Saturday, July 30, 2016

Note from Post Member - Victor Smith

Thought I would share this with you, I mailed a continuous membership certificate out to one of our members living in Virginia. I received this response........


Got the Certificate and there is bad news and good.

The Certificate arrived OK but the frame and glass was in a 100 pieces. Not to worry, I have a frame around here somewhere.

Want to thank you for the recognition of membership to Post 95 all these years even if I have not been in Conway for most of those  years. I shell return someday and maybe the Legion can do "TAPS".

Again, thanks for the certificate.


Gift Pack sent to Father Devine from the Post

I picked up a few items to send to Paul Devine our past Chaplin. I included a card from all of us at the post. Here is his address in case you don't  have it:

Paul Devine C/O
All American Assisted Living
1084 Broadway
Raychem, MA  02767

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Installation of new Commander Karl Pfeil and presentation of awards

District Cdr. Bull Firth, Post-95 Cdr. Karl Pfeil, Department Cdr. Tom Wiley

Past Cdr. Frank McCarthy accepts Commander Award for his years as leader of our Post. 

(Clockwise from left) Cdr. McCarthy accepts membership awards from Cdr. Wiley, Dave Haskell accepts Meritorious Service awards for his work as past adjutant on membership, Adjutant Steve Robison accepts recognition for his membership work.