Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre, Lou Lavender and Peter PaynePost Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 18Dec were tabled until next meeting.

Old Business: The Christmas day dinner at the Brown Church was a huge success. Only items left were a few potatoes and boiled onions. $630 dollars in donations were deposited. Monies are owed to Terry McCarthy still for food items that had to be purchased. Thanks to all that volunteered their time for the dinner. The adjutant did his best in recording all names who volunteered so they may be recognized when the post honors volunteers once again with a meal. The new freezer has been purchased and delivered to the post. Thanks to Jim Lefebvre and Jim Gallagher on their involvement in appropriating the freezer at cost from Lowes.

New Business: John Pandora made a motion to fund up to $100.00 for the printing of pamphlets Karl Pfeil has drafted. Seconded and approved.

New Business: Discussion on upcoming post officer elections was held, a new commander will be needed and a mention for that spot was John Edgerton. Jim will be spending a majority of his time in Texas hence the need for a new commander. If any member wants to be more involved or know of a member, we strongly urge you make a nomination.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 23Jan19 1900 

December 18th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (2), Guests (1) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre, John Edgerton, Peter Payne and Robert Adjutant
Guest speaker Shelia from Post 46 Auxiliary shared information about their endeavor to bring the
Healing Wall( Vietnam Memorial) to Conway. Donations of time and funds are sought to support the memorial display coming in August. Post 46 is selling raffle tickets for $100.00 with cash prizes to be awarded. Tickets can be purchased at Post 46 during the bar business hours. John Pandora suggested that a warrant article be drawn up and submitted to the town seeking funds to help with the cost of bring the wall to Conway. He would also be willing to draft an article for Post 46 to use for submitting to the town.

Past Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 4Dec were approved with a motion made by Jim Lefebvre.
Old Business:
The commander thanked all who attended the Legion gathering at the Stonehurst Manor for the annual Christmas party. 47 people were present for the annual dinner. A new freezer has been quoted by Lowes to replace the old freezer that needs to be replaced. The adjutant supplied a check to cover the cost of the new freezer plus the disposal of the old freezer. The commander received call from the Berlin Vet Center now defunct director and shared the new contact who is the associate district director. Hopefully the post can now get some cooperation from the Vet Center on the monthly usage fee imposed for the Centers use of the post home for counseling. The commander will contact this individual with a phone call.

New Business: John Pandora has been in contact with Terry McCarthy on appropriating the food items for the Christmas Day dinner. She will now in a day or two if the food will be donated or if the Post will have to purchase the food at cost. The turkeys that will be used for the dinner are stored at North Country Wholesale. The post will need to pick the turkeys up and bring them back to the Post to let them thaw in time for the dinner. On the Sunday before Christmas a working party will meet at the post at 1PM to cart items needed to the church to have available on Monday for prep work. Prep work will start 8AM Monday. And on Tuesday Christmas Day work will again start at 8AM. Potatoes will be purchased from Green Thumb Farms. John Pandora submitted information on the dinner to the Conway Daily Sun to be published later this week.
John Edgerton provided an update on post member Rick Sanborn who is still a patient at the Wolfeboro rehab center and may be for some time.
John Pandora had with him the promotional ink pens purchased with and suggested that a pen along with an application be used in conjunction with the new tri-fold pamphlet Karl Pfeil is working on, be handed out with potential new members of post 95. John will entertain a quote from the UPS store on printing up the pamphlets.
Karl Pfeil mentioned an article in the Conway Daily about the Kennett High Schools Task Force Eagles and mention of Post 95 who donated $110.00 towards their mission.
Motion made by the adjutant to award the gift certificate won by the post during the Bartlett VFW turkey shoot to Mary Gaudette. The certificate is to the Stonehurt. Second by Don Ekberg. Motion carries.

The adjutant shared the latest financial report and correspondence.
Dave Haskell and Steve Robinson were in attendance on Dec. 15
th at NHSVC for Wreaths Across America event. A huge turnout to place 3500 wreaths. 265,000 were placed at Arlington and wreaths this year were even placed at Normandy.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 8Jan19 1900 

December 4th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Lou Lavender, John Edgerton, Peter Payne and Robert Adjutant

Post Business: Acting Commander Pfeil called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 13Nov were approved with a motion made by John Pandora.

Old Business:
Don Ekberg has had no feedback on the follow up phone call to the Berlin Vet Center and will once again try to contact with another phone call. On Thursday when the Vet Center has counseling, Don may just stop in and have a conversation with counselors.

Sick call: Rick Sanborn. Rick is in the Wolfeboro rehab center. Billy Bean was admitted and now has been released from the wound center. Don Philbrick is having complications with his cancer. Getting from point A to point B is problematic for Don and his wife. RSVP is willing to help with transportation needs. However RSVP also needs help with drivers. They have requested volunteer drivers for assisting veterans only with needed transportation. If any post member has free time available to possibly assist RSVP on an on call basis, it is asked that you contact RSVP with any times you may be available to drive and be added to a call list. RSVP will pay mileage using your own vehicle. Mary Seavey is the contact person at RSVP for being added to a call list.

New Business: Karl shared his tri-fold pamphlet he created a few years ago on what the Post accomplishes over the course of a year. The pamphlet lists what the post does for the community locally and nationally as well as groups we sponsor/support locally and charities/scholarships given monies. It would benefit the post if we update this information and use as a resource for recruitment and educating the general public on what Post 95 is all about.

Inventory of items available for the Christmas Day dinner will be done after the meeting tonight. Hopefully by the next meeting on the 18th of December it will be known what the post will need to purchase.
A discussion on current members and expired members of Post 95 was held, also the incentives now in place by National to revitalize. The post currently is losing more members that have passed then obtaining new members. The problem of retaining members is felt nationally which is why Legion headquarters is implementing incentives to local posts to revitalize.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 18Dec 1900 

November 13th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (4),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Pandora and Peter Payne

Post Business: Acting Commander Pfeil called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 23Oct were approved with a motion made by John Pandora.

Old Business: 
The commander thanked Dave Haskell and Bruce Garry for delivering the rest of the clothes collected during the Legion Rider clothing drive to the Liberty House. The commander also thanked all who contributed to making the Veterans Day activities successful. Don Ekberg has had no feedback on the letter sent to the Berlin Vet Center and will follow up with a phone call.
John Pandora and Steve Robinson attended the Department Fall Conference in Lebanon on October27th.

Sick call: Rick Sanborn. Rick is now in the Wolfeboro rehab center.

New Business: Sunday December 16th is the date chosen to have the Post Christmas Party and Yankee Swap at the Stonehurst. Social starts at 1700 with dinner at 1800. (See separate attachment for more information) The Vaughn Center annual turkey collection is Wednesday November 14th. Post 95 members volunteer their time in the turkey collection. The Post takes 12 turkeys from this collection to use for the annual Christmas Day dinner at the Brown Church in Conway. Terry McCarthy has once again offered her services in helping with the food donations from wholesalers for the Christmas dinner. John Pandora made a motion that $250.00 be appropriated for gifts and small food items needed for the Christmas dinner. Second by Don Ekberg and approved. John Pandora made a motion to donate $50.00 towards the Bartlett VFW turkey shoot Saturday 17November. Second by Dave Haskell and approved.Thanks to Dave Haskell for making the arrangements for Dennis Diceys funeral service at the NHSVC on the 11th on November. It was well appreciated by family and friends and those Post 95 members in attendance.
Post 46 is investigating what it would take to bring the Healing Wall to Conway. The post would go on a waiting list but feel their chances are good for the wall has never been to Conway. The cost is $10,000 and admission cannot be charged. They have appealed to the community and town for assistance.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 27Nov 1900

Taps: Thomas Madden Jr., Patrick R Callahan and Dennis Dicey

October 23rd 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (6), Guests (1) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Jim Lefebvre, Karl Pfeil, Robert Adjutant, Lou Lavender, John Pandora and John Edgerton

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 25Sept were approved with a motion made by Don Ekberg.

Old Business: 
The commander went over the sequence of events to take place during the Veterans Day ceremonies. On November 4th at noontime those from Post 95 that are part of the ceremony are asked to meet in Schouler Park for a walk through” of the Veterans Day events and service flag arrangement. And on November 11th at 8AM volunteers are needed at Post to help move the needed equipment to Schouler Park. Don Ekberg shared a copy of the letter to be sent to the Berlin Vet Center regarding the usage fee imposed to them by Post 95 for their use of the post home for counseling. Dave Haskell and Bruce Garry attended the Governors luncheon with veterans on October 19th . Dave was also present for the Missing Man Table dedication on September 21st held at the Manchester VA. On Oct 13th the Legion Riders held a clothing drive at the post and it was a huge success. Dave H and Steve R loaded their vehicles with clothes and made a trip to the Liberty House that day. Motion made by John Pandora to rent a U-Haul to transport the rest of the clothes in a single trip. Seconded by John E. Motion carries.Jim Lefebvre, John Pandora and Dave Haskell all toured the Veterans Home in Tilton on Oct 9th.

Sick call: Frank McCarthy, Rick Sanborn. Rick is now in the Wolfeboro rehab center.

New Business: Adjutant Robinson shared correspondence received from Joe Riddensdale on the Robotic competition Kennett High School is hosting on Nov. 3rd. Joe also shared a link to a go fund me page for his Task Force Eagles. He is seeking $1500.00 to acquire uniforms for his group of Task Force Eagles. The adjutant will send out a separate email with more details.

Financial Report was shared by the adjutant. Investment account has $98878 and $2219 in checking. The Hannaford reusable bag program for the month of September netted $110.00 for Post 95. 
Motion made by Adjutant Robinson to donate the $110.00 to the Task Force Eagles Seconded by Karl Pfeil and approved.

Motion made by John Pandora to acquire 100 promotional ink pens with Post 95 logo for purpose of promoting membership or other means that would benefit Post 95. Seconded by Karl Pfeil, motion carries. John will order pens.

Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant

Next Meeting 13Nov 1900

September 25th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (4), Guests (1) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Jim Lefebvre, Frank McCarthy, Robert Adjutant, Lou Lavender, John Pandora and John Edgerton
Post Business: Meeting was held at Abenakis restaurant. After the meal Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 11Sept were approved with a motion made by John Edgerton.
Old Business: 
The commander and Don Ekberg are drafting an official legal letter to the Berlin Vet Center in reference to the monthly usage fee the post has initiated but the center has ignored.
It was decided that it would be NO post cookout this year. Karl Chandler will place the order with Army Barracks for jackets early in October so they will be available for the Color Guard for Veterans Day.

New Business:Veterans Day planning is under way. John Edgerton has secured the parade permit. Frank McCarthy has accepted the invitation to be the guest speaker for the Veterans Day ceremony in Schouler Park. A Veterans Day committee was formed consisting of Jim L., John P., John E., Lou L., Frank M., and Steve R. . The committee will meet in couple of weeks. Commander Lefebvre will leave for Texas after Veterans Day and return the second week in December. Officers are asked to fill in while the commander is away.
Frank McCarthy informed the group of a new bill that has passed the House. The bill allows Veterans on 100% disability an increased abatement. Up to $4000 has been allowed from the $2000 veterans may be receiving currently. Individual towns must approve the increase in full or partially over time. Post 95 will initiate a warrant article for Conway prior to the March 2019 town meeting. A minimum of 25 signatures is needed, however more is better.

Meeting adjourned 1946hrs Respectfully submitted:
Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 23Oct 1900

September 11th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (3), Guests (1) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, Peter Payne, Robert Adjutant, Lou Lavender and John Pandora

Post Business: Acting Commander Karl Pfeil called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 28Aug were read aloud by adjutant. with a motion made by John Pandora to accept minutes as read. Motion seconded and approved.Robert Adjutant introduced Robert Owens, a Vietnam Era vet that is interested in joining Post 95 Adjutant Robinson will submit needed paperwork to the Department.

Old Business: The commander thanked all those in attendance for the 9/11 ceremony that took place inside the Community Center earlier this morning. And also thanked those who attended the walk in Jackson.

New Business: Post member Ron Siraco inquired whether Post 95 has any plans to hold a cookout again this year. Members expressed an interest in holding a cookout, likely to happen in mid October. Karl will entertain the notion with Commander Lefebvre and see if it is not too late to have the cookout. Karl Chandler had on loan, sample jackets from the Army Barracks and informed members if at least 10 are ordered the Post would receive a 20% discount. The jackets are primarily for the Post Color Guard but any member can order. The jackets retail for $100.00 and Karl would like to get them on order and use for Veterans Day. Karl Pfeil mentioned that for the Veterans Day ceremonies a guest speaker needs to be ascertained.

Discussion took place on the possibility of a Post sponsored charter bus to DC in the springtime.

 Respectfully submitted:
Steve Robinson Adjutant

Next Meeting 25Sept 1900 at Abenaki Trail Restaurant

August 28th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (3), Guests (3) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton, Jim Lefebvre, Robert Adjutant and John Pandora

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 14Aug were read aloud by adjutant. with a motion made by John Pandora to accept minutes as read. Motion seconded and approved.

Sick Call: Dennis Dicey and Don Philbrick.

Old Business: The commander is still working with the Vet Center in trying to resolve the monthly usage fee which they have failed to comply. The commander also noted that he will be out of town likely though the 15th of September and asks that the vice commander to chair the next meeting.

New Business:: The commander would like to hold the second meeting in September at the Abenaki Trail Restaurant in North Conway. Stay tuned for further information Steve Woodcock spoke about what is planned for the 9-11 ceremony in Schouler Park. Motion made by Karl Pfeil for post to donate up to $100 for the cost of flowers used in ceremony. Seconded by John Edgerton. Motion passes. A financial report was given by finance officer with $1803 in general ledger and about $99000 in investments.
The post has donated the use of the meeting room for a memorial service to be held for Jeff Head, a former member of Post 95 who has family still in the area via a motion made by John Pandora and seconded by John Edgerton.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting 11Sept 1900

August 14th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (8), Guests (2) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Lou Lavender, Peter Payne, Jim Lefebvre, Robert Adjutant and
John Pandora

Post Business: Joe Riddensdale of the Mt Washington Valley School to Career summer camps stopped by to thank post members for their contributions. He provided a little history on the summer camps and what he has planned for next year. Commander Lefebvre called the meeting to order at 1935. The minutes from 24Jul were read aloud by adjutant with a motion made by John Pandora to accept minutes as read. Motion seconded and approved.
Sick Call: Karl Pfeil, Dennis Dicey, and Don Philbrick.

Old Business: The commander has called local propane suppliers asking for quotes on the cost of propane. B&L provided a written quote for $1.816/gallon, a reduction from last year’s price of
2.499/gal. The Post will stay with B&L for the current heating season. The commander thanked those who attended the Wright Museum on the 11th of August and added that he found the museum quite interesting. After several failed attempts to contact the director of the Berlin Vet Center regarding a monthly usage fee, the commander will write a letter to them with the help of Don Ekberg on the subject.

New Business: The adjutant read a thank from the NH Veterans Home on a donation of a power wheelchair. Dave Haskell appropriated the wheelchair and personally delivered it to the Veterans home. Henry and Charlene Willey as offered to donate 25 chairs for post use, existing chairs currently being used would be replaced. Don Ekberg made a motion to accept the chairs. Approved.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant 

July 10th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present Steve Robinson, Lou Lavender, Peter Payne, Jim Lefebvre, Robert Adjutant John Pandora and John Edgerton

Post Business: Commander Lefebvre called meeting to order at 1900. The minutes from 26Jun were read with a motion made by Lou Lavender to accept minutes as read. Motion seconded and approved.
Sick Call: 
Karl Pfeil, Dennis Dicey, and Don Philbrick. Dons wife Patricia is unable to drive and John Edgerton called around to find out if any agency offers such a service and found out that RSVP has no local service. John Pandora suggested that maybe the Gibson Center offers some type of service for carting people around town for errands. The commander will follow up with a call to the Gibson Center and ask if such a service is available.

Old Business: The commander has made contact with the director of the Berlin Vet Center on the $200 monthly usage fee enacted by the post for their counseling use. The commander was informed that the vet center is working on a contract with the VA to appropriate monies. The commander will follow up again with the vet center at the end of July and then make the decision whether there is the need to send a legally binding letter to the vet center with the help of Don Ekberg. A group tour of the Wright Museum has been scheduled by the commander for Saturday the 11th of August. The commander has asked for all attending to contact him with a headcount by the 1st of Aug. The tour is scheduled for 1PM and the group will leave the post home between 11 and 1130 on the 11th of Aug. Admission will be $8.00 for groups up to 15 people and $7.00 for groups greater than 15 people. The commander is targeting a date in October during midweek for a group visit to the Tilton Veterans Home. Lou is still pursuing an estimate on having the basement cleaned. Dave Haskell briefed members on the TUNNELS2TOWERS 5K race this weekend in Schouler Park. Dave came up with the idea of draping a 20 x40 flag over a frame that Olson Shelters would make to have a tunnel” for the start and ending of the race. The flag burning ceremony will be held during the meeting on 24Jul. Ceremony will start at 1830 with meeting to start thereafter.
New Business: The adjutant shared the latest financial report. The adjutant read a thank you from Warrior Foundation Freedom Station on our contribution towards Steve Woodcocks charity run for them on his motorcycle earlier this year.
Next meeting July 24th 1830 Flag Burning Ceremony
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant

Apr 24th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (4), Guests (0) Quorum Met

Officers Present John Pandora, Steve Robinson, Lou Lavender, Peter Payne, Karl Pfeil, Jim Lefebvre and John Edgerton
TAPS: Post member and WWII vet George Tice passed on 4/2/18.
Post Business: Commander Lefebvre opened meeting at 1900. The adjutant read the list of officer nominations and opened the floor to any additional nominations. Robert Adjutant accepted the nomination to be Sergeant at Arms.John Pandora made the motion to have the adjutant cast one ballot for new slate of officers. Seconded and approved.
The casted ballot is as follows. Robert Adjutant: Sergeant at Arms, Frank McCarthy: Service Officer, Peter Payne: Chaplain, Lou Lavender: Judge Advocate, John Pandora: Historian, Steve Robinson: Adjutant and Finance Officer, John Edgerton: 2nd Vice, Karl Pfeil: 1st Vice and Jim Lefebvre: Commander. John Edgerton made a motion to accept minutes from last meeting as printed. Seconded and approved.
Sick Call: John Edgerton informed members that Post member Rick Sanborn is experiencing health related issues. Anyone wishing to send a card can use the following address: PO Box 411 ChocoruaNH 03817-0411
Unfinished Business: John Edgerton made a motion to enact an operating procedure for anyone wanting to use the Post at the rate of $25/day or $100/month. 
This would include the Vet Center use of the Post as well. After further discussion it was decided the rate will be $50/day or $200/month. Motion amended to $50/day $200/month seconded by John Edgerton and approved. The commander will contact the Vet Center and inform them of the new procedure and ask for compliance.

John Pandora and Steve Robinson went over the list of invites to be contacted for recognition for their help during the Post Xmas day dinner. The recognition dinner will be held at the Lobster Trap Restaurant on Monday the 14th of May with a 5pm social and 6pm buffet style dinner.
District 7 conference on the 14th of April in Laconia was attended by John Pandora, Steve Robinson and Jim Lefebvre.
Newly elected Commander for District 7 is Mark Sullivan from Meredith Post 33.

