Saturday, February 20, 2016

Thunderclap for Veterans

Dear Post Officer,

Exciting news: American Legion National Commander Dale Barnett testifies before a joint session of the Senate and House Committees on Veterans’ Affairs on February 24, 2016 to demand action and accountability to solve problems that continue to adversely affect the lives of America’s veterans.

As a Post Officer of The American Legion, we ask you and everyone in your post to raise your voice with him. 
On February 24th, while the National Commander is giving his testimony, The American Legion will execute a social media “Thunderclap.”

What’s Thunderclap?
Thunderclap is a tool that allows thousands of people to share the same social media message at exactly the same time. All you have to do is visit our Thunderclap page and give permission for Thunderclap to share a single message on Facebook and Twitter at a specified time. We would also like you to ask the person who manages your post social media accounts to do this as well. We must reach our total audience goal of supporters in order for the Thunderclap to have the greatest effect. The more people who participate, the more impact we have.

This next part is extremely important. When you sign up, you also have the option of creating a post to invite your friends to join as well. Please take a moment to send this invitation, as it will help us meet our goal, spread a unified message and maximize social media reach by encouraging others to join the campaign.

What else can I do?
We would like you to send a personal e-mail to your post members. Here is a sample:

Dear Members of Post (#),

We are all very passionate about ensuring our nation’s veterans are recognized and receive the care and benefits that they deserve. That’s why I am writing and asking for you to support our National Commander, Dale Barnett, by participating in a social media Thunderclap on February 24, 2016, while he is testifying before the Senate and House Committees on Veterans’ Affairs. 

What’s a Thunderclap?It’s a tool that allows thousands of people to share the same message at exactly the same time. All you have to do is visit our Thunderclap page and give permission to share a single message on Facebook and Twitter at a specified time. We must reach our supporter goal in order for the Thunderclap to take place. The more people who participate, the more impact we have.

Our National Commander will demand that lawmakers take action and demonstrate accountability to solve problems that continue to plague America’s veterans. He will acknowledge that “all the words are there” but that execution has been the problem in Washington. 

JOIN ME TODAY by signing up on our Thunderclap page and asking your friends to join us. That’s all you need to do and we’ll take care of making sure your message reaches Capitol Hill.

Let’s amplify the message and ask lawmakers to work as allies, not adversaries, to fulfill our sacred obligation to care for those who have served our nation in uniform. 


If you haven’t already, please like our official Facebook page (The American Legion Online Update) and follow us on Twitter (@AmericanLegion) to stay up to date on our progress.

America’s veterans have earned respect. They deserve the services they have earned. This is non-negotiable. All of our leaders need to honor these obligations without regard to partisan bickering or bureaucratic roadblocks. Please stand with us, amplify the message and demand accountability.

Daniel S. Wheeler
National Adjutant
The American Legion

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