The new district Service Officer is Richard Nowak. Richards wife is the director of development for Future in Sight (NH Association for the Blind) and has given presentations in the district at various posts explaining what benefits and services may be available for individuals who are blind or partially blind. Many clients are veterans. She would be willing to come to our Post and speak to members on what services and benefits are available. I ask members to contact me if any would be interested in having a short presentation scheduled for any who may be interested.
The newly elected officers were installed by Past Department Commander John Pandora in a short installation ceremony.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant:
Next Meeting 8May 1900 

Mar 27th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (4),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met 

Officers Present Jim Lefebvre, John Pandora, Steve Robinson and Lou Lavender
Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900 Lou was acting Chaplain.
Post Business: Adjutant Robinson reviewed minutes from 20Mar18. The adjutant suggested that a post credit/debit card may benefit post purchases made online. The Post has an account with Collins Flag but has no other accounts where the Post could buy certain items. A debit card would eliminate the need to use a personal credit card to order through Emblem Sales. The adjutant used his personal credit card to order 15 ball caps and a flag base that was needed to replace one that got cracked. It was decided at the last meeting that Post 95 will have its own officer installation. The Commander entertained a motion to accept a vote on the officer nominations submitted on the 20th of March for installation during the 4th meeting in April, motion so moved by John Pandora and passed. The adjutant will distribute the names to members.
The Adjutant shared a Memorandum of Understanding submitted to the him via email on March 6th by acting director Marie Milord of the Berlin VET CENTER relative to their use of the Post as a counseling no cost to them.Not wanting to approve prior to a post discussion, it was discussed with the quorum of members present at this meeting. Frank McCarthy suggested that this Memorandum of Understanding be null and void unless the Vet Center agrees to pay us what they promised a few years ago for fuel/propane that never was disbursed. Commander Lefebvre has talked to the state run NH Works knowing the facility has a Veteran representative onboard to help with veteran needs and also has possible space available for counseling sessions. The Commander entertained motion to NOT let the Vet Center use Post 95 for counseling. The motion made by Frank McCarthy, approved and passed. Commander Lefebvre will contact the Vet center and inform them that effective 1Jul Post facilities will no longer be available for counseling due to the Post can no longer afford to support the Vet Center unless costs can be supplemented by the Vet Center.
John Pandora signed up Don Eckbert as a new member and will provide the Adjutant with the paperwork by the next meeting if remembered.
The adjutant shared the latest financial report noting that accrued interest in the investment account is up to date.

During the second meeting in April the list of volunteers who contributed time and or money during the Christmas Day Dinner will be finalized and then make plans to formally recognize them
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at the Lobster Trap Restaurant sometime in May.
Frank McCarthy spoke on a newly passed bill in the local house and senate which increases the

veterans’ property tax credit up to $750 from $500 and increase 100% disabled Veterans credit to $4000 from $2000. The bills if passed will take effect in 2019. Both items will be voted on in the full house in a few weeks. And if passed each town will need to adopt the bills which will require a petitioned warrant article.
Post members Dave Haskell, Bruce Garry and Steve Robinson were present for either all or some of the stops in NH and Maine during the POW/MIA flag tour sponsored by NH Rolling Thunder chapter one on 25March. The logbook and flag will eventually be on display in the Smithsonian when the tour is complete.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant: Next Meeting 10Apr 1900 

Jan 9th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met (No Meetings in December)

Officers Present John Pandora, John Edgerton, Steve Robinson, Lou Lavender and Peter Payne Post Business: Acting Commander Edgerton opened the meeting at 1900
Minutes of 28Nov reviewed, Motion to accept by John Pandora, minutes approved as printed.
Post Business: John Pandora has three new members signed up and will submit the paperwork at next meeting. With three new members John P may be eligible to receive a pin from National. Discussion on how the Christmas Dinner went and opportunities for improvement were also suggested. The dinner went well despite the foul weather; however there was a delay in getting the vegetables ready for the meals on wheels. Suggestion made by John Pandora was to cook and carve the turkeys on the same day and refrigerate thus leaving more stovetop space for veggies the next day as well as allowing more refer storage space. Finance officer Robinson submitted yearend financials. Adjutant Robinson reiterated the need to clean up/ organize the post storage room as first suggested by Karl Pfeil last year. Adjutant Robinson shared his correspondence with District Commander Bill Firth on his desire to conduct a post re-consolidation. Firth is asking for a date that he can come to the post with the help of a few post members to call Post 200 members in the area and see if they would transfer into Post 95. Member Steve Woodcock suggested that the District call Post 200 members with a list of Posts in their area along with contact info and let the Post 200 members make the decision whether they want to transfer to a local post. Woodcock would like what every post needs, which is more active members that want to join and become a regular participant in post activities. Adjutant Robinson read a Thank You from the Gibson Center thanking the Post for having the Christmas dinner and delivering hot meals to area residents.
Motion made by John Pandora to book one room for the Department Convention in June for $375, seconded by John Edgerton. Motion passed.
Old Business: 
John Pandora suggested that a warrant article been drawn up and submitted to the town despite current regulations relative to displaying flags in the downtown area. John shared with the Post the estimate received to do so a while back, and since the figures are available it would do no harm in submitting those figures with the warrant article rather than wait. John Edgerton will speak with Commander Lefebvre to discuss the next steps to be taken. 

New Business: Post 95 will order ball caps in January with the Legion emblem and personalized with “Post 95 North Conway “ Any member who may like one is to contact the adjutant. Cost is going to be around $20.00.
Suggestion was made by John Pandora to recognize those individuals that contributed time, money as well as food donations to the Christmas Dinner. Thank You cards will be sent by the adjutant. John suggested certificates of appreciation and a formal presentation.

Respectfully submitted
Steve Robinson Adjutant 
Next Meeting 23Jan 1900 

Feb 27th 2018 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (0), Guests (0)  QUORUM 

Officers Present Jim Lefebvre, John Pandora, John Edgerton, Steve Robinson, Lou Lavender, Peter Payne and Karl Pfeil 

Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900
Minutes of 9Jan reviewed, Motion to accept by John Pandora, seconded by Commander Lefebvre minutes approved as printed.
Post Business: John Pandora will submit the paperwork at next meeting for the three new Legion members he signed up. John Pandora and Adjutant Robinson attended the Department Winter Conference on the 27th of January at Post 7 in Rochester. Adjutant Robinson explained about a new online program National is launching regarding membership dues and generating online transmittals. The post would need to set up a new online account to process these transactions. The idea of an online account is to process memberships more efficiently with timely postings of members paid. John Edgerton made a motion to have a new online account set up to process membership dues. Seconded by Commander Lefebvre motion passed. The adjutant will order 12 ball caps as mentioned in previous minutes. Finance officer Robinson submitted January and February financial report. Post 95 2018 membership renewals are not at 100%, the adjutant will mail reminders out to any member who has not renewed. District 7 Commander Bill Firth and his 1st Vice Steve Bracey have resigned from their positions. PDC Earl Beal is acting District 7 Commander. Officer Installations are scheduled for April 8th with Post 46 at Post 46 in Conway. Adjutant Robinson stressed the need to have a slate of officers by the end of March for the installation on April 8th. John Edgerton wanted to know where to get the decals (bought separately) for the new Veterans plates, and maybe the Post should have some on hand. Commander Lefebvre will ask Frank McCarthy where the decals may be acquired.
Old Business: John Pandora suggested that a warrant article should still be drawn up and submitted to the town for next year’s budget, despite current regulations relative to displaying flags in the downtown area.
John Pandora’s suggestion to recognize individuals, who contributed time, money as well as food donations to the Christmas Dinner, should be held at the Lobster Trap restaurant. Next meeting the post should have a list of individuals in order to invite.
Respectfully submitted: Steve Robinson Adjutant: Next Meeting 13Mar 1900 

Nov 28th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (4),  Members (2), Guests (0)  QUORUM

Officers Present John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre , Steve Robinson and Peter Payne
Post Business: Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting a t 1900.
Minutes o f 1 4 Nov reviewed, Executive Officers approved minut es as printed.
Unfinished Business: Lou Lavender sent a message to Commander Lefebvre reminding the post that the A/C unit in the upstairs apartment needs to be taken out of the window. Lou and John E have keys to the apartment and arrangements need to be made with either to meet at the post and remove the A/C unit. The current headcount for the dinner at Stonehurst is close to 20 people with more expected. Christmas Day dinner plans are under way. The prepwork on the 24 th will start at 8AM not 10AM as previously mentioned . John P has bought more gifts to restock the supply that is given a way during the dinner. Terry McCarthy has sourced many of the typical food items used for the meal. Still to be purchased are potatoes and paper dinner platters. John P said he would pick up the potatoes and Commander Lefebvre will get the paper goods fr om BJs. Later in December prior to the Christmas dinner an inventory of goods will be done and any remaining items can be purchased. Commander Lefebvre received a copy of the town ordinance relative to decorating the light poles in the downtown area. It was perceived that the American Flag would not be a decoration and would fall outside the verbiage of the ordinance. Further clarification is needed and the commander will seek that cl arification with town officials. Commander Lefebvre will donate to the post flag carriers he found in his basement which can be used by the honor guard. He also will donate a wooden flag holder which can be used for displaying the service flags.

John Edgerton deposited $4000 from the post checking account into the investment account. Commander Lefebvre entertained a motion to donate $150.00 to Wreaths Across America, so moved and motion passed. Steve Woodcock’s church group is still looking for ve terans or veteran’s families that would appreciate a helping hand over the holidays. If anyone can recommend or know of a family that could use a tank of gas , food items, clothing etc. please reach out to either the adjutant or Woodcock.   

New Business: Post 95 will order ball caps in January with the Legion emblem and personalized with “Post 95 North Conway “ Any member who may like one is to contact the adjutant. Cost is going to be around $20.00.
John P made a motion to purchase two interment fla gs to have on hand at Post. Seconded and approved.
John P made a motion to purchase 20 flag holders
(shadow boxes) to have on hand at post for approximately $20 each. Seconded and approved.
Dave Haskell spoke about the “Veterans Coffee” happening on the 29 th of November at the Chocorua Community Church from 9AM to Noon. He asked if he could borrow the service flags for the event, permission was granted.
Respectfully submitted
Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 12Dec 1900   

Nov 14th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (0), Guests (0) NO QUORUM

Commander Lefebvre thanked all for a job well done on the Veterans Day parade and park ceremony.
Officers Present: John Edg erton, John Pandora, Jim Lefebvre , Steve Rob inson , Karl Pfeil and Lou Lavender
Post Business: Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900. Lou Lavender filled in as Chaplain. Minutes o f 24 Oct reviewed, Executive Officers approved minut es as printed.
Unfinished Business: The commander asked for volunteers to attend the wake of local veteran and town official Ralph Meade. Lou Lavender and John Pandora volunteered and well as commander Lefebvre. The post freezer i s plugged in and ready to be filled with frozen turkeys which will be collected on the 15 th of November during the annual turkey drive for the Mt Washington Valley. Post 46 is also looking for volunteers to help out with their annual Thanksgiving meal. The adjutant printed flyers w i th detail s on the Christmas party to be held at the S tonehurst on 15 th of December. The adjutant will email the information to out to members . Karl suggested that an article in the Conway Daily Sun with details on the Christmas party may reach even more members.
The prep work for the an nual post sponsored Christmas Day dinner at the Brown church in Conway will begin on the 24 th no later than noontime, usually table set up and carting in supplies happens before 10AM. John Pandora received a formal quote from Collins Flag on 200 pieces of the hardware and flags needed to properly display the colors in the downtown area . On the hardware onl y the quote consisted o f a 6ft pole and proper mounting b racket to instal l on the telepho ne poles was $4230. The 3 x 5 flag s used on the poles was $ 3900 with 33 flags donated . G ra nd total of quote was for $ 8552 .96 . John said this information would be good data to be included on a post
generated warrant article and submitted to the town. Commander Lefebvre being on the budget committee mentioned he will address the inform ation with town officials prior to submitting any warrant article and perhaps receive feedback from the town in advance. John Pandora paid a visit to B&L oil to seek clarification on the price hike in propane this heating season relative to last season. In 20 16 the post used 1206 gallons of propane @ $ 1.74/gal. In 201 7 to date ( 15Sept ) the post has used 1290 gallons at $2.01/gal. Apparently there is no cap on the price per gallon this heating season. In 2016 the post had a surplus going into the heating season which lowered thmonthly cost. The post will seek altern ative sources for propane. Th e commander will contact Rynes and John E will contact Eastern.
New Business: The adjutant read the financial report and noted that there is an excess ($9000.00) in the ch ecking account due to the $3000.00 d onation by the town for Patri otic Observances. I t was agreed by the ex e cutive members that perhaps $4000 .00 of the excess be deposited into the investment account. The adjutant brought forth the inquiry made by Steve Woodcock on his church group wanting to adopt a vet family” for the holiday . He is asking for suggestions on any veteran family in the area that would appreciate a helping hand for the holiday. The adjutant contacted Woodcock via email with the name of a possible post member and the suggestion of using J ay Sprinkle from the Berlin Vet Center for po ssible additional contacts. John E mentioned he could ask the Dinner Bell if they would have any suggestions. Com mander Lefebvre said he could ask at the monthly M en’s Brea kfast for other suggestions.
Respectfully submitted
Steve Robinson  Adjutant NEXT MEETING  28 NOV 1900 

Oct 24th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (0), Guests (0) NO Quorum 

Officers Present: John Edg erton, J ohn Pandora, Jim Lefebvre , Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil and Lou Lavender
Post Business: Co mmander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900. Lou Lavender filled in as Chaplain. Minutes o f 10Oct r eviewed, Executive Officers a p proved minut es as printed.
Commande r Lefebvre will stop by the Conway Daily Sun and discuss an article to be printed for Veterans Day.
Unfinished Business: Veterans Day E vents: Discussion on wheth er the service flags sh ould be at the church for the Ecumenical service, m embers agreed that the flags with bases should be available for the service. The Service Flags t hen must be brought to Schouler Park and set up prior to the parade. John Pandora will bring a burial flag to be used for t he flag ceremony at Schouler Park. The adjutant asked m embers present who is volunteering to bring what from the post to either Schouler Park or the church for event setup. L ou Lavender stated that Larry and Ch et f r o m the color guard arrive at the post early around 8AM and take everything needed for the Veterans D ay ceremony. Service Flag setup at the park was discussed and when. The flag bases will be needed for the church service b ut the stakes need to be driven in the ground at the park for t he service flag display there. Lou Lavender will pick up the ceremonial wreaths.
New Business: John Pandora approached the Stonehurst Restaurant about having the post Christmas party th ere this year and reserved the 15 th of December for the post party. By the 11 th of December the restaurant will need a headcount of how many will be attending to prepare. John handed the adjutant a copy of the me nu for distribution. It was decided that the post will do a mass mailing to all members and inform them of the event details. Attendees will need to prepay for the event with checks written out to Post 95. The plan is have the Post bring a blank check an d pay for the dinner. In the past the post has pai d for the hor s d ’ o e u v r es . E xecutive board approved of having the post party at the Stonehurst, bringing a blank check to pay for the meal and agreed to having the post pay for the hors d ’ oeuvres. Finance Officer Robinson stressed a ne ed to visit B & L Oil and find out why the post is paying $126.00 more a month this heating season over last yea r’s he ating season. Did the Post have a credit last year, did we use more propane than estimated last year, has the price of propane gone up?
John Pandora thinking ahead to the annual Christmas Day dinner noticed that our inventory of gifts needs to be replenished. The Exec utive Board approved of using $3 00.00 of post monies to restock gifts  be used at the Christmas D ay dinner.  
The Executive Board approved the use of post home by John Pandora ’ s daughter in law on the 30 th of November for a baby shower .
Old Business : The Post has 4 uniform s in the back room and John Pandora has another
that are seldom used. It was asked if the Post wanted to donate the uniforms . The decision was t abled for another time.
The Executive Board approved of adding an extra $100.00 above the cost of food to Post 46 for the luncheon they prepare on Veterans Day.
Respectfully submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 14Nov 1900 

Oct 10th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met -

Officers Present: John Edgerton, John Pandora, Peter Payne, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil and Lou Lavender
Post Business: 1 st Vice Karl Pfeil opened the meeting at 1900. Minutes o f 26Sept reviewed, John Pandora made a motion to accept minutes as printed, a s econd by John Edgerton, motion passed.
One correction noted in minutes was the printed date of last meeting, it read 12Aug should have been 12 Sept. Financial report was read by adjutant Robinson. Current investments $88409 and checking account balance is around $700. John Pandora has submitted the form to the town for the annual $3000.00 used towards Veterans Patriotic Observances. Adjutant Robinson mentioned an article seen on the website regarding the Veter ans Identification Card Act 2015. This law passed in 2015 allows all honorably discharged veterans of every era to get a photo ID card from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans may apply online in November of this year; however a timeline of when cards may be received has not been finalized. Lou Lavender mentioned a special credit card he received that automatically notes veteran status and applies the 10% discount automatically.
Unfinished Business: 1 st Vice Pfeil stressed a need for a post cle anup day to organize the kitchen and rid the post of unneeded/unused items from storage and reorganize. It was suggested by John Pandora to just choose a date and members will show up to help. Post member Bill Timberlake has moved out of state which open s up his position as Sergeant at Arms . If anybody has an interest in this officer position, contact the adjutant. Lou Lavender suggested that he could step into that position until possibly someone else is interested.
Veterans Day “order of events” rela tive to the park ceremony was discussed. Post 46 has agreed to host the luncheon again this year after the ceremony and on John Edgerton’s suggestion, have a start time at 1230. Post 46 will also have members present to partake in the ceremony/parade. Pos t 95 will reimburse Post 46 for the cost of the food. The logistics of the park ceremony were refined for another draft which will be discussed at the next meeting for a final approval by the executive board. John Pandora will bring a burial flag for the flag folding part of the ceremony. Peter Pandora Post Chaplain will give the opening prayer, Rev Gil Healy will off er the benediction and the Rev John Hughes II will offer the closing prayer. Parade protocol will be as follows: Color Guard, Parade Mars hal l , Active Military, American Legion, VFW, Veterans, Boy Scouts, any otherparade participants, Kennett Band and vehicles. Lou Lavender will place the POW Flag on the empty chair during the park ceremony.
John Pandora made a motion to pay the Kennett Band $350.00 this year in lieu of the $300.00 , $ 100 to the pastor for the Ecumenical Service, $50 to the organist, $100 to the Boy Scout Troop and a blank check made out to Post 46. A second was made by John Edgerton, motion passed .

John Pandora made a motion to donate any post uniforms not being used to the VFW post in Lovell, Maine.. Motion tabled until next meeting after we take inventory of what the post has available.

John Pandora made a motion that the post donates $50.00 to the Bartlett VFW Post as a contributi on to t heir annual turkey shoot raffle in November. Seconded by John Edgerton , Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant Next Meeting 24Oct 1900ayne, Steve Robinson, Karl Pfeil and Lou Lavender
Post Business: 1 st Vice Karl Pfeil opened the meeting at 1900. Minutes o f 26Sept reviewed, John  passed .   

Sep 24th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (4), Guests (0) Quorum Met -

Officers Present:: John Edgerton , John Pand ora,, Peter Payn e , Steve Robinson ,
Jim Lefebvre,, Karl Pfeil and Bill Timberlake
Post Business::
Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1855 .
Minutes of 1 2 Aug reviewed,, John Edgerton made a motion to accept minutes as printed,, seconded by John Pandora , motion passed . 2 nd Vice Edgerton has submitted the parade permit to the town and parade route to the state and has notified b oth the police and fire departme nts for the Veterans Day parade .

Sick Call:: Lou Lavender has been admitted to Memorial for an infection in his arm and is receiving antibiotics.. Motion made by Steve Woodcock to send Lou a fruit baske t,, seconded by John Pandora,, motion carrie d . Not to exceed $550.00

Unfinished Business : Commander Lefebvre submitted information on the Legion Oratorical to the principle of Kennett High S chool.. The comman der will follow up with the principle in 3 weeks to see if there are any candidates.. Unfortunately Dave Haskell s granddaughter is not eligible as previously tho ught since she is not a resident of NH . If there happens to be a candidate and they need transportation,, the Legion is liable to provide that transportation according to John Pando ra who happens to be a member of the internal affairs committee..

Old Business:: John Pandora is still working with the flag c ompany on getting a price for 200 flag holder s for downtown areas of greater Conway .

New Business : Notices were sent out by the VA on flu s hots,, unfortunate l y the number to call is for the Manchester VA.. Steve Woodcock of fered to check with the Hobb s Street Cli nic and other places locally to find out where flu shot s are given at no charge to VA card holders.. Commander Lefebvre sat down with John Edgerton and d iscussed the Veterans Day parade planning det ails . Some modifications were made and will be transc ribed and sent out to the executive committee for review and feedback.. Commander Lefebvre offered to write a L etter to the Editor to help conjure more community involvement in the parade..


Respectfully Submitted Stev e Rob ins on Adjutant
Next Meeting 10OCT 1900   

Sep 12th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (4), Guests (0) Quorum Met -

Officers Present: John Edgerton, John Pandora, Peter Payne, Steve Robinson,
Jim Lefebvre, Lou Lavender and Bill Timberlake
Post Business:

Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900. He expressed his thanks to all that attended Ed Foley’s wake and funeral and the 9-11 ceremony in Schouler Park. Also to all that helped set up for the Post Cookout and those that brought a side dish. All 36 attended had a good time.
Minutes of 22Aug reviewed, John Edgerton made a motion to accept minutes as printed, seconded by John Pandora, motion passed. Adjutant Robinson read the latest financial report covering dates of 12Aug17 to 12Sept17. All bills are current. Assets: $6313 Investments: N/A

The Post Cookout monies received were about $30.00 more than the expenses.
Sick Call: Dave Haskell has been in touch with Billy Bean who has been admitted to Mineral Springs and occupies Room 315.
Unfinished Business: Commander Lefebvre is still trying to contact Fairpoint (Consolidated Communications) seeking permission to utilize light fixtures in downtown N Conway for flag display. John Pandora suggested a committee be formed to do all the homework relative to the costs associated with displaying flags and draft an article and present to town budget committee.
Old Business: Dave Haskell and Steve Robinson participated in the closing ceremonies for the 100 Nights of Remembrance on the 10th at the NH State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen.
New Business: Commander Lefebvre wants to meet with the Executive committee early October and discuss planning the Veterans Day parade. John Edgerton has already submitted the permit paperwork to the town. John Pandora will ask his son to submit the paperwork asking the town for the $3000.00 used for patriotic observances used throughout the year. Veterans Day is on a Saturday this year. The annual Post Christmas Day dinner is also a topic of discussion. Dave Haskell made a motion to have the post pay $70.00 to Billy Bean to reimburse his cost for a hospital specific outlet strip. seconded by John Pandora. Motion carried. John Pandora gave his information on the Oratorical Contest to Commander Lefebvre who will present it to school board members. Pandora also entertained a motion to sponsor a student for the Oratorical if one becomes available. Seconded by commander Lefebvre, motion carries. Dave Haskell has a granddaughter whose father is a post member but lives in MA, and send her an application for the Oratorical.
Prior to the September 26th meeting there will be a potluck dinner with hamburgers and hotdogs BBQ
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting 26Sept @ 1900 BBQ/Potluck 1730 

Aug 22nd 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (4),  Members (3), Guests (0) Quorum Met -

Officers Present: Karl Pfeil, John Pandora, Peter Paine and Steve Robinson
Post Business:
Vice Commander Pfeil opened the meeting at 1900.
Minutes of 8Aug reviewed, John Pandora made a motion to accept minutes as printed, seconded by Steve Woodcock, motion passed. Adjutant Robinson read the latest financial report covering dates of 25Jul18 to 22Aug17. Expenses: $2083 Assets: $5233 Investments: $ 86387
On the 10th of August the Post hired a professional service to rid the mice problem in the basement and in the Post apartment. Tenant Mils Edgerton first brought the mouse problem to the attention of post officers. Invoice for services rendered was $275.00
9-11 Memorial Service Schouler Park: Member Steve Woodcock brought members up to date with the happenings in Schouler Park. Steve will “MC” the event and has contacted the local Police and Fire Departments, as well as someone to represent the financial community. Mrs Mag will once again lead the singing of God Bless America, with students from Kennett High holding the Honor and Remember Flag and playing Taps. Dave “Wiskers” Haskell will ring the Bell four times. The Rev. Gil Healy will lead the spiritual awareness and will have a closing statement
Old Business: For the Operation Hat Trick Golf Tournament on the 18th, members Dave Haskell and Steve Woodcock set up, and later in the morning took down the service flags.
The post cookout is on September 10th and will start at 1PM. Steak and Lobster will be the main course, however hamburger and hotdogs will also be available as well as corn on the cob. Volunteers will be needed to help set up tents/tables on the Saturday before at 8AM.
Adjutant Robinson informed members that the State of NH has re-initiated the Post long defunct incorporated status. The next annual report in due to the state is in 2020. The adjutant read a thank you from Warrior Station on the $200.00 post contribution sent along with Steve Woodcock’s ride cross country for his Warrior Foundation fundraiser. Also Steve Woodcock mentioned that he received a thank you from Warriors at 45 North on behalf of the Legion Riders $400.00 donation raised during the 2017 Blessing of the Bikes.
Prior to the September 26th meeting there will be a potluck dinner with hamburgers and hotdogs BBQ
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting 12Sept @ 1900 

Aug 8th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (4),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met - 

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, John Pandora, John Edgerton and Steve Robinson
Post Business:
Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900. John Pandora was acting chaplain.
Minutes of 25Jul reviewed, John Pandora made a motion to accept minutes as printed, seconded by John Edgerton, motion passed.
Unfinished Business: The commander has found out that NH Electric CoOp does not actually own the light poles in North Conway, FairPoint is the rightful owner of the poles. The commander will now seek the individual from FairPoint with whom to speak about displaying flags. FairPoint was just bought out by Consolidated Communications so the task at hand may prove difficult. The Operation Hat Trick Golf Tournament is on the 18th, the Post will donate service flags only, no booth will be set up for Post 95. Dave Haskell and Steve Woodcock volunteered their time to arrange service flags.

Old Business: The post cookout is on September 10th and will start at 1PM. Steak and Lobster will be the main course, however hamburger and hotdogs will also be available as well as corn on the cob. Volunteers will be needed to help set up tents/tables on the Saturday before. Steve Woodcock thanked post members for their contribution towards his cross country ride to benefit Warrior Foundation.
Prior to the September 26th meeting there will be a potluck dinner with hamburgers and hotdogs BBQ
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Aug 8th
Next Meeting 22Aug @ 1900 

July 25th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met - June 13th meeting

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, John Pandora, Lou Lavender, John Edgerton and Steve Robinson
Post Business:
Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900. Lou Lavender was acting chaplain.
Minutes of 11Jul reviewed, John Pandora made a motion to accept minutes as printed, seconded by John Edgerton, motion passed.
Commander Lefebvre was in attendance for the NH Military Job Fair on the 19
th of July, well over 100 employers were on hand as well as several veterans. The event was well organized and very well attended.

The adjutant read the latest financial report covering June 27th to July 25th. Income and expense were read leaving $5972 remaining in checking account. Investment account balance is about 86K.
Sick call: Lou Lavender informed members that his shoulder surgery went well and is taking physical therapy 3 times and week and is also being treated for lymphedema. His biggest discourse is not being able to get the exercise needed due to his limitations.
The adjutant saw both Karl Pfeil and Bill Timberlake, both on are in good spirits and doing well but tire easily.

Unfinished Business: The commander has had trouble connecting with the NH Electric CoOp contact to seek permission to use the light poles in town for displaying flags. John Pandora is working on getting an estimate on the needed hardware to display flags on the ornamental poles in town.
Old Business: The post cookout is on September 10th . Discussion on what to have and what to charge took place. Note the Post is not looking to make money but at least break even on expenses. It was decided that lobster, steak and corn on the cob will be provided by the post. A $15,00 fee for each steak and lobster consumed. BYOB with post providing soft drinks. Next month the post will send a mailing out to members asking those interested in attending to send a check either to Steve Robinson or James Lefebvre for each steak and or lobster. Checks payable to AL Post 95. The Post will also perform a ceremonial flag burning during the cookout.
James Lefebvre : PO Box 749 Intervale, NH 03845-0749 Steve Robinson : 108 Shepherds River Road, Brownfield, ME 04010 .
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting 8Aug @ 1900 

July 11th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (2), Guests (0) Quorum Met - June 13th meeting

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, John Pandora, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton and Steve Robinson
Post Business:
Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900.
Minutes of 27Jun reviewed, Karl Pfeil made a motion to accept minutes as printed, seconded by Steve Woodcock, motion passed.
John Pandora brought members up to date on the number of light poles/ telephone poles in the Conway area where US Flags could be flown. Numbers are as follows: Center Conway 20, Redstone 35, North Conway 70, from the Village to Scenic Vista 30 and Conway 50. John also found out after a little research that the town typically buys the flags, not the local Veterans Service Organizations. For the town of North Conway John suggested informing the town officials with some relevant information on the number of poles in town and possible costs for flags and hardware and let the town decide whether they want to purchase flags and the needed hardware for mounting. The Legion should not have to buy flags for the town.

The adjutant read the financial report and also reported that 12 members have already renewed membership for 2018. An additional 2 members have renewed online. Checking account balance is hovering around $7100.
Sick call: Lou Lavenders shoulder surgery went well on the 3rd of July and is recovering at home.

Unfinished Business: The commander found out that the NH Electric CoOp contact to approach on seeking permission on using the light poles for displaying flags happens to be in Plymouth NH not local as previously thought. The commander will attempt to reach the individual by phone.
Old Business: Further discussion on when to hold the Post cookout resulted in a Motion made by John Pandora to hold the cookout on the 10th of September. Seconded by Gary Lovgren. Motion carried. The Cookout will be held at the Post home on Kearsarge Rd. Menu ideas will be finalized and notices sent out with an RSVP in August. The commander thanked all who participated in the July 4th parades in Bartlett and Conway.
New Business: Steve Woodcock volunteered once again to coordinate the Sept 11 Ceremony in Schouler Park. John Pandora read a letter sent to the Post thanking the Post for donating the flag pole and flag for the WWI Monument in East Conway

Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting 25July @ 1900 

June 27th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (1), Guests (2) Quorum Met - June 13th meeting - No quorum

TAPS: Bernard L Peters DOD 5/16/17
Motion made by John Pandora to make this meeting an executive meeting. Jim Lefebvre
PO Box 234 Center Conway, NH 03813
San Diego, CA 92122

seconded, motion passed.
Post Business:
Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1900.
Minutes of 23May reviewed, John Edgerton made a motion to accept minutes as printed, seconded by John Pandora, motion passed. District 7 2nd Vice Russ Fabian and Commander Bill Firth were introduced. Commander Firth was kind enough to drop off Post 95’s membership cards due to them not being available during the Department Convention.
Motion made by Commander Lefebvre to table reading of financial report until next meeting when current monies in checking account can be obtained. Seconded by John Pandora, motion passed.
Steve Woodcock’s flag collection at the post on Flag Day brought in 37-39 flags and handed out in return mostly service flags to veterans who were asked. The low numbers this year were in part due to the article Woodcock wrote not being printed in the Conway Daily Sun but a notice was in the calendar section. Woodcock also mentioned that a container of some sort that could be used year round for anyone that wanted to rid any flags would be a good idea. John Pandora suggested the idea of a galvanized trash can painted in patriotic colors. John Edgerton suggested welding students at the school could possibly weld up a container for flag collection; he will follow up with the idea with his contact Andy at the school and let us know.
Sick call: Lou Lavender will have his surgery July 3rd and will likely have along recovery period. Bill Timberlake is undergoing cardiac rehab. Steve Woodcock has seen Bill recently and noted that Bill is getting around but on light duty. Cards can be sent to Lou with well wishes:
Lou Lavender PO Box 1149 Intervale NH 03845
Unfinished Business: The adjutant approached member Larry Smith about getting a list of the serial numbers for the ceremonial rifles used by the firing squad for the post records. Larry is currently working on getting those numbers. The adjutant asked John Pandora if participants in the Post 95 firing squad, honor guard or color guard need to be members of Post 95, John informed the adjutant that they do need to be members. Commander Lefebvre now has a name of the contact at NH Electric Co-Op who “owns” the poles along Main Street in North Conway who would need to ok the use of those poles for flag display. The commander also noted that the Co-Op is not favorable to that use. If an ok is given the town must then reach an agreement with the Co-Op about having flags displayed. Then the town may approach the post for guidance on proper flag display. The commander will approach the individual at the Co-Op and seek permission to use those poles.
June 27th

Old Business:
The adjutant shared what he found out about purchasing poppies and currently the only poppies available with the American Legion emblem are sold through Emblem Sales. Informational kits and poppy collection cans can also be purchased. The adjutant found that the fabric poppies are not available to purchase in packages greater than 25pcs. The preference would be to buy the poppies in bulk. John Pandora will inquire into the VFW store and a possible vendor used by them which allows bulk purchase.
Dave Haskell and Adjutant Robinson were in attendance June 17th at the 5th and final Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Ceremony in Hudson NH. Dave once again had his Missing Man table set up.
Dave Haskell, Doug Haskell and Steve Woodcock were on hand to honor those veterans who participated in Honor Flight New England’s Fathers’ Day flight out of Manchester on June 18, where once again Dave had his Missing Man table on display.
New Business: Motion made by John Edgerton to have the post contribute $200.00 towards Steve Woodcock’s fund raising M/C trip cross country to benefit Warrior Foundation Freedom Station which commences on July 15th and will end in San Diego, CA. Seconded by John Pandora, motion passed.
Steve set a personal goal of raising $1.00 for every mile traversed which would be 6640 miles. Any who wish to donate can mail a check payable to Warrior Foundation and send to Steve Woodcock before his departure:
Or checks can be sent to his daughter:
Sara DW Pagano Mission 3- One Last Ride 5666 Scripps Street
FMI on Warrior Foundation: 

May 23rd 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (3), Quorum Met - Member Steve Woodcock recorded the notes for this meeting as acting adjutant.

Officers Present: Jim Lefebvre, John Pandora, Peter Payne, Lou Lavender, Karl Pfeil, John Edgerton and Steve Robinson who arrived at 1723
May 9th 2017 Minutes reviewed and approved with no corrections. Motion to accept was made by J. Edgerton, with a second by Jim Umberger.
Post Business:
Commander Lefebvre opened the meeting at 1700. Current historian and PDC John Pandora installed Peter Payne as chaplain and Karl Pfeil as 1st Vice Commander. Commander Lefebvre thanked both for filling these positions.
Discussion followed regarding a replacement for the post service officer due to the resignation of Frank McCarthy from that position. Former Commander Pfeil indicated that he’d be willing to take on that position once his health improves. The position of Service Officer will remain vacant until such time when Karl is ready to assume. In the meantime if any members know or hear of a veteran or family member in need, it is asked of that veteran or family member to contact Adjutant Robinson or Commander Lefebvre.
John Edgerton mentioned that he received a call from the Conway Police Dept early AM regarding a break in at the post. Upon his arrival at the Post he found no indication that the Post had a break in. His follow up call to the Police Department brought news that it was not Post 95 but meant Post 46. The Conway PD requested an emergency contact for Post 95 in case something were to happen. A request was made to the Adjutant by the Commander to generate an updated list of post officers along with contact information and committee positions held.
The Commander thanked all who attended the 70th anniversary dinner. He also entertained discussion on non- meeting night dinners to increase camaraderie and post togetherness. No resolve at this time however the suggestion did have merit. Discussion carried on to the Annual Post Summer Cookout and a decision was made that the cookout will happen in August and be held at the Post home.
Sick call: Members Billy Bean and Ed Foley are home as is member Bill Timberlake/ Sergeant at Arms who is awaiting cardiac rehab. A thank you was received from Billy Bean expressing his gratitude to post members who thought of him while he was in Mineral Springs. He also sent in a donation to the post.
Unfinished Business: Honor Guard member Larry Smith entertained discussion on upcoming Memorial Day events relative to start times at each of the 5 location/ towns the Honor Guard partakes. It was decided that the initial line up in Jackson will be at 0830 with successive stops in Intervale, Glen, and Bartlett and conclude in the North Conway Cemetery with a 1400 start time after a rest period at the Bartlett VFW for refreshments.

Further discussion on presentation of service flags at the Memorial Day Concert in Fryeburg on the 28th was held. Peter Payne agreed to fill a vacancy in the flag line. Attendees will be aware that the service songs will not be played in the proper protocol. Service flag presentation will be coordinated by event chair Tom Davison. John Edgerton agreed to bring the service flags to the concert. Flag bearers are asked to be in Fryeburg by 1830.
Memorial Day wreaths indicated by Lou Lavender will be provided by the Bartlett VFW. John Pandora will be responsible for bringing a wreath to the Post 95 ceremony at the North Conway Cemetery.
Commander Lefebvre indicated that he will be in Texas June 7th to the 21st visiting family. Acting commander will be current 1st Vice Commander Pfeil while Jim is out of town. Commander Lefebvre indicated that he has business cards available with an email address for any that may have sent emails but were “undeliverable” due to an error.
Old Business:
Further discussion was held regarding the absence of any flags in downtown North Conway during Memorial Day or any other Patriotic holiday. Old ideas as well as new ideas were discussed. John Pandora briefed members on how flags were presented 50 years ago with input from Lou Lavender suggesting flags flown in the area of Scenic Vista would likely be noticed more than the downtown area of North Conway. Commander Lefebvre indicated that he will approach incoming town officials and discuss options presented in this dialogue with members. Also he could speak with the Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce with ideas and seek suggestions and present his findings with the post at a later date.
Lou Lavender indicated that Lynch Landscaping will increase his fee for mowing to $400.00.
Inactive post member ChiefGordon Daly transferred out of Post 95 and into a FL post.
Commander Lefebvre, Adjutant Robinson and Historian Pandora attended the Dept Convention in Lincoln. Newly elected Dept Commander is Dave Meany. Adjutant Robinson attended the Memorial ceremony on Friday morning. The Department for some reason did not recognize Post 95 with the deceased names in the printed booklet; however an overhead projector did have the names listed. The Department is seeking a Service Officer and in the interim assistance is being provided by the Dept of Massachusetts and National.
The adjutant brought members up to date with the dissolved Post Incorporated status. New paperwork has been obtained from the State of NH to re-establish the incorporated status. The paperwork was signed at the meeting and the adjutant will send it off to the state with the $125.00 fee. The adjutant also expressed concerns with the 990 form used to file the Post taxes. However the topic was tabled until a later meeting.
Inventory on Post flags and grave markers has diminished significantly with several already used in the cemeteries the post maintains. John Pandora made a motion to buy up to 50 more grave makers. Lou Lavender gave the second, motion passed. Also it was suggested that more cemetery flags be ordered as well as a few service flags with a motion made by Steve Woodcock, Larry Smith gave his second, motion passed. The adjutant will check with Mary the post bookkeeper and find out how much money is left in the Patriotic Observance Fund and order accordingly. The commander thanked all who helped replace flags and markers at cemeteries and memorials around town.
Steve Woodcock once again agreed to coordinate flag collection at the Post during Flag Day June 14th after being asked by the commander. Larry Smith agreed to pick up the needed hardware to hang the newly purchased POW MIA flag for the post flagpole.

Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting-13 June @ 1900 

Apr 25th 2017 No Meeting Officer Installation at Post 46 - Officers installed: Commander,2nd Vice, Historian,Judge Advocate,Adjutant and Finance Officer, ALR: Director and Assistant Director

May 9th 2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (4), Quorum Met

Officers: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, John Pandora, Peter Payne, Lou Lavender, Karl Pfeil and Frank McCarthy April 11 minutes reviewed, Lou Lavender made a motion to accept minutes as read- approved.
Upcoming events:
May 13th ALR Ride
May 18th Post Anniversary Dinner Lobster trap 1700
May 19, 20, 21 Department Convention Lincoln NH
May 23rd General Membership Meeting 1900
May 28th Annual Memorial Day concert, Fryeburg Academy 1830
May 29th Memorial Day

ALR Chapter 95 Blessing of the Bikes on April 30th raised approximately $400 for Warriors at 45 North.
Post Business:
Commander Lefebvre conducted the meeting. The adjutant sent emails to all that had one plus 55 mailings to members with an invite to the Post Anniversary dinner to be held May 18th at the Lobster Trap Restaurant. Discussion was held on placing Memorial Day flags. John Edgerton has asked the Boy Scout Troop Post 95 sponsors to help, and is awaiting a call on when they may be available to help. Further discussion on the World War Monument in East Conway was held. Permission was granted by the town to have a 20ft Flagpole with flag erected at the site. The McKinney’s volunteered to purchase a light and have the flagpole installed and maintain the site. John Pandora made a motion to have the post purchase the flagpole and flag at a cost of no more than $150.00. Motion seconded and approved. John Pandora will order the flagpole and flag.
John Pandora commented that the town of North Conway should budget funds for displaying flags during Memorial Day. Frank McCarthy mentioned that flags cannot be displayed because of the antique like poles along the downtown area. Frank came up with a solution after doing some research a few years back by using a bracket system that would hold a flag banner and second banner on the same bracket. Frank has been unsuccessful in presenting this idea to the town. It may be possible to once again approach the town after the current town manger retires later this year.
A motion was made by John Pandora that Post 95 continue to use Lynch Landscaping for mowing. Seconded and approved. Lou Lavender will contact Lynch.
The adjutant reminded members that there are post officers still to be installed since not all were present at the installation at Post 46. John Pandora a Past Department Commander can install those officers who were not present during a regular meeting. The adjutant asked members if the post should get involved with selling Poppies with National Poppy Day being May 26th. The VFW has been very successful in selling Poppies during Memorial Day and Veterans Day. National has been promoting National Poppy Day with information on a Starter Kit. Poppies can be purchased through Emblem Sales as well as a donation can. National has information that can be downloaded to help promote National Poppy Day. It was decided that the Post get involved possibly next year with selling Poppies.
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Regular Meeting-23 May @ 1900
TH 2017 

Mar 28th 2017 Minutes Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (2), Quorum Met

Officers: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, John Edgerton, John Pandora, Bill Timberlake, Lou Lavender and Frank McCarthy
Mar 21
th 2017 minutes to be presented at next meeting. 

Upcoming events:
Apr 1st 5th and Final Vietnam Welcome Home Ceremony Hudson NH Alvirne High School 1100 Apr 9th District 7 Joint Spring Conference Post 72 Alton NH, ALR Meeting Yankee Smokehouse 1600 Apr 11th Exec Meeting 1900
Apr 25th Officer Installations including ALR Officers at Post 46 1900
Apr 26 Pops Concert by Navy Band at Kennett High School 1900

Post Business:
Jim Lefebvre conducted the meeting. The adjutant read the officer nominations who were nominated during the meeting of 14March17. Officers nominated: Bill Timberlake Sergeant of Arms, Frank McCarthy Service Officer, John Pandora Historian, Lou Lavender Judge Advocate, Peter Payne Chaplain, Steve Robinson Finance Officer, Steve Robinson Adjutant, John Edgerton 2nd Vice, Karl Pfeil 1st Vice and Jim Lefebvre Commander John Edgerton moved that we accept the nominees as printed. The adjutant cast one ballot for all nominees for election. Congratulations to the newly elected officers for Post 95. Installation is on the 25th of April at Post 46. Frank McCarthy informed members that he will not be able to attend the installation for he will be out of town. Discussion at the Feb 28th 2017 meeting was to have better clarification on expenses and income for both the Christmas Day Dinner and the Post Christmas party at the Deacon Street Restaurant. The finance officer clarified the income and expenses of both for members present. The adjutant sought discussion on the monies received from the town, namely the $350.00 for Memorial Day and the $3000.00 for Veterans Day. The $350.00 is to be used for purchasing flags whereas the $3000.00 is to be used for patriotic observances. In times where the post does not use the full $3000.00 in the course of the year it was decided that any remaining monies be returned to the town. The Finance Officer concurs that this would be the proper thing to do and will ask that our accountant keep a running balance of the funds. The $350.00 for Memorial Day is to be dedicated for grave flag purchases and is typically used in its entirety.
A suggestion was made by John Pandora that the Post purchase more grave markers but not only the US Veteran markers but include war specific markers as well. John will bring in his catalog next meeting so we can price the markers and settle on how many to order. John Pandora followed up from the post meeting on the 28h of February regarding his conversation with an East Conway couple on the World War Monument located there and having the post erect a flag pole with flag for the monument. The East Conway couple volunteered to maintain the monument as well as have the flag pole lighted. John Pandora made a motion that the post purchase a flagpole for the monument, John Edgerton seconded. Steve Woodcock raised questions whether the post would be infringing on another’s responsibility if the post were to erect a flag pole. It would be better to find out who has ownership of the monument whether private or public and possibly entertain an collaborative venture with those responsible on having a flagpole erected . Post member Doug Swett will likely know who has ownership of the monument in question and Jim Lefebvre will ask Mr. Swett if he could provide more information on the monument.
Discussion was tabled until more information could be obtained.
The adjutant went to the National Prayer Day planning meeting on March 22nd at the Journey Church and shared discussions held with post members present. The event organizer Jean Steber asked if the Post could supply at least two people for the scripture reading and prayer for the Military. The adjutant mentioned that he could possibly round up two people to do so. Jean also would like either the HS Band or Drum Corp to be present. The adjutant asked if any post members have connections to Kennett High School that could possibly inquire whether the HS would entertain the request.
2017 Minutes: Post-95 Officers (7), Members (2) Quorum Met
Officers: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, John Edgerton, John Pandora, Bill Timberlake, Lou Lavender and Frank McCarthy
Mar 21
th 2017 minutes to be presented at next meeting.

Sick Call: Post member and former Chaplain Paul Devine has been in and out of the hospital while struggling with some health issues. His wife Peg has the house in town on the market and will be moving to MA permanently. The adjutant will send a card out to Paul. Karl Pfeil is spending time between Boston and North Conway for chemo treatments. Post member Ed Foley is also under going chemo and has been quite sick.
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting 4/11/17 @ 1900 

Mar 21st 2017 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2), Quorum Met

Officers: Jim Lefebvre, Steve Robinson, John Edgerton, Bill Timberlake, Karl Pfeil and Frank McCarthy
Feb 28
th 2017 minutes reviewed and discussed. John Edgerton made motion to accept minutes as written, seconded and approved.

Upcoming events:
Mar 23
rd 1900 Planning session for National Day of Prayer Journey Church
Mar 28th 1900 Membership Meeting Officer Elections
Apr 9th District 7 Joint Spring Conference Post 72 Alton NH, ALR Meeting Yankee Smokehouse 1600 Apr 11th Exec Meeting 1900

Post Business:
Jim Lefebvre conducted the meeting. John Edgerton was acting chaplain. Dave Haskell gave members an update on post member Bill Bean who is in Room 110 at Mineral Springs. Dave also gave a shout out to Bill Timberlake for the donated goods he brought to the post all going to the Liberty House. Dave said he had a good truckload of goods by the time he and his son collaborated on having the goods delivered. The adjutant brought in two gross of graveyard flags and 12 grave markers. The post now has close to 4 gross of flags for use over Memorial Day. The grave markers are of the US Veteran type, however if war specific markers are needed the post has a few of those left and can always order more. Officer Nominations as follows: Bill Timberlake Sergeant of Arms, nominated by Karl Pfeil. Frank McCarthy Service Officer, nominated by Jim Lefebvre. John Pandora Historian, nominated by Steve Robinson. Lou Lavender Judge Advocate, nominated by Frank McCarthy. Peter Payne Chaplain, nominated by Steve Robinson. Steve Robinson Finance Officer, nominated by Jim Lefebvre. Steve Robinson Adjutant, nominated by Dave Haskell. John Edgerton 2nd Vice, nominated by Jim Lefebvre. Karl Pfeil 1st Vice, nominated by Frank McCarthy. Jim Lefebvre Commander, nominated by Frank McCarthy.
The All Veterans Tax Credit is all set to be voted on in Conway on April 11th. Frank McCarthy feels that the vote will carry approval by the citizens.
Two boxes of flags to be burned were left at the post by Charlie Sutton. Jim Lefebvre will follow up with Mr. Sutton
to ensure if any more flags from cemeteries are to be disposed. Frank McCarthy will bring in two burial flags next meeting to be folded and placed in shadow boxes.
The adjutant followed up on Steve Woodcock’s mention of having an orchestrated event involving the Boy Scouts to place burial flags at local cemeteries for Memorial Day. John Edgerton will ask the Scout Leader if such an event would interest the Boy Scouts. The adjutant also generated a discussion on what the post could do to commemorate the upcoming 70th anniversary of the post charter date. Having a story in the Conway Daily Sun was mentioned and possibly a dinner. Discussion was tabled until the next scheduled meeting on the 28th.

New Business: The adjutant shared his correspondence with Austen Bernier of the White Mountain National Forest. The Forest Service will be holding a 120 day public lands administration training program for veterans this summer with potential job placement at the conclusion of the training. The veterans will be housed in the forest service cabins off Pine Street in Bartlett during the training. The cabins are in renovation by the Forest Service. Austen is asking for help from service organizations and community in furnishing the cabins. Austen is the contact person for this Forest Service program and has more information. He is technically part of the National Forest Foundation and not an administrator of this training program. Contact details. Austen Bernier; ph 603 986 6070, email;
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant
Next Meeting 3/28/17 @ 1900 

Dec 27th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (3),  Members (2), No Quorum:

 Officers: Karl P, Steve R and Bill T 
Upcoming events: 
Jan 14th 1000 - Wreath Pick Up Boscawen Veterans Cemetery 
Jan 24th 1900 General Membership Meeting 
Jan 28th 0900 MidWinter Conference Rochester Post 7 94 Eastern Ave 
Post Business: 
Discussions and feedback on both the Post Xmas Party held at the Deacon Street Restaurant and the 33 rd annual Xmas dinner held in Conway were heard. The 47 or so people that attended the party at the Deacon Street Restaurant all enjoyed the food and camaraderie. Thanks to Chef Stan and the McCarthy’s for decorating the dining room in Christmas attire for everyone’s enjoyment. 
The annual Christmas dinner held at the Brown Church went well. Thanks to Terry McCarthy and John Pandora for doing most of the leg work in getting food items donated as well as gifts. It was thought that the attendance for the dinner has been down that last couple of years and to better inform the public it was decided that the Post will advertise the event earlier next year. There was a nice write up in the Conway Daily on the dinner but that came out only the day before. There was no shortage of volunteers to help and special thanks goes out to post member Al Lattanzio who spent the whole day helping out in the kitchen and fellow veteran Jeff Cohen who also spent the whole day in the kitchen helping out. This was his first time volunteering and very much enjoyed helping out. Rough figures for the dinner were 55-65 meals delivered to shut-ins and approximately 100 to 125 people came to eat. Needless to say there was food left over and was donated to the Dinner Bell at the church. The post received $456.00 in donations and the adjutant promptly deposited the funds. Prior to next years’ dinner a special meeting will be held to share information and hopefully have more members informed on they can help out with what has to be done to plan for the annual dinner. Terry McCarthy and John Pandora have always been there to help out but it is time that more people get involved with the preparations. 
The warrant article for the new bill passed in the NH house has been written and handed out to members to get signatures. The signatures have to be in turned in to the town by Feb 14 and members are asked to turn any signatures they may have into the Post by the 24th which is when we will have our next scheduled meeting, 
Invoices received from Lynch Landscaping for last season’s mowing and this season’s plowing for the Post have been turned in to Mary for prompt payment. 
April 25th is the scheduled date for the joint installation of officers for both Post 95 and Post 46, to be held at Post 46. Nominations for Post 95 officers will be received from now to March 21st on any member interested in becoming a post officer. In March we will have officer elections and in April the installation of officers. 
Current Officer Roster: Karl Pfeil- Commander 
James Lefebvre – 1st Vice 
John Edgerton 2nd Vice 
Steve Robinson – Adjutant and Finance Officer 
Frank McCarthy – Service Officer 
John Pandora – Historian 
Bill Timberlake – Sergeant at Arms 
Lou Lavender – Judge Advocate and Chaplain 
All positions are open. 
Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant 
Next Meeting 1/24/17 @ 1900 

Nov 22nd 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (3),  Members (0), No Quorum 

Dec 13th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (1), Quorum Present:

 Officers: Karl P, Steve R, John P, Frank M, Bill T, Jim L and John E. 

Nov7rd minutes reviewed, John P made a motion to accept – seconded and approved. 

Upcoming events: 

Dec 17th Blue Star Mothers “ Wreaths for Boscawen” 1030 

Dec 18th Post Xmas Party and Yankee Swap Deacon Street restaurant. 

$25.00 per head Contact Karl Pfeil by 15Dec @ # above 

Dec 25th Post sponsored XMAS Dinner @ Brown Church in Conway 

Dec 27th General Membership meeting 1900 

Post Business: 

The Adjutant went over the financial report: Balance in the checking account as of Nov 22nd xxxxxxxx $3000 of that is what the town gave the Post for Patriotic observances. Monies in the Investment account as of Sept 30th xxxxxx John E who gets updates daily via email stated that we have close to xxxxxx currently in the investment account. It was noted that the post never got an invoice from Lynch Landscaping for the mowing and plowing he has been doing this season at the Post Home. 

The National membership goal for 14Dec16 is 75%.Currently Post 95 is at 78% with another 9 members not accounted for in the Department totals that came out on 13Dec. Next Department goal is 80% on 12Jan17 with the National goal of 80% set for 19Jan17. 

Commander Pfeil gave members present an update on Lou Lavender. As most know Lou fell and injured his shoulder and has been in a lot of discomfort with limited capability. He will undergo surgery sometime in January to repair his shoulder. And to add to his current misery, his father in law just recently passed. It was decided that the Post will send a fruit basket to Lou and Margaret. 

The Post Christmas Part and Yankee Swap to be held Dec 18th at the Deacon Street restaurant currently has 47 members and guests signed up to attend. 

Post 46 has a new commander: Henry McCowsky? ..Audley Williams stepped down as commander and has relocated. There was talk about combining the two posts due to membership and combine resources. Commander Pfeil researched the prospect with the District Commander who approached the possibility with the Department. Long story short.. it would not be in Post 95’s best interest to combine with Post 46 at this time. The two posts can continue to work together but not actually combine. 

Commander Karl talked to town Manager Earl Sires and drafted the warrant article needed for the new law passed for the Veteran tax abatement. Frank M also wanted to make it clear that anyone currently receiving a tax credit would not be affected by this new law. Post 95 will seek to get names on the article (25 officially needed). Date signed returns need to be at the town is Feb 14. Signees need to be a resident and registered voter for the town of Conway. Those who are going to seek signatures are asked to return the warrant with signatures on Jan 24th at the regular scheduled membership meeting. In light of this new bill, it was suggested that the Post submit a resolution to the department to include any veteran eligible for membership into the American Legion not just veterans who served in a wartime era. 

The Christmas Day dinner plans were discussed and a time to meet at the post Saturday is 8AM to bring supplies to the church and start the prep work. 7AM is the start time agreed upon to be at the church on Christmas Day. John P once again will visit Lloyd Jones at the Conway Daily Sun for the write up on the Christmas dinner. 

Dave Pandora has serviced the post furnace/ heating on repairs less parts at no cost to the Post. John Pandora made a motion that the Post hire Dave as the service provider on the furnace for $100/ year plus parts. Motion seconded and approved

Respectfully Submitted Steve Robinson Adjutant – Next Meeting 12/27/16 @ 1900 

Nov 7th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (0), Quorum Present:

 Officers: Karl P, Steve R, John P, Frank M and Bill T. 

Oct 25rd minutes will be reviewed next meeting 

TAPS: Leo G Champoux DOD 10/29/16 

Upcoming events: 

Nov 8th Election Day 

Nov 10th Marine Corp Birthday 

John Fuller School welcomes Vets 0930 

Bartlett Elementary School welcomes Vets 1400 

Nov 11th Veterans Day 

Nov 12th Veterans Breakfast Post 46 Conway 

Post Business: 

This meeting was an informal gathering of officers. Minutes were waved until next meeting as well as the financial report. 

John Pandora confirmed with Ed Hamlin’s wife Kathleen that she will come to the Post Everlasting to be held at the post in Ed’s honor on the 22nd during our next scheduled meeting. She also accepted an invitation to the Post Xmas party. 

Commander Pfeil, Steve Robinson and John Pandora attended the Fall Conference in Contoocook.

John Pandora informed all present that the best price for propane received was from Eastern Propane. 

Steve Robinson made a motion to donate $150.00 to Wreaths Across America. Motioned seconded and approved. 

Discussion on how to write the warrant article on new law passed for the Veteran tax abatement with Frank M suggested a meeting with Town Manager Earl Sires on the matter to get clarification on how to word the warrant. Commander Karl said he would meet with Earl and discuss. 

Lou Lavender submitted an invoice from Di Petro Electric in the amount of $100.00 to the adjutant via email on the 3rd of Nov. for the electrical work done a couple weeks ago. The adjutant forwarded the invoice to Mary to be paid in a timely manner. Mary also informed the adjutant that the Post received the $3000.00 from the town for Patriotic Celebrations. The adjutant will procure checks from Mary for the Veterans Day ceremonies. Checks will be written to the Kennett High School Band (300.00), Boy Scout Troop 150 (100.00), First Church of Christ Congregational (100.00), Floyd Corson, organist (50.00) and an open check payable to Post 46 to cover the cost of the luncheon. 

Further suggestions on where to hold the Post Xmas were held, Frank M suggestion of Deacon Street where his son in law and fellow legionnaire Stan Shafer is head chef, was one that sounded very good and will be looked at more closely 

Last minute preparations for the Veterans Day ceremonies were discussed. All feel there is nothing left to do and should go over well. Kudos to the Commander for being thorough in the preparations. 

Respectfully Submitted 

Steve Robinson Adjutant – Next Meeting 11/22/16 @ 1900 Post Everlasting for Edmund Hamlin 

Oct 25th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (2), Quorum Present:

 Officers: Karl P, Steve R, John P, Lou L and Bill T. 

Oct 11rd minutes reviewed, Lou L made a motion to accept minutes- approved 

TAPS: Edmund G Hamlin DOD 10/19/16 

Upcoming events: 

Oct 27th Navy Day 

Oct 29th Dept. Fall Convention Contoocook 

Nov 7th 1900 Exec. Meeting 

Nov 8th Election Day 

Nov 10th Marine Corp Birthday 

John Fuller School welcomes Vets 0930 

Bartlett Elementary School welcomes Vets 1400 

Nov 11th Veterans Day 

Nov 12th Veterans Breakfast Post 46 Conway 

Post Business: 

It was suggested that we hold a Post Everlasting for Edmund Hamlin at the post during the next meeting in Nov. 

John Pandora will invite Ed’s wife Kathleen to the Nov. 22nd meeting. 

Commander Karl informed those present that Frank McCarthy would not make the meeting due to an impending MRI, 

and will follow up with Frank in a couple of days and inform members of his condition. 

Commander Pfeil and Steve Robinson attended the North Country Veterans Conference on Oct 21st in Shelburne. It was an informative session, with several key speakers and presentations. Guest speaker Chris Noel explained how she first got involved as an advocate for veterans and even opened up a homeless shelter for Veterans in her home state of Fordia. Jay Sprinkle was a key organizer for this conference and is actively involved with the North Country Veterans in addition to his work with the Berlin Vet Center. Jay offered to come to a meeting sometime and give us an insight of what he does with the North Country Veterans. He also told Karl and the adjutant that he was looking into alternative means to help Post 95 with monies towards utilities and fuel for the Berlin Vet Center’s use of the post home for counseling. 

John Pandora has been entertaining quotes for alternate propane suppliers for the post home. He wants to get a couple more and will update us with his results at the next meeting. Lou Lavender made a motion to hold the next meeting on the 7th of November rather than the 8th which is Election Day. Motion carried. 

Discussions on the Post Christmas dinner were made. John Pandora informed the Commander that he does not need to be there especially if there is a conflict with family plans. Volunteers were never a problem, however the Commander thought he could help out the 24th and spend time with family on the 25th. The post Xmas party was also brought up and with time running short, suggestions were made on where the post could possibly have the party. The commander will check on dates available with local restaurants with the help of Lou Lavender. Key is to have a date lined up for the party in December prior to Christmas. 

The manner on how to word the warrant/petition article was discussed, the new bill passed which allows all Veterans with an honorable discharge to be eligible for tax abatement in all of NH, needs to be written prior to local elections so the town can vote on the changes. Frank McCarthy first brought it to the attention of the post at the last meeting. Frank as well as Dave H could be a resource on how to word the article. 

Lou Lavender opened up the post home to Tim De Pietro to have some electrical work done. Work performed included a new sensor for the flag light and rewired a fixture inside the post home so it would come on full, independent of the switch in the kitchen. An invoice will likely be mailed to Lou if there is one. 

Submitted by Steve Robinson Adjutant – Next Meeting 11/07/16 @ 1900 

Oct 11th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (7),  Members (2), Guest (1) Quorum Present:

 Officers: Karl P ,Steve R, Jim L, John P, Lou L, Frank M and Bill T. 

Sept 27rd minutes reviewed, John P made a motion to accept minutes- approved 

Upcoming events: 

Oct 13th Navy Birthday 

Oct 21st North Country Veteran Conference – Town and Country Inn- 20 State Rt. 2 Shelburne NH Preregister via 

Oct 25th 1900 General Membership Meeting 

Post Business: 

Jim Lefebvre introduced his guest Gary who is Jim’s wife cousin and visiting from Texas. 

The adjutant went over the financial report for month ending August to month ending September. Checkbook balance was down $1473 from last month. However, there are monies that still need depositing, namely the money from the post cook out and rent check. 

Miles Waltz’s wife donated some of his Legion attire to the Post, including his post cap and legion jacket. 

Commander Pfeil , John Pandora and Steve Robinson attended the District 7 Fall Conference in Alton. Topics discussed were membership, the Prison Post and the Tilton’s Veterans Home “Adopt a Vet” for Christmas. There also was a presentation on Camp Resilience and what they provide to wounded warriors to help them recover their physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

Motion made by John Pandora to donate $50.00 toward the Tilton’s Veterans Home “Adopt a Vet” program for Christmas. Seconded by Lou L. Motion passed. 

John Edgerton will meet with Jim Lefebvre tomorrow (Oct 12) at the Republican Headquarters in Conway at 10AM where Jim will be brought up to date on the Veterans Day planning. We thank Jim for wanting to get involved. Frank McCarthy has been in touch with NH Executive Council member Joe Kenney also a colonel in the USMC as a potential guest speaker. At this time it has not been officially confirmed, but Frank is pretty certain that Joe will accept the invitation. Frank also said that he will get a bio of Colonel Kenney so he can be properly introduced as the guest speaker. There was talk in previous meetings about having the younger priest at Our Lady church get involved with the Veterans Day celebration. In the past Rev Gil Healy opened up his congregational church for an ecumenical Veterans service prior to the parade. The planning committee will make the decision and inform post members. The Post Everlasting ceremony to be held in Schouler Park will be dedicated to Dr Miles Waltz with a flag folding and presentation to Mrs. Waltz. However, because our Post did not have a ceremony last year, members thought it would be proper to include members who have passed since. It was discussed that perhaps we can hold a Post Everlasting at the Post to recognize members who have passed shortly after their death rather than wait for a special public ceremony. Commander Pfeil will reach out to Post 46 commander Audley Williams and ask if Post 46 members are to be included in the Post Everlasting . As mentioned earlier, Post 46 will hold a luncheon after the Veterans Day parade. John Pandora reminded members that the Post donates monies to the HS Band, Boy Scouts and the church for their participation in the Veterans Day activities and will generate a list of who and how much. 

The adjutant shared information on the Oratorical contest and Legion Scholarships available to local students. Jim Lefebvre offered to take the information directly to the HS principal or possibly the Superintendent in hopes that the information will be readily available to interested students. Frank McCarthy suggested that “A Letter to the Editor “ be writtento the Conway Daily Sun explaining the scholarships could possibly inform the parents of the students to raise awareness and possibly aid in application submittals. 

Frank brought us up to date on the bill introduced earlier this year whereas any Veteran who received an honorable discharge and 90 days of service is now eligible to receive a tax abatement. However a new warrant article needs to be drafted and submitted prior to the local elections. Post 95 in the past has created warrant articles and Frank suggested the Post spearhead the new warrant article for the town so all veterans who previously did not qualify for the abatement can do so now. 

Submitted by Steve Robinson Adjutant – Next Meeting 10/25/16 @ 1730 to discuss Veterans Day preparations first. 

Sep 27th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (4), Guest (1) Quorum Present:

 Officers: Steve R, Jim L, John P, John E, Karl P and Bill T. 
Sept 13rd minutes reviewed, John E made a motion to accept minutes- approved with one exception. Post 95 Color Guard was not at the Freedom Walk in Jackson on Sept 11th but was present at the Old Car Show in N Conway on the 11th
Upcoming events: 
Oct 9th District 7 Fall Conference Alton Post 72 Social starts at 0900 with meeting at 1000 
Oct 11th Exec Meeting 1900 
Oct 21st North Country Veteran Conference – Town and Country Inn- 20 State Rt. 2 Shelburne NH Preregister via 

Post Business: 
The meeting started early with a potluck supper. Lots of good food was brought and enjoyed by all. Good conversation as well.
Commander Pfeil introduced Ed Mahoney who may become a new member. John Edgerton informed members that the Veterans Day Parade permit is complete and awaiting approval from the State, the town selectmen have already given their approval. The finer details of the Post Everlasting Ceremony and finding a guest speaker still need to be done. Any member who knows of a potential guest speaker is asked to contact the adjutant. 

The names of our passed members to be recognized are as follows: Severino J Fernandez, Francis (Frank) P Rossi, Richard Ware, Russel M Sanford, Arthur Peare, Arnold Blethen Miles E Waltz, Kenneth W Anderson, Bernard (Jerry) Littlefield, John W Harriman and Daniel W Dineen III 

The Post is inviting family members of the deceased to the ceremony. If members know of any kin of the members above , we ask that you inform them. 

John Pandora stated monies received from the Post cookout was around $1400, less the cost of the lobsters and steaks and the monies due to Terry McCarthy who also bought items for the cookout. Commander Pfeil would like to start having Post fund raisers and suggested the Post have a fund raising committee. Any members that would be interested in serving on such a committee are asked to contact the adjutant. A pistol or rifle raffle was suggested as a potential fund raiser. Monies raised could go back to the community in some way and or Post improvements. The Post had exterior work done a few years ago, what is needed most are interior improvements. Commander Pfeil’s goal is to have more activities than two meetings a month. He welcomes anyone to call or email him to discuss ideas and thoughts on ways to interest other members to participate in Post activities. A long term goal of the Post is to work with the area VFW and Legion Post and acquire a single function hall that all Veteran services could share. 

Steve Woodcock approached the town manager on having the POW/MIA flag flown in Schouler Park for POW/MIA Recognition Day. He was informed that the matter had to be addressed at the next t selectman meeting which was on Sept 20th. Both Steve Woodcock and Commander Karl attended that meeting and with Steve’s presentation on the POW/MIA flag , it was voted by the selectmen to have the flag flown whenever our nation’s flag is flown. 

The Post will be entertaining bids for propane for comparison to current supplier. John Pandora has received two bids and will seek others. One condition is that the supplier be SAM certified. The Berlin Vet Center who currently uses the post one or two days weekly for counseling, has offered assistance with fuel costs paid directly to the supplier. However the supplier 
needs to be SAM certified. Our current supplier has been approached by post members in obtaining the proof that they are SAM certified, but efforts have been un-successful. The Vet Center has also left numerous messages with current supplier but never receive a return call. 

George F Hart, a Korean War veteran and former POW is a local veteran who will be on the Oct 16th Honor Flight. Dave Haskell in his role as Honor Flight coordinator for NH Patriot Guard is often asked to find rides for local veterans. George is from Madison/ Silver Lake area. Dave asked post member Billy Bean who also lives in the same area as George, if he would be interested in transporting Mr Hart for the Indoctrination Ceremony on the 1st of Oct and the ride to and from Manchester for the Honor Flight. Billy Bean was happy to offer his time and services to make the flight most memorable for Mr. Hart. To assist Mr. Bean in fuel costs a motion was made by John Pandora to make $100.00 available payable to Mr. Bean to offset fuel expenses. Motion seconded and approved. 

Respectfully Submitted: Steve Robinson - Post Adjutant – Next Meeting October 11th 1900 

JuL 26th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (3), Quorum Present:

 Officers: Steve R, John E, John P, Frank M, and Bill T. 

John E was Acting Commander in Karl’s absence 

June 28th minutes reviewed, Steve W made a motion to accept minutes- approved. 

Upcoming events: 

Aug 6th Summit Salute-Celebrating Service Members, Veterans and families. 1430-1830 

Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center - Mt Washington Auto Road Rt.16 Gorham NH - Enjoy a day of hiking, biking, children’s activities and discounted rides to the summit, includes an afternoon BBQ and stories of service. Register by 31Jul…, email or call Kim 

603 568 5780 

Post Business: 

Several members were present for Dr. Miles Waltz’s burial ceremony on July 23. There was a nicely written speech by Frank McCarthy, a flag folding with a presentation by Karl Pfeil to the widow June, a 21 gun salute by the Post 95 Honor Guard and Taps performed by bugler Gary Torressen. June personally thanked Frank later on how much it meant to her and the family. Post 95 members truly made the ceremony special. Frank McCarthy our current service officer, informed members of his conversation with a veteran who is having some problems with the VA. Frank was expecting him to come to tonight’s meeting but he never showed. Frank will likely see him again and will talk more about his concerns. Dave spoke briefly about Post 95 member Bernard Littlefield’s condition, he is on oxygen full time now but is at home and not in the best of health. Frank offered to host once again the Post 95 cookout. The date for this year’s cookout is to be on Sept 11. More details will be forthcoming. The cookout will follow the 9-11 ceremony in Schouler Park organized by Steve Woodcock, Post 95 will hand out 12 x 8” flags during the ceremony. The Adjutant( via the commander) mentioned the need for a committee to help organize the Veterans Day activities and parade. Steve R and Frank M. volunteered to help John E with the planning of said activities. Frank suggested we wait until after the upcoming primaries elections in Sept. to possibly inquire on a guest speaker. He knows of several that may be interested in speaking but need to await local election results before committing anyone in particular. Steve Woodcock also mentioned that Post 46 and some of their members may be beneficial in planning the Veterans Day activities. The Post will conduct a Post Everlasting ceremony for deceased members during the Veterans Day activities with a flag folding and presentation to June Waltz. John Pandora brought in a 50 cal. muzzle loader that he would sell to the post for a raffle, or if interested he could supply a Winchester Model 7400 .280 caliber. John P mentioned that the National Guard is always available for conducting Funeral Services, whether it be for just Taps, Honor Guard or Flag Folding with presentation of several flags if needed to family members. The Franklin National Guard was mentioned as the source for inquiring about any required protocol for funeral services. The Operation Hat Trick golf tourney is scheduled for the 19th of Aug at the North Conway Country Club. The Post has been asked once again to supply service flags for the opening. 

Respectfully Submitted: Steve Robinson - Post Adjutant – Next Meeting Aug 23 1900 

Note: 2017 membership renewals began in July. 

Jun 28th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (3), Guests (2) Quorum Present:

 Officers: Steve R, John E, Lou L, Frank M, Karl P, and Bill T. 

June 14th minutes reviewed, John E made a motion to accept minutes- approved. 

Upcoming events: 

July 4th Bartlett and Conway’s 4th of July Parades. Bartlett parade begins at 1100 with Conway parade commencing at 1330. Post 46 Commander Audley Williams will have a float in the Conway parade for Veterans to ride and invited all to Post 46 for a BBQ after the parade. 

JULY 23RD Saturday 1100 Dr. Miles Waltz burial ceremony Catholic Cemetery North Conway 

Post Business: 

Visiting guests Tom Wiley (Dept. Cmdr) and Bill Firth (Dist 7 Cmdr) were present. Bill Firth officially installed Karl Pfeil as Post 95 Cmdr. The Post 1st Vice and Historian are the only officers yet to be installed. Dave H provided an update on post member Bernard Littlefield who has had little improvement since the meeting on the 14th. Adjutant will send a card out on behalf of post members. Frank M gave members an update on Paul Devine, who is in a public nursing home in MA. He is doing well, but his Alzheimer’s is ever apparent. The post will send a gift to Paul once we have an address. Frank will look into providing that address. John P finished retiring all the flags that were in the back room of the post. The adjutant presented the financial report for May and June. With the new heating season closely upon us the adjutant will entertain quotes for propane. Cmdr Pfeil presented outgoing Cmdr McCarthy with a Commanders’ Plaque on behalf of post members. Cmdr McCarthy is to be recognized for the many years he has held the position of Commander and doing an outstanding job. The adjutant has an order in for another gross of 12 x 18 cemetery flags expected to be delivered within the next week. Cmdr Firth spoke about Post 153 (Prison Post) and how their dues need to be paid by others since members cannot be responsible for their own dues, anyone wishing to sponsor a Post 153 member would be appreciated. Cmdr Firth also spoke of the upcoming October 9th District 7 Fall Conference in Alton Post 72, and the presentation to be made by the Patriot Resilient Leadership Institute and their Camp Resilience. 

Frank McCarthy has been working with Earl Sires the town manager on placing flag banners and the needed brackets along Main Street. Currently the town has no display of flags mainly because there is no easy way to hang them on the current light poles. Frank suggested using the banners and possibly have town businesses help in the cost of acquiring the banners. It’s a work in progress and with persistence, we could have something in place in the near future. We commend Frank for spearheading this endeavor. 

Cmdr Wiley was on hand to present overdue awards Post 95 had earned as well as current awards. Awards presented: 2014 membership tacks, 2015 membership tacks, 2015 Gold Star Honor Ribbon and American Legion Family Ribbon, 2015 Meritorious Service Award and the 2016 Silver Pins and 100% membership. Thanks to Cmdr Wiley for personally visiting post to present these awards. 

Respectfully Submitted: Steve Robinson - Post Adjutant – Next Meeting July 12th 1900 

Note: 2017 membership renewals begin in July. 

Post 95 has 21 Adopt A Vets and 15 HLM, WWII and 50+ Year Members 

Jun 14th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (2),  Quorum Present:

 Officers: Steve R, John E, Lou L, John P and Bill T. John E: Acting Commander 

May 24th minutes reviewed / discussed. John P made a motion to accept minutes- approved. 

Past events: 

May 25-26 Doc Waltz’s wake and funeral service. Post 95 Honor Guard, Lou L, Steve R and Frank M took 20 minute shifts at the wake. Interment will come at a later date; Post will be informed of when. 

May 29th Memorial Day Concert featuring Seacoast Wind Ensemble, Flag bearers: Bill Timberlake (Army), Frank M (Marine), John P (Navy) John E ( Air Force) and Steve R ( Coast Guard) 

May 30th Memorial Day – Bartlett VFW sponsored events: Post 95 Honor Guard was in attendance as well as Steve R and Lou L. At the N Conway Cemetery Frank M, Steve W and Bill Timberlake were on site for dedication ceremony. 

June 3rd Military Access Summit – Concord – Steve Robinson was in attendance 

June 14th Flag Day Activities included Steve W collecting flags at Post with previous mention of such in Conway Daily Sun. 25 flags were collected between the hours of 1PM to 4PM, significantly less than previous year. Steve also mentioned of all the flags in the back room that have not been properly disposed of as of yet. The “burn pit” we have used in the past can no longer be used. John P volunteered to pick up the flags and dispose of them in Brownfield’s gravel pit. Motion made by Steve W that the adjutant order another gross of 12x18 flags to have on hand for future use. Motion seconded and approved. 

Post Business: 

Dave Haskell informed members that post member Jerry Littlefield is not doing well. Any member that knows Jerry might want to send him a card or call. The adjutant explained why we have been paying B&L such a high amount monthly for propane. B@L quoted the Post for the 2015/2016 heating season $2.13/gal for propane based on a usage estimate of about 1300 gallons. The reason we were paying so much a month was because of an outstanding balance that was rolled into the monthly payment. The Post will entertain quotes for this year’s heating season and will determine at that time if we will remain with B&L. Post members as well as the Berlin Vet Center have been discouraged by B&L’s lack of response 

Motion made by Steve W to accept bid of $250 from Lynch Landscaping Services to mow the Post lawn. Seconded and approved. John P volunteered to be Post Historian, as most everyone knows Doc Waltz was the post historian. Motion made by John P to allow Dave H to use the Post sound system for the POW/MIA Vigil on Thursday the 16th in Meredith, seconded and approved. The adjutant discussed what he thought of the Military Access Summit. He was impressed and inspired of how far NH has come since the state first initiated the “Ask the Question Campaign”. He also picked up several pieces of literature, business cards for networking and upcoming events that will be complied and sent out to members. 

Respectfully Submitted: Steve Robinson - Post Adjutant – Next Meeting June 28th 1900 

Mar 22nd 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (4),  Quorum Present:

 Officers: Steve R, Frank M, John P, Karl P & Lou L 

March 8th minutes approved 

Upcoming events: 

April 2nd Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans- Hanover High School 

Post Business: 

Peg Devine (wife of Paul Devine) was very thankful of the gift and flowers presented to her on behalf of the Post while she has been in and out of the hospital regarding her back. The Commander has been in touch with Miles Waltz and was informed that Miles will stay on as Post Historian. And Miles will frequent more meetings riding with the Commander. 

The Commander and John Pandora attended the meeting at the Journey Church last week regarding preparations for National Prayer Day which is on May 5th this year. The ceremony is to be held in Schouler Park at the gazebo. The event involves 2 members each from government, military, education, business and possibly more. A scripture and a prayer will be read by each group. John P offered to read a scripture and Lou L offered to write/read a prayer during the event. Help will also be needed to set up service flags and chairs if needed. 

The commander has not been contacted regarding the condition of the couple in Ossipee, the husband is a veteran who suffers from complications due to Agent Orange and is dying. The commander has already been ensured that this veteran has a bed at the county nursing home in Ossipee. 

John P followed up with a phone call to B&L oil on the SAM application and was told the application was completed, but the Post has not received any copy. It was then discussed that we should send a letter to the Vet Center indicating that the SAM paperwork was complete and ask them to pay what they offered to pay for fuel compensation almost three years ago. Having a lease written going forward from this point was also discussed since there was no written lease when the Vet Center started using the Post 4-5 years ago. 

Motion was made by the Adjutant and seconded by John P to have a ••• page ad in the convention book for $75.00. Karl P. once again offered to make the ad and submit to department. 

John P was given the financial report by the adjutant. 

FGOL: Ed Foley presented the Post with a check for $1000.00 on behalf of VFW Albany Post 11557 which has been closed and is dividing its assets. The Commander noted that the bill in the house regarding the decals for license plates showing BOS and any service medals awarded during time in service will be vetted on this week. A senate bill is making its way through the house and would allow 100% disabled Veterans with an honorable discharge, up to a $12,000 abatement from property taxes. The individual towns will vote on how much to award to each veteran. 

Officer Elections: Adjutant casted one Ballot for all. 

Commander: Karl Pfeil Judge Advocate: Lou Lavender 

1st Vice: James Lefebvre Historian: Miles Waltz 

2nd Vice: John Edgerton Sergeant of Arms: Bill Timberlake 

Service Officer: Frank McCarthy Chaplin: Lou Lavender 

Finance Officer/Adjutant: Steve Robinson 

Sick call: Paul Devine and Miles Waltz. Paul suffers from dementia and Miles broke his hip while in FL. 

The adjutant will forward a mailing address for Miles in FL once obtained 

Respectfully Submitted: Steve Robinson - Post Adjutant – Next Meeting 12Apr 1900 M&M Insurance 

Mar 8th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2),  Quorum Present:

 Officers: Steve R, Frank M, John E, John P, Karl P & Lou L 
Feb 23rd minutes approved 
Upcoming events: 
Mar 22nd General Membership Meeting 1900 – Officer Elections 
Post Business: 
The commander entertained a motion to send Peg Devine (wife of Paul Devine) a bouquet of flowers along with a get well card. Peg is likely to have back surgery in the near future. Motion was made and seconded to send the flowers once an address can be obtained. John P offered to pick up flowers and send once he determines a proper address. 
The commander talked briefly about National Prayer Day which is on May 5th this year. A ceremony is being organized for Schouler Park. The commander got involved with the event last year and with Post approval he would like to offer the Post service flags and possibly the Post Color Guard for this year’s ceremony. The commander received approval from members present that it would be ok to use Post Service flags for the ceremony. The availability of the Post Color Guard could not be determined at this time. 
Ray Gilmore (Post 95 member) contacted Frank with information on a couple in Ossipee that could use some help from the Post. The gentleman is a veteran who is dying from complications dues to agent orange. He is no longer capable of climbing stairs and sleeps on a hospital bed in the living room of the home. The wife who has a hearing disability sleeps on the couch in the same room so she can hear and respond to her husband’s needs. Frank talked to an individual at the county nursing home and was informed that if needed a room can and will be made available for this veteran in Ossipee. Frank has been expecting a call from the wife of this veteran but has not heard from her as of yet. Other options would be a monitor of sorts where the wife could sleep in her own bed but could still hear if her husband needed any assistance. The Post would like to assist in any way possible. 
John P is to follow up with a phone call to B&L oil on the SAM application since the Post was expecting but did not receive a copy of the submitted paperwork as promised by B&L. 
Officer Nominations 
Commander: Karl Pfeil Judge Advocate: Lou Lavender 
1st Vice: James Lefebvre Historian: Miles Waltz 
2nd Vice: John Edgerton Sergeant of Arms: Bill Timberlake 
Service Officer: Frank McCarthy Chaplin: Paul Devine 
Finance Officer/Adjutant: Steve Robinson 
Nominations will remain open until Officer Elections on the 22nd of March 
FGOL Post 95 members Michael W Chandler, Robert E Morse and Richard D Jones were recognized by National on 50 years of continuous service with the American Legion. The certificates are in Post possession and will be sent or delivered to each of the three members. 
Respectfully Submitted: Steve Robinson - Post Adjutant 

Feb 9th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (4),  Members (1),  Quorum Present:

 Jan 26th minutes approved 

Upcoming events: 

Feb 23th General Membership Meeting 1900 – Officer Nominations 

Post Business: 

Lou L has started the necessary paperwork to send in to Home Depot on a possible $5000 grant to replace windows and lighting in the Post home. If so awarded the Post will be asking members to help out with the labor as much as possible to reduce any professional labor costs. The adjutant attended the Mid Winter Conference in Rochester on the 30th of January. Topics of discussion were Tax Guides for Veterans’ organizations, Tax Exempt Organizations and Gambling, 990 Compliance and The American Legion Emblem. Several Department handouts were distributed as well. National Judge Advocate Phil Onderdonk was the keynote speaker. The Adjutant will discuss certain topics in more detail at the next meeting. Some of which could be beneficial to the Post. 

Post 95 received the Silver Star award for membership. ( 100% membership before May 15th) Announcements were also made for individuals wanting to run for Department positions during conference. 

In discussion about Post finances, the commander suggested that a change in the by-laws be made to have the Post books be reviewed on regular intervals, namely by the finance committee. 

RSVP is seeking office space since being denied such in the new recreational building in North Conway. 

The Commander showed Mary Seavey (RSVP President) the room adjacent to Post meeting room as an option for them, whereas if so selected the Post would charge a suggested $500/month rent. In addition the Post would have to look into phone service as well since we have no active phone lines at the moment. 

The adjutant has acquired Legion thank you cards for sending out to those that donated goods and or services to the Post Christmas dinner. Needed still prior to doing so, is a list of those who donated and a mail to address. 

April 26 is our scheduled officer installation, it has been tentatively agreed upon by members present that we do a joint installation with Post 46 on this date at their Post in Conway. We will seek to confirm this at the regular meeting. 


Anna Peare called the Adjutant and wanted to inform the Post that she and her husband finally gained access to Arthur’s home and recovered his service medals, uniform and lots of pictures during his time of service. She also mentioned that John Pandora and possibly Larry Ayers awarded Arthur a medal on behalf of Post 95 a few years back. I suggested it was likely to be a membership medal. I told her I would confirm and describe the medal to her so she knows how to identify same. 

Next Meeting: Feb 23rd 1900hrs – Officer Nominations 

Respectfully Submitted: 

Steve Robinson 

Post Adjutant 

Jan 26th 2016 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (4),  Quorum Present:

 Officers: John P, Steve R, Lou L, Frank M, Paul D & Karl P 

Dec 22nd minutes approved 

Upcoming events: 

Jan 30th Mid-Winter Conference Post 7 Rochester Meeting starts 0900 

Feb 9th Executive Meeting 1900 

Post Business: 

Dave H has been gathering and sharing information relative to information on Military Funerals. The information is available but the need is to have it complied, readily available and accessible. And eventually posted online with funeral homes being informed so they may be aware and prepared to conduct a Military Funeral. Dave has been in contact with the director of the State Veterans Cemetery, the director with his association with the NH State funeral directors, was to mention the need to have this information posted on the directors website. John P mentioned that the National Guard in Franklin would also be a good resource on Military Funerals. The National Guard has an Honor Guard and information is available on their website that can be downloaded and filled out requesting Military Funeral Honors. 

John P gave a summary on the Post Christmas dinner, which included donations and expenses. The Post did not lose any money and the dinner was successful. John P also had the Post home summary report showing the income and expenses for the 2015 year. It was determined that the VA Counselors using the Post a couple days during the week need to contribute towards the fuel expense. It was also questioned whether B&L Oil ever filled out the application given to them by Dave H and Karl P for VA certification as an approved supplier. The Commander and John P were to make plans to stop by B&L and verify. 

The Bartlett VFW sent Post 95 a thank you card for the monetary donation to help fund the cremation of a veteran whose family could not easily afford the expense. 

It was the decided by members present that the Post should have blank certificates of appreciation on hand that can be filled out and sent in a timely manner. In the short term The Adjutant is to purchase through Emblem Sales, blank thank you cards with envelopes to send to businesses that donated items for the Post Christmas dinner. 

Motion was made and approved for the Post to match the commander’s $100.00 donation to help offset the cost of guardianship for Ed Foley’s son, so he can attend the Honor Flight with Ed on May 21st

A bill has been passed in the NH house that will allow Keno play in places of business that sell liquor. It still has to pass the senate. Businesses that are 501C3 would also be included in this proposed bill. . 

Next Meeting: Feb 9th 1900hrs Jan 12th Meeting was Cancelled 

Respectfully Submitted: 

Steve Robinson 

Post Adjutant 

Dec 22nd 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2),  Quorum Present:

Officers: John P, Steve R, Lou L, Frank M, Paul D & Karl P 
Dec 8th minutes approved 
Upcoming events: 
Dec 25th Christmas Post 95 Annual Community Christmas Dinner @ The “Brown Church” in Conway 
Jan 12th Executive Meeting 1900hrs 
Jan 17th Dues Increase to $30.00 
Jan 23rd District 7 Pool Tourney Post 1 Laconia 1000 
Jan 26th General Membership Meeting 1900hrs 
Jan 30th Mid-Winter Conference Post 7 Rochester Meeting starts 0900 
Post Business: 
At the Dec 8th meeting it was mentioned that Karl P and Dave H were to collaborate on a list of phone numbers and possible contacts to put on a handout and present to funeral directors for those clients seeking information on a military funeral. The Post Christmas Party held at the Stonehurst on 20Dec was well attended, 61 people arrived including some Post 46 members. An opportunity for improvement possibly for next year is to have the hors d’oeuvres centrally located so members can help themselves. John P, the Commander and his wife along with Karl P and his wife brought most of what is needed to the Brown Church in preparation for the annual Christmas dinner ahead of time. Members who are available to help are asked to show up at the church Thursday morning, 8AM to 9AM for prep work. John P was given an annual summary of Post expenses. John P and John E plan to meet with Mary and discuss coming up with a budget plan. Post expenses tend to exceed Post income at this point in time. Lou Lavender in discussion with Audley during the Post 46 Thanksgiving dinner mentioned that there may some interest in doing a joint installation of officers if a time of week can be compromised. 
For The Good of Legion 
The bill introduced in the State House allowing all Veterans with an Honorable Discharge any entitled tax abatements, has passed. In the works is a bill that allows 501c3 organizations to sell decals for license plates denoting BOS and Distinguished Service medals awarded during time of service. 
Next Meeting: Dec 26nd 1900hrs 
Respectfully Submitted: 
Steve Robinson 

Post Adjutant 

Dec 8th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (4),  Quorum Present:

 Officers: John P, Steve R, Lou L, Frank M, Paul D & Karl P 
Nov 24th minutes approved 

Upcoming events: 
Dec 12th Wreaths for NH Veterans Cemetery-1030 (arrive 0930-1000 for coffee and parking) 1500 wreaths to be laid at Boscawen spearheaded by the Blue Star Mothers 
Dec 18th Christmas Can Cure Jackson NH Flag Raising @ 1000 
Dec 20th Post 95 Christmas Dinner at Stonehurst Manor 1630-1730(Social) 1730 Dinner 
Monies due anytime up to the event date. Final headcount needed 5 days prior to event. 
Dec 22nd General Membership meeting 1900 
Dec 25th Christmas Post 95 Annual Community Christmas Dinner @ The “Brown Church” in Conway 

Post Business: 
Attendees for the upcoming Post Christmas Party are likely to be close to 45 people, possibly more. The Commander cosigned a bill that has passed the NH House of Representatives and is likely to pass the Senate; the bill will allow all Veterans any entitled tax abatements providing the Veteran has been honorably discharged. Lou Lavender in discussion with Audley during the Post 46 Thanksgiving dinner, mentioned that there may some interest in doing a joint installation of officers if a time of week can be compromised. Plans are underway for the Post Christmas Dinner. 
For The Good of Legion 
The funeral for longtime Post member Arthur Peare will be Friday the 11th of December. The Post will provide military honors in the cemetery after the service. 11AM service with interment after and a reception will be held at the Center Conway Fire Department, where Arthur was a volunteer for several years. 
While discussing his funeral and protocols for any funeral, it was decided that the Post will come up with a handout detailing the requirements and options as well as contacts for any military funeral the family may be entitled to if going through the funeral director. 
The Thanksgiving Dinner Post 46 put on was well attended; thanks go out to those Post 95 members that made the time to help out. The Conway Christmas parade held on the 5th of December was attended by Karl Pfeil and Steve Robinson along with Larry Smith and his Color Guard. 
TAPS: Arthur Peare DOD 12/2/15, Russell Sanford DOD 11/28/15 and Michael Pollard DOD 11/27/14 
Next Meeting: Dec 22nd 1900hrs 
Respectfully Submitted: 
Steve Robinson 
Post Adjutant 

Nov 24th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (4), Guests (1) Quorum Present:

 Officers: John P, Steve R, Lou L, Frank M, Miles W & Karl P 

Nov 10th minutes approved: exception that Karl P also attended John Fuller Veterans Appreciation day 

Upcoming events: 

Nov 26th Thanksgiving Dinner – Noontime Post 46 Conway- seeking volunteers Wed afternoon to help in preparations and Thanksgiving Day for Meals on Wheels- If you want to help contact Post Commander Audley Williams- 

Dec 5th Conway Christmas Parade – 1600 assemble/leave Conway Public Library – Post 95 has been asked to have a color guard present- volunteers needed for the color guard and partake in short parade leading up to the Christmas Tree Lighting. FMI: Mr Furtado @ Conway Family Dental 603 686 8082 

If available for the Color Guard contact the Adjutant 

Dec 7th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day- Flags to be at half mast sunrise to sunset 

Dec 12th Wreaths for NH Veterans Cemetery-1030 (arrive 0930-1000 for coffee and parking) 1500 wreaths to be laid at Boscawen spearheaded by the Blue Star Mothers. To donate visit this link: 

Dec 20th Post 95 Christmas Dinner at Stonehurst Manor 1630-1730(Social) 1730 Dinner (see attached) 

Monies due anytime up to the event date. Final headcount needed 5 days prior to event. 

Dec 25th Christmas Post 95 Annual Community Christmas Dinner @ The “Brown Church” in Conway 

Post Business: 

The Commander in detail explained the events leading up to the cancellation of the Veterans Day Parade/Schouler Park ceremonies due to inclement weather. The church service and luncheon at Post 46 went on as scheduled. The Post Christmas Party at the Stonehurst on Dec 20 was discussed. 

Motion was made on Aug 25th to increase the annual dues to $30.00 (Excludes PUFL, HLM and Adopt A Vet) Dues increase was voted on and approved on this date 24Nov15. 

Financial report read by John Pandora. Monies paid out to cover Veteran Day Expenses (Church, Post 46, Kennett High School Band and Boy Scout Troop 150) 

Lou Lavender has contracted Mike Lynch for Post snow removal priced at $300.00 for the season. 

Lynch requires the money upfront. Motion made and approved for the sum of $300.00 payable to Lynch pending contract approval. 

Motion made and approved to provide the Bartlett VFW $200 in assistance with the cremation expenses of a decorated Marine Vietnam veteran whose family is lacking needed funds. The Commander graciously offered $100.00 of his own money towards the expenses. 

Billy Bean (Post 95 member) was in attendance at the Nov 24th meeting, discussed with John Pandora on what is needed/asked of Post 95 for interment in a plot owned by Post at the North Conway Cemetery. It was decided in an earlier meeting that a plot would be made available. 

Next Meeting: Dec 8th 1900hrs 

Respectfully Submitted: 

Steve Robinson 

Post Adjutant 

Nov 10th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (3), Guests (4) Quorum Present:

 Officers: John P, Steve R, Lou L, Frank M, Miles W & Paul D 

 Nov 10th is the 240th birthday of the USMC 

Oct 27th 2015 Minutes approved 

TAPS: Richard Ware DOD 29Oct15 

Funeral Services were conducted Friday 6Nov15 11AM at the First Church of Christ Congregational. Rev Gil Healy officiated. In attendance for the motorcycle escort to Kearsarge Cemetery were: Steve Woodcock, Dave Haskell and Steve Robinson 

Oct 31st Department Fall Conference held at Wilkins-Smith Post 1. In attendance were Dave Haskell and Steve Robinson. Topics discussed: Meeting Protocol, Handouts and discussion on Dept Committees, Tax related material on 501C corporations and form 990 compliance. 

Upcoming events: 

Nov 11th Veterans Day Parade – 0900 Veterans Service at 1st Church of Christ Congregational - Parade Assembly at John Fuller School 1030 - Parade starts at 1100 - March to Schouler Park were ceremonies will begin. Luncheon will follow at Post 46 Conway. 

Nov 24th Post to vote on whether to raise dues from $25 to $30 to coincide with National Increase at this general membership meeting. 

Nov 26th Thanksgiving- Post 46 in Conway is sponsoring a Community Dinner- If you want to help contact Post commander Audley Williams- 

Dec 20th Post 95 Christmas Dinner at Stonehurst Manor 1630-1730(Social) 1730 Dinner (see attached) 

Post Business: 

Discussed were events leading up to and after the Veterans Day Parade. In attendance were Audley Williams Post 46 Commander and his soon to be 1st Vice.. Wesam Mahoud. Visiting guests were Sam Spak Post 36 Block Island, RI and potential new member Bill Timberlake of Center Conway a current Post 200 member. 

Commander McCarthy mentioned David Knox a colleague of his, who is a retired teacher, a former NH State Representative and in the Ossipee Nursing home with inoperable brain tumors. Commander asked if anyone is or happens to be in the area, stop in and say hi to David 

John P and Larry Smith attended the John Fuller Veteran appreciation day on 10Nov. Both enjoyed themselves. 

Post Adjutant has been in touch with Billy Bean (Post 95 member) who has expressed an interest in one of the cemetery plots Post 95 has available at the North Conway cemetery. It was decided that Post 95 Service Officer Karl Pfiel visit Mr Bean and discuss options. 

Next Meeting: Nov 24th 1900hrs 

Respectfully Submitted: 

Steve Robinson 

Post Adjutant 

Oct 27nd 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (3), Guests (2) Quorum Present:

Officers: Frank M, John E, Steve R, Lou L, Karl P, Paul D 

 Sept 13nd, 2015 Minutes approved 

TAPS: Richard Ware 

Upcoming events: 

Oct 31st: Department Fall Conference – Wilkins-Smith Post 1- 849 N Main St Laconia- 0900. 

Nov 8th Veterans’ Sunday – 1000 - St. Margarets Church Conway 85 Pleasant St- Dedication Ceremony for Merchant Marine Memorial 

Nov 11th Veterans Day Parade – 0900 Veterans Service at 1st Church of Christ Congregational - Parade Assembly at John Fuller School 1030 - Parade starts at 1100 - March to Schouler Park were ceremonies will begin. Luncheon will follow at Post 46 Conway. 

Post Business: 

District 7 Meeting at Post 46 on 17Oct was well attended by Post 95 Members Attending were Lou Lavender, Barry Trudeau, Karl Pfeil, Dave Haskell, John Pandora and Steve Robinson. Discussions on membership, and Post problem areas were brought forward and shared. 

Barry Trudeau invited Bob McClellan a Navy vet who lives in the valley. He was given an application. 

Veterans Day Parade details were finalized with the exception of a guest speaker and a news article. Bill Hounsell or Commander McCarthy will likely be the guest speaker. Audley Williams, Post 46 commander was in attendance, and volunteered to be MC of the park ceremony if needed. Lou Lavender informed members via email that he will not be able to attend parade due to a prior engagement with VFW. Wreaths and flags ordered by Dave H for the Parade and ceremonies. 

A motion was made and passed 13Oct during the executive meeting to have winter plowing and seasonal lawn mowing performed by an outside source rather than any particular Post member. Lou Lavender is to look into sourcing an individual who can do the work. 

The Post received a thank you note from Veterans Count ( Easter Seals) on our $150 donation. 

Financial report was given- Motion made and approved to transfer $2000 from brokerage account into checking account. The $3100 from the town was received for Veterans Day Observances. Motion was made and approved to donate $150.00 for Wreaths Across America. Steve Robinson, Post Adjutant has completed bank paperwork to be added to the list of co-signers on Post checking account. Currently John E, John P and Dave H are cosigners as well as Mary Gaudette. 

Karl P presented a small tri-fold with pictures, history of the Post, and events that the Post has been involved with, Karl handed out samples of his tri-fold and wants member feedback on what we could add, remove and/or consolidated for effective promotion of Post. 

Sick call: Russell Sanford and Leo Champoux. John Edgerton is to have knee surgery in November. 

Next Meeting: Nov 10th 1900hrs 

Respectfully Submitted: 

Steve Robinson 

Post Adjutant 

Sep 22nd 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (8),  Members (1), Guests (1) Quorum Present:

 Officers: Frank M, John P, Miles W, Steve R, Lou L, Karl P, James L & Paul D 
Sept 8th, 2015 Minutes approved 
Upcoming events: 
Oct 17th: District 7 Fall Meeting @ Conway Post 46 - 0930-1030 Social- Meeting @ 1030. Topics to be discussed: membership/recruiting and common Post problems. Bill Firth District 7 Commander will chair meeting. 
Oct 31st: Department Fall Conference – Laconia – More Info to Come. 
Nov 11th Veterans Day and Parade – The parade preparations will discussed in detail during the Oct 13th Meeting. In the interim Karl P will assist John E in some of the preparations. The 2nd Vice is typically the Post Officer who makes the preparations; however it may better suited with a committee as opposed to one individual. 
Post Business: 
Bill Firth District 7 Commander addressed members and spoke about the upcoming District 7 joint meeting to take place on the 17th of Oct. In addition to supplying Posts some ideas on membership, there will be an open discussion on common Post problems. Bill also mentioned that he is looking for a 1st Vice Commander. 
The Commander expressed his gratitude to the Post and members present on all the cards sent, phone calls and show of support over the death of his daughter in law Edith, the wife of his son Scott. 
Scott also sent a card to the Post thanking everyone on the kind card of condolence. 
An estimate of $650 was received from Russ Lanoie on repairing the Post driveway, executive members voted electronically to approve and have the work done. The motion was also made and approved by members present tonight. 
Real ID: Dept Adjutant in his newsletter stated starting in 2016, any person living in NH will need to have in their possession, a passport to fly anywhere in the continental US. NH is one of 3 states that did not want to comply with the terms needed to implement a Real ID card. 
Dave H reported on the 9/11 ceremony that took place in Schouler Park. The ceremony went over very well. Dave brought and displayed his Flag of Honor. It was estimated that about 50 people attended the ceremony. Next year is the 15th anniversary and the plan is to make it bigger and better. 
John P briefed the members on the latest financial report. Motion was made and approved to accept the financial report 
A motion was made and approved for Dave H to buy the necessary hardware for the flagpole in Schouler Park and not to exceed $300 
Sick call: Russell Sanford and Leo Champoux. John Edgerton is to have knee surgery in November. 
Next Meeting: Oct 13th 1900hrs 
Post membership is currently at 79.55% 
Dept Goals: Nov 6, 75% Dec 9, 80% Jan 13, 85% Feb 3, 90% Mar 2 
95% Apr 6 and 100% May 4 
Respectfully Submitted: 
Steve Robinson 
Post Adjutant 

Sep 8th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (5),  Members (1),  Quorum Present

 Officers: John E, John P, Miles W, Steve R & Lou L 
Aug 25, 2015 Minutes approved 
Upcoming events: 
Sept 11: Second Annual Post sponsored Memorial Ceremony in Schouler Park. Ceremony starts at 
1003 Post members are asked to attend and be on site by 0945 AM to help distribute small American flags. Rev Gilman Healy will conduct a brief service; also in attendance to assist Rev Healy will be the N Conway Police and Fire Departments, Paramedics and Conway Fire Department. A representative from the insurance industry will act on behalf of all non-emergency personal that perished. 
Sept 12: ALR ride to Alton Post 72 and then to Tilton Veterans Home. All proceeds benefit the Veterans home. 
Post Business: 
Carter Barnickel spoke to members on his experience at Boys State. For those that need a reminder. Carter was sponsored by Post 95 to attend Boys State in June. Carter had a very positive experience during his week at Rivier University. He reveled in the experience of town government from creating the town to electing town officials and creating new laws and bills, arbitrating those bills in a house and senate and even balancing the budget. 
The Post cookout was initially postponed due to the death of the Commander’s daughter in law, the wife of his son Scott. The Post sent their condolences along with our thoughts a prayers in a card mailed by 
John P. It was decided by the members present that the cookout be cancelled rather than have it postponed. Any monies received will be returned. 
The Rotary has awarded the Post $500 towards the acquisition of grave markers. John P will get them on order. 
A motion was made to raise the Post Annual Dues Aug 25 to $30 for 2017 due to an imminent $5 per capita tax on membership nationally. The Adjutant is in the process of notifying all members. This motion will be voted on in an upcoming meeting once all members are informed. 
For the Good of the Legion: 
On September 2 Bruce Garry and Dave Haskell took part in the escort of bringing a beam from ground zero to Portsmouth where it is to be used in creating a 9/11 Memorial there. 
Next Meeting: Sept 22nd 1900hrs 
Post membership is currently at 76.14% 
Dept Goals: 50% Sept 2, 55% Oct 7, 65% Nov 6, 75% Dec 9, 80% Jan 13, 85% Feb 3, 90% Mar 2 
95% Apr 6 and 100% May 4 
Respectfully Submitted: 
Steve Robinson 
Post Adjutant 

Aug 25th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (8),  Members (1),  Quorum Present

 Aug 11, 2015 Minutes approved 
For the Good of Legion: 
$320 was donated to the Legacy Scholarship Fund. Money was raised during the Post’s Blessing of the Bikes earlier this year. Post received a thank you from National on our contribution. 
Upcoming events: 
Sept 11: Second Annual Post sponsored Memorial Ceremony in Schouler Park. Ceremony starts at 
1003 Post members are asked to attend and be on site by 0945 AM to help distribute small American flags. Rev Gilman Healy will conduct a brief service; also in attendance to assist Rev Healy will be the N Conway Police and Fire Departments, Paramedics and Conway Fire Department. A representative from the insurance industry will act on behalf of all non-emergency personal that perished. 
Post Business: 
Commander thanked those members who were present during the Wounded Warrior/ Operation Hat Trick golf tournament. The Post made $109.00 selling service flags to participants. The Commander donated half of his winnings in the tournament back to the Wounded Warriors in the name of the Post. A discussion took place with members present on whether or not there was enough interest amongst Post members to go forward with the Post cookout. It was decided that the cookout will go on as scheduled and the Commander will delay a flight to his son whose wife is gravely ill. 
The Rotary has awarded the Post $500 towards the acquisition of grave markers. John P will get them on order. 
An estimate from Russ for the Post driveway is forth coming. Commander would like to have something done before winter sets in. 
Preparations for the 9/11 Ceremony in Schouler Park are near complete. Just need to source a bell and find someone/group to lead the singing of God Bless America. The Commander suggested contacting the fire chief in Conway and ask if the Post could borrow their bell. 
A motion was made by Karl P, seconded and approved by members to donate $150 towards Veterans Count, an Easter Seals NH affiliated program that provides critical and timely financial assistance to veterans, service members and their families. 
A motion was made to raise the Post Annual Dues to $30 for 2017 due to an imminent $5 per capita tax on membership nationally. This motion will be voted on in an upcoming meeting. 
Karl P and Dave H visited B&L Oil and were ensured that the necessary paperwork will be filled out and submitted to the VA to be on their approved vendors list. 
Next Meeting: Sept 8th 1900hrs – Carter Barnickel will speak on his experience at Boys State 
Respectfully Submitted: 
Steve Robinson 

Aug 11th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2),  Quorum Present

 Officers: Frank Mc, John E, John P, Miles W, Steve R,Ron S,Karl P & Paul D

July 28, 2015 Minutes approved 

For the Good of Legion: 
July 25th Karl P successfully graduated from the American Legion Extension Institute 
July 27th Post 95 Legion Riders Steve W and Bruce Gary made the trip on M/Cs to Springfield, MA to attend the funeral service of GySgt Thomas Sullivan who was one of the Marines killed in TN 
Aug 6th Karl P personally delivered the TFA checks to the Post 95 member who requested the assistance. Unfortunately the member had been waiting since the 20th of September for delivery of said checks when they first arrived at Dept Headquarters. Checks were first mailed out on the 23rd of Sept but were returned to Dept Aug 3rd due to an incorrect address. Checks were sent back out regular mail on Aug 4th when Post requested next day, finally arrived the 6th when Karl intercepted and delivered to Post member. 
Post Business: 
Post members will set up and display Service Flags, sell small service flags and manage a table at the North Conway Country Club during the benefit tournament for Wounded Warriors on the 21st of Aug. The tournament would also be a good opportunity to acquire new members. Preparations are underway for the Post Cookout to be held at the Commander’s residence – 124 Suren Rd N Conway – on Aug 30th. Tickets will be sold until the Friday before the 30th. A working party is planned for the 29th at 9AM to move supplies from Post home to Commander’s. Chairs, tables and the tents all need to be moved. Any members who can help would be appreciated. 

Post member Richard Ware sent the Post a thank you card for paying his 2016 dues. 

The Department Annual Fall Golf Tournament will be held at the Lochmere Country Club in Tilton on Saturday September 12th. Signup sheets need to be submitted by September 4th. Contact: Jacki Newton 
603 520 7080. See attachment. 

Name tags and kiosk were ordered on Aug 12th by Dave H. Commander inquired if anyone knew whether or not Karl P received an estimate from Russ Lenoit on improving Post driveway. Motion made and approved to have a 9/11 ceremony in Schuler Park. Steve W will organize as he did last year and provide more details at next meeting. The Post will ask Home Depot for a grant to be used for Post Improvements next year with the help of Lou L, who was successful in acquiring material needed to make improvements to the Bartlett VFW. 

Next Meeting: 25Aug15 1900hrs 

Respectfully Submitted: 
Steve Robinson 
Post Adjutant 
Post 95 

June 28th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2),  Quorum Present

 Officers: Frank Mc, John E, Karl P, Ron S, Steve R & Paul D 

 July 14, 2015 Minutes approved 
For the Good of Legion: 
Since the 20th of July Dave H, Karl P and the adjutant have corresponded with the Dept on tracking down 4 TFA checks that were supposedly sent to a Post 95 Member. Over a week has passed and checks have not shown up. Adjutant suspects a wrong address was used. As of July 30th the process was started to issue new checks and stop payment on prior checks. 

Post Everlasting: Frances (Frank) Rossi 100130404 DOD April 28 2015. Post 95 Member-Korean War 
Taps: Jason Bob Alward 38 years Old – US Army Iraqi Veteran-Parents Deb and David Alward – 
Karl Fred Svendsen – Vietnam Veteran – Navy Corpsman- Military Honors performed by Dave H, 
Steve W and Steve Robinson – St. Andrews in the Valley – July 25th - Bugler Gary Torressen. 

Post Business: John P completed the paper work for the Rotary, now pending approval for Monies to be used by Post to purchase grave markers. Question came up if Dept name tags were ordered. . Commander mentioned that the Catholic cemetery has an unusual amount of flags still whereas the N Conway cemetery has very few, from what he could see upon driving by, Karl P will investigate. Tickets for Post Cookout were distributed to all members who have an email on file with the Post. Commander would like to see 40 or more people attend cookout. Veterans and non Veterans alike are invited. Kids are free if not ordering a Lobster or Steak. Commander suggested we sell small Service Flags during Golf Tournament. Also a good opportunity to sign new members. Good supply of flags at Post, also a small display available. 

Next Meeting: 11Aug15 1900HRs Guest: Carter Barnickel- Will share his experience at Boys State 

Respectfully Submitted 
Steve Robinson 
Post Adjutant 

We have 105 members who have renewed their membership for 2016…have you? 

June 23rd 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6),  Members (2), Guests (1) Quorum Present

 Officers: Frank Mc, John E, John P, Karl P, Lou L & Paul D 
June 9, 2015 Minutes approved. 
Upcoming Events: 
July 4th Bartlett Parade 1000hrs - Conway 1200hrs w/events in Schouler Park N. Conway- Conway Rec looking for Veterans to ride on their float. Post color Guard to lead parade. Participants will don Legion uniform w/ or without jacket. 
Americanism: Carter Barnickel successfully completed Boys State. Steve R, Dave H and Karl P attended the graduation ceremony 27Jun at Riveria University while in Manchester during Legion Convention. 
Post Business: Some Post Members have had second thoughts about the Bread of Life Church using the Post. To save face Commander suggested to Judge Advocate that he send the minister the “use contract” with a $1000 deposit for any potential damage. 
Members agreed to no longer pursue fuel compensation from Veterans Center using Post for counseling. 
Rotary Board meets on 9July and at that time the Post will officially request a donation for flag markers via Commander’s wife. The Rotary has made monies available up to $300.00 for such use. 
The Veterans Day luncheon and where to have it needs further discussion. Merlinos, Post 46 are options. 
Dave H, Karl P, Steve W, John P and Tom Workman were at Post home on 14June – Flag Day - Flags were collected and 20ft flag pole donated by Dave H was erected. 
Post 95 cookout scheduled date is 30Aug. New ticket price for Lobster will be $25.00. And the steak will be $15.00. 
Some tickets to be printed and also distributed by Post newsletter. 
Discussion on Post finances brought to members attention. Concerns addressed were the distribution of checks/payments and Post deposits. It was felt that these transactions were not performed in a timely manner. Finance Committee to speak to Mary and see if there is a resolution to the concerns. Also mail retrieval needs some standard protocol, agreed upon and implemented. 
For Good of the Legion 
Frank M, John E, Lou L, Karl P, John P, Dave H. and Steve W attended flag burning ceremony 1800hrs 23Jun at Post 
Post 95 received Bowen award for membership procurement 2015 and Intra District Membership award 2015 for District 7 at convention. Membership cards are now available. As of 3Jul we have had 3 members renew online. 
John E introduced new member Ed Rancourt. Dick Metz a Navy veteran, who lives across the street from Post, stopped in during Jun 23rd meeting expressing an interest in joining the Post. Dave H happily handed him an application to fill out. 
Justice for Veterans conference attended by Karl P and Dave H was very well received. Positive feedback shared by Karl P. Karl has more information and pamphlets. Karl also has a blog site dedicated to Legion and Post 95 activities. Check it out. Also can find some pictures... 
John P mentioned that maybe Post can appropriate a used mail box for collecting flags from Post Office website. And possibly write a letter to Post Master General seeking information on a used mailbox. 
On 1July Dave H transported member Dennis Dicey to Vet Center in White River Junction for their Open House at new location. 
Dave was contacted by Nancy Beckwith, a care giver who works with Veterans, and was asked if he could transport Post 95 member Elmer Killam to the Veterans home in Tilton for a tour of facilities and an evaluation for admittance. Dave provided Elmer the application paperwork a few years ago. They spent the day together reminiscing on their service times and touring the home while having a little fun in the process. Kudos to Dave on taking the time out of his busy schedule to do this for a fellow veteran. 
Next Meeting: 14Jul15 1900HRs 
Respectfully Submitted 
Steve Robinson 
Post Adjutant 

June 9th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (8),  Members (3), Guests (2) Quorum Present

 Officers: Frank Mc, Steve R, Jim L, John P, Karl P, Miles W, Lou L & Paul D 
May 26, 2015 Minutes approved. 
Upcoming Events: 
June 12th 0830hrs Justice Involved Veterans Conference in Concord, Karl P and Dave H are attending. 
June 13th 1100Hrs Funeral Mass and Interment for Post 46 member Jon A P Munro Sr. @ Our Lady Of the Mountains Church and Cemetery. Dave H was contacted by Jon Munro Jr and had asked for Military Honors. Dave H and Lou L attended the wake on June 7th with Air Force Flag and American Flag. Lou and Dave will be present Sat along with Larry S and his Honor Guard for the interment. Dave H will see about a bugler. All are invited as a show of respect. 
June 14th; Flag Day Steve W and Karl P have volunteered to collect Flags from community between 1300 and 1600 hrs. Adjutant will send out email to Post members so they are aware. 
Community: Adjutant introduced Carter Barnickel, a Junior from Kennett High School who is an applicant for Boys State and seeks sponsorship. He is a former Cadet from the Wylie Apte Squadron. And currently on the Kennett drum line. Found out about Boys State via his guidance counselor. Motion made by Dave H to appropriate $300.00 to sponsor Carter to Boys State and Passed. Carter was invited back to the Post after completion of Boys State to share his experience with Post members. 
Second guest is Pastor James Sullivan who is seeking to use Post to conduct Bible Study classes a couple times a week. 
His church is called the Bread of Life Church and at this time has at least one individual is interested in attending his class. Motion was made my John P and seconded by Jim L to allow Pastor Sullivan to use Post facilities on a trial basis, motion was passed. He is looking to start his class after July 4th. 
Americanism: Larry S presented to the Post a thank you from the Pine Tree School students resulting from the Flag Etiquette class he and John P conducted there last month. It was given to Miles for his history book. 
Post Business: Dave H has made available a 20ft fiberglass flag pole to replace the currently broken Post flag pole. A working party will be formed to install the new pole in the near future. 
Clarification made on what type of name tags the Commander wanted for Post Officers. Name tags can be ordered through Emblem Sales after all. 
Larry and Jim will take care of disposing collected flags. On the 23rd of June (next scheduled meeting) Post will conduct ceremonial burning of flag at 1800 hours with meeting to start right after. All members attending meeting are asked to show up at 1800 hours. 
Post 95 cookout was discussed, tentative date to be late August early September. New ticket price for Lobster will be $25.00. And the steak will be $15.00. At next meeting date for cookout will be finalized. 
Motion made and approved to transfer monies ($369) from an inactive fund set up for Joe Hackett who died in 2007 to the general fund. 
Post has been unsuccessful in trying to get B&L Oil (Dodge Oil) to sign the form for VA accreditation This is needed to allow the VA counselors using the Post to accept the fuel stipend offered to the Post by the VA. Form can be filled out online, link to website sent to B&L, Requests by Post have been ignored. Ongoing.. 
The Post suggests that all Convention resolutions to be voted on by delegates at next convention be a no vote. 
For Good of the Legion 
First Vice Jim Lefebvre has been overseas helping military personnel in all aspects of transition assistance. This program is designed for soldiers close to separation with specific training for entering the civilian world. He will be going to Fort Richardson in Alaska on the 12th of June next and will be there approximately 4 weeks. 
Next Meeting: 23Jun15 1800HRs Ceremonial Flag Burning with meeting thereafter. 
Respectfully Submitted 
Steve Robinson 
Post Adjutant 

May 26th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (7),  Quorum Present 

 Officers: Frank Mc, Steve R, John P, Karl Pfeil, Miles W, Lou L, & Paul D 
 May 12, 2015 Minutes approved. 
Past Events: May 24th Memorial Concert Flag Bearers: Frank M, John P, Miles W, Karl P, Paul D. 
May 25th Memorial Day Ceremonies in attendance: Lou L, John P, Steve R, Karl P, Larry S and his Honor 
Guard, In N Conway Frank M, Steve W and Miles W joined the ceremonies. 
Post Members chose the picture taken of members at N.Conway cemetery showing mountains in background for Convention booklet. Nice job Karl P. Monies sent in to State for delegates, advertisement and dinner. 
Post Everlasting: 3 Members to be recognized with DOD confirmation. 
DOD 8Apr15 
100130773 HOLDEN, ELIOT C 455 MOHAWK DR WESTPORT MA 02790 P 2/05/2015 DOD 26Apr14 
102332107 NICHOLS, THEODORE H 25544 BELLE HELENE LEESBURG FL 34748 P 1/02/2015 DOD 23Nov14 
Post Business: Discussion about when to conduct Post Everlasting, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Special 
Ceremony. No particular date approved upon
Motion made and passed to have Post buy name tags with post position for officers of Post 
Steve Lambert current president of Rotary International N. Conway has made monies are available, 
And if Post wants it (up to $500) we could use it for purchasing metal Veteran Grave markers. 
Official form can be downloaded from Rotary website. Commander’s wife will acquire form and the 
Commander will bring it in to be filled out for June 9th meeting. 
Commander informed Mr. Syers, Town Manager that the Post unanimously approved the Pine Street 
Location (Rt 16 and John Fuller School) for the Burger King Memorial. Town received an estimate of 
$3300 to move monument. Syers yet to bring it in front of Selectman, we will be informed of when and if 
the move will take place. 
Resolutions to be presented during Convention discussed, it was decided that the Adjutant send copies 
of the 4 resolutions to the attending delegates and regular attendees for their review and be voted on as 
a Post during next June meeting. 
New flag pole for Post discussed, it was mentioned that Dave H. may have a fiberglass pole Post 
could possibly lease or buy. Post could also consider purchasing a flag pole during Fryeburg Fair and 
use Dave’s in the interim. 
Post purchased a gross of 4” x 6” flags for Karl P’s son in MA for a class he is giving for school kids to 
hand out after completion. Karl’s son may have gotten the bill, if so forward that bill to Post for payment. 
Respectfully Submitted 
Steve Robinson 

May 12th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6), Members (2), Quorum Present 

Officers: Frank Mc, Steve R, John E, John P, Karl Pfeil, & Paul D

April 14th & April 28, 2015 Minutes approved.
Upcoming Events: May 24th 1930Hrs Memorial Concert @ Fryeburg Academy LEPAC– Post members to carry Service Flags.
May 25th Memorial Day Ceremonies beginning in Jackson @ 0900 with final ceremony at N Conway Cemetery@1400Hrs
            Post Everlasting: 3 Members to be recognized:
            102335137 FERNANDEZ, SEVERINO J SKIMOBILE RD NORTH CONWAY NH 03860 P 4/22/2015
      100130773 HOLDEN, ELIOT C 455 MOHAWK DR WESTPORT MA 02790 P 2/05/2015
      102332107 NICHOLS, THEODORE H 25544 BELLE HELENE LEESBURG FL 34748 P 1/02/2015
Commander has asked all attending wear the Legion Uniform with cap. Pictures to be taken during N.Conway ceremony for a full page ad the Post will have in the Convention Booklet.
June 12th 0830hrs Justice Involved Veterans Conference in Concord.

 Community: Pricilla’s Restaurant recognizes local veterans in paper for a monthly advertisement; veterans provide a quick bio along with a picture and the restaurant personnel takes care of the rest.  She is looking for more local veterans to recognize. Commander attended the National day of Prayer- May 7th - in Schuler Park and was asked if the Post could get involved next year by having service flags and possibly a Color Guard in attendance. Event would be good exposure for Post.  Town wants to relocate Burger King Memorial and has asked the Post for suggestions. Best location Post would like to see is at the end of Pine Street.

FGOL: Becky Jefferson’s brother, an Army Vet is to be buried in Jackson Cemetery sometime in July. Post will be notified of an exact time for the graveyard service. Commander will like to have a Color Guard and Bugler present and a flag to be presented to family.

Americanism: John P and Larry S went to the Pine Tree School on May 1st and conducted a class on Flag Etiquette.
Well received by the kids and the Post was rewarded with a handmade poster.

Post Business: Motion made and passed to run full page ad in Convention Book- $125.00- Karl P to create ad.
                         Convention Delegates Selected: Karl P., Dave H., Steve R, At large: John P

                         Motion made and approved to accept the transfer of Joseph Redmond from Post 46: Joe needs to pay
                           his 2015 dues before transfer can be official.

                         Motion made and passed to have Post purchase 4 x 6 Flag for Pine Tree School

                         Motion made and passed to purchase Kiosk with Legion pamphlets: $60.00

Next Meeting:   26May15 1900HRs Arrive early to partake in some Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and salads prior to meeting.

Respectfully Submitted                       
Steve Robinson           
Post Adjutant

April 28th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (8), Members (0), Quorum Present & Guest (16)

Officers: Frank Mc, Steve R, Dave H, John P, Ron S, Miles W, Lou L & Paul D

April 14th 2015, Minutes to be approved @ May 12th meeting.

Officer Installation 2015-2016: Frank Mc; after opening the meeting and mentioning the upcoming Silver Star Banner Day & Conway Job Fair, all other business was suspended, turning over the Installation of Officers to the District-7 Officers.
   The following Officers were Installed; Cdr - Frank McCarthy, 2nd Vice John - Edgerton, Adjutant - Steve Robinson, Finance Officer - John Pandora, Chaplain - Paul Devine, Judge Advocate - Lou Lavender, Historian - Miles Waltz, Sergeant @ Arms - Ron Siraco. 1st Vice - Jim Lefebvre & Service Officer - Karl Pfeil, were unable to attend.
   The following Legion Rider Officers were Installed; Director – Dave Haskell & Assistant Director – Steve Robinson. Secretary/Treasurer – Steve Woodcock was unable to attend.
   Many Wives & S/O’s attended, bringing an excellent & delicious assortment of food to eat after the Installation of Officers.

Blog & FaceBook: Karl Pfeil is working on a Blog plus a FaceBook page for the Post. It has Minutes, Calendar, what is happening, Recruit New Members. Reach Out to All Veterans.
   Karl is willing to set up business cards for post members, plus we need more publicity.

   My Legion sign up:            
FMI or assistance, Dave @ 603.323.8775

Next Meeting: May 26TH
Respectfully Submitted                       
Dave Haskell           
Post Adjutant

April 14th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (9), Members (2), Quorum Present & Guest (1) 

 Officers: Frank Mc, Steve R, Dave H, John P, Ron S, Jim L, Karl Pfeil, Lou L & Paul D 

March 24th 2015, Minutes were approved.
Upcoming Events: May 1st Silver Star Banner Day, Ceremony 0800. May 8th Conway Job Fair 1000-1400. May 25th Memorial Day Ceremony, plus the flags need to be placed @ the cemeteries. We need participants for all four. Dave H will bring the roller beads for the flag pole, and will also pick up a Kiosk @ Dept HQ which holds The American Legion brochures.

VA Medical, VIC Card: Frank Mc; Eye Exams, approval from CBOC, Exam + Prescription = Glasses @ no cost!

House Committee: Frank Mc; our tenant is on vacation, keep a look out for his place.

History Book: Dave H, Steve R & John P finally picked up the History Book @ District-7 Spring Conference in Littleton.

Adjutant: New Member Tony Andreano USAF, introduced by Karl Pfeil.

GOTL: Karl Pfeil our newly elected Service Officer addressed the membership with his concern that we need to work on getting more members to become more active in the Post. We average 10 at a Post meeting with a membership of 170. This is not just a problem that our post faces but is endemic across all veteran groups. We need to attract younger members. 
   Suggested that the Post provide flags to those in need! Some of the suggestions made were: Promote our new Facebook Page and Blog and look at creation of a web page. Look at Post members that might have some experience with this.
   Print out business cards to pass out to potential members. (Voted on and approved by officers)
   Create more of a presence in our local newspaper with articles about our post. Look at bringing back the Veteran’s Corner.
   Suggested that we make plans for a “Revitalization” which would reach out to all members and find out what the post could do to bring them to meetings and get them more involved.
   Suggested that we could have a Movie Night where we could show classic war movies once a month, start bringing in guest speakers to bring more members to the meeting. Maybe we open it up to the public.
   Rides for veterans were discussed. We need to be proactive in assuring that all veteran’s in need of transportation find a resource. RSVP is helping with this effort and a motion was made and the post voted to send a $200 donation for their effort.

   Project Healing Waters which is a group that is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings. 
NH Vet To Vet Vet to Vet is a peer driven support group where veterans can help one another word through the issues frequently experienced as the reintegrate in to civilian life.
He asked about an alliance of all veteran groups in the valley. Our Commander Frank McCarthy gave some history of this effort and this has been his goal all along.
Please feel free to contact Karl 603-356-6899 with any suggestions or comments.

   My Legion sign up:            
FMI or assistance, Dave @ 603.323.8775

Next Meeting: May 26TH
Respectfully Submitted                       
Dave Haskell           
Post Adjutant

March 24th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (6), Members (3), Quorum Present & Guest (1) 

 Officers: Steve R, Dave H, John P, Ron S, Karl Pfeil, Jim L, Steve W, Lou L & Paul D 

March 10th 2015, Minutes were approved. 

Prior to the Meeting 1800: Dave H introduced Bob Casimiro. Bob put on a slide presentation of his involvement at the Arizona Border pertaining to the Illegal Immigration, followed up with a Q & A period. He was very impressed with the Post participation. Dave H brought his Pot of Diablo Chili & Ginger Snaps, John P made up some finger sandwiches, which was self-serve during the presentation. Post approved sending speaker $50 for his presentation, in lieu of his donation basket. 

House Committee: Lou L, Home Depot · Grant Program. They are great supporters of Veteran Organizations. We put in a Grant for the Bartlett VFW for the floor replacement in February (their cut-off date for the year). They received their Grant within 3-weeks, from time of submittal. Follow up with PR/Pictures. 

Officer Elections 2015-2016: John P, made a motion to have the Adjutant cast 1-ballot, 2nd Steve W. The following Officers were elected 3/24; Cdr - Frank McCarthy, 1st Vice - Jim Lefebvre, 2nd Vice John Edgerton, Adjutant - Steve Robinson, Finance Officer - John Pandora, Chaplain - Paul Devine, Judge Advocate - Lou Lavender, Historian - Miles Waltz, Service Officer - Karl Pfeil, Sergeant at Arms - Ron Siraco. Officer Installations April 28th.

Blessing of the Bikes: June 25th thru June 28th. 
Adjutant: Dave H & Steve R, explained in detail the Member Muster Program they have brought to the post. They have been working with the Programmer helping him get all of the bugs out. For their efforts the programmer has donated the Member Muster Program to the post. The MM Program will be a onetime fee of $150 that includes up to 2 hours of telephone support. Any updates needed due to changes in national or Department changes will be supplied free. Future update and enhancement releases will be priced when the are available - but will be very reasonable ($30 to $50?). It will be available to order from our Post Web Site soon. 

Flag Pole: The Post approved purchasing a new flag pole for $ 200. 

Blog & FaceBook: Karl Pfeil is working on a Blog plus a FaceBook page for the Post. It has Minutes, Calendar, what is happening, Recruit New Members. Reach Out to All Veterans. 
Karl is willing to set up business cards for post members, plus we need more publicity. 

My Legion sign up: 
FMI or assistance, Dave @ 603.323.8775 


Respectfully Submitted 
Dave Haskell 
Post Adjutant

March 10th 2015 Minutes   Post-95 Officers (6), Members (1), Quorum Present & Guest (1)

Officers; Frank Mc, Steve R, Dave H, John E, John P, Ron S & Paul D

February 24th 2015, Minutes were approved.
Prior to the Meeting: Dave H introduced Bob Casimiro. Bob will be our guest speaker 3/24.
Topic: Illegal Immigration @1800.

Sick Call: Jim LeFebvre & Arnie Blethen

House Committee: The thermostat has been replaced for the upstairs apartment; the old one would not go above 72° with a long cycle in between! Berlin Vet Center Outstation Fuel Payment to B & L Oil, Dave H sent an email to them, they have not responded!   The Insurance Policy is due to expire 3/31, Dave H will check with Insurance Company about our coverage including the Legion Riders. The Tenant has his own renter’s insurance policy. Interest has arisen about the Old Elks Lodge, once again!

Officer Nominations 2015-2016: The following Officers were nominated 2/24; Cdr - Frank McCarthy, 1st Vice - Jim LeFebvre ?, 2nd Vice John Edgerton, Adjutant - Steve Robinson, Finance Officer - John Pandora, Chaplain - Paul Devine, Judge Advocate - Lou Lavender, Historian - Miles Waltz, Service Officer - Karl Pfeil, Sergeant at Arms - Ron Siraco. Officer Elections March 24th.

Convention: June 25th thru June 28th, The Adjutant sent a check for 2 rooms, 3 nights $660.

Adjutant: Post Paid Member’s List was handed out for the WWII, 50+, Active Duty, Nursing Home, Low-Income Members. Vote approved to have them removed from the National Renewal Mailing List. Disabled Vet arrived home Ok, and is looking for housing.

Flag Pole: The Flag has self-destructed during the previous wind storm. Lou L has bandaged it up with some 100mph Tape & Ty-Raps.

Blog & FaceBook: Karl Pfeil is working on a Blog plus a FaceBook page for the Post. It is a work in progress, any interest or suggestions would be appreciated.
   Karl also mentioned the Justice Involved Veterans Conference June 12th Concord, he is interested in going.

   My Legion sign up:            
FMI or assistance, Dave @ 603.323.8775

Next Meeting: April 14th

Respectfully Submitted                       

Dave Haskell           

Post Adjutant

February 24th 2015 Minutes   Post-95 Officers (7), Members (0), Quorum Present

Officers; Frank Mc, Steve R, Dave H, John E, John P, Ron S & Paul D

January 13rd 2015, Minutes were approved.
            Note: Jan 27th Meeting was postponed due to storm, until February 3rd (NO Quorum Present).

Sick Call: Arnie Blethen & Bill Bean

Conway CBOC: Frank Mc, dental, hearing test & glasses prescription contact VA, have them set up an appointment with your local Doctor’s Office. The Choice Card has some issues pertaining to eligibility distance, when calling the 800 #. Emergency room visits!

House Committee: The zone-valve has been replaced for the upstairs apartment, should be using less propane in the future! Berlin Vet Center Outstation Fuel Payment to B & L Oil, still in question! They have had a problem with B & L Oil getting them to sign on as an approved vendor for the VA!
   After the meeting, members were invited up to the apartment to meet with John E’s brother.

Officer Nominations 2015-2016: The following Officers were nominated; Cdr - Frank McCarthy, 1st Vice - Jim LeFebvre (Dave H nominated & Frank Mc will check), 2nd Vice John Edgerton, Adjutant - Steve Robinson, Finance Officer - John Pandora, Chaplain - Paul Devine, Judge Advocate - Lou Lavender, Historian - Mile Waltz, Service Officer - Karl Pfeil (Dave H nominated, Karl is interested/was not present), Sergeant at Arms - Ron Siraco.

Convention: June 25th thru June 28th, Motion/Approved to pay for 2 rooms @ $660 for 3 nights.

Adjutant: Membership List was handed out from the Member Muster Program Steve R & Dave H have been working on with a computer programmer from California. There will be an LEAD Services Officer’s Meeting @ Department HQ Saturday, February 28th. Dave Haskell & Karl Pfeil will be representing Post-95.

Flag Code: The Flag direction on Military Uniform’s right shoulder has been brought up for a Resolution in order to have the Blue Star Field always to the left facing it.
Saluting: Pledge & Star Spangled Banner; In Uniform Shall Salute with not a word uttered, Veteran (with cover) may salute nothing specified as to uttering a word, Veteran (uncovered) hold right hand over heart, may utter words.

   My Legion sign up:            
FMI or assistance, Dave @ 603.323.8775

Next Meeting: March 24th

Respectfully Submitted                       

Dave Haskell           
Post Adjutant

January 13th 2015 Minutes Post-95 Officers (7), Members (0), Quorum Present

Officers; Frank Mc, Steve R, Dave H, John E, John P, Lou L & Paul D
December 23rd 2014, Minutes were approved.
Note: Jan 27th Meeting was postponed until February 3rd due to storm.
Conway CBOC: Three Post Members attended the Town Hall Meeting @ the Conway
CBOC 1430-1630 Friday January 9th 2015. They went through the Choice Card Q & A
with a Power Point presentation. A question was brought up about the VA application,
new line for the Camp Lejeune water quality, the person from eligibility wasn’t aware of
House Committee: Cdr; the apartment, is everything all set? The thermostat is still in
question as operational! John P; said his Son will put a new thermostat on tomorrow
and will check the zone-valve. John E will be depositing 2-Months Rent Check as soon
as it is received from his Brother. John P; took the lawn mower home after digging it
out of the snow.
Community Christmas Dinner: John P; Attendance was down & Home delivered
meals were also down in numbers. Donations received, Approx: $800 – approx $300
for supplies. We used 130 dinner plates plus the To-Go plates.
Vet Center: Housekeeping needs to be addressed. Lou L, took care of the Out-House
Adjutant: We are up to 168 members renewed for 2015. John P, our NH Post is the
only one with 100% with over 150 members. The other Post with 100% all have less

than 50 members. NH is at the bottom 3 of the National Membership.

